11. Breaking Down

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Light and L sat beside the hospital bed that Light's father was layed on. After getting the phone call Light and L rushed over immediately. Kii decided to stay behind since she knew she'd be out of place if she went.

"When it first happened I thought for sure it was Kira. But don't worry Light, I guess all these late nights had finally taken a toll on me."

Light nodded, "Dad, do you remember what I said before? I mean it. If Kira ever did anything to you, I would find him and get him executed. That's a promise."

L watched Light wondering if it was all an act or if he actually meant it.

"Mr. Yagami, if it's alright I'd like Light to work on the investigation with us. It might even help clear his name."

Light turned to L with fake anger, "You mean to say you told my dad about this!?"

L kept his expressionless facade and continued on, "Yes. At a one pint we even set up cameras all around your house. But of course, that didn't reveal anything."

"You set up cameras in my room?! That's illegal! Dad did you know about this?" Light asked purposely making it appear that he only cared about the cameras.

Hm..Interesting. He didn't even say a word about his innocence. Tell me Light, is this an act? Are you lying?

"Although I'm not proud of it, yes I did know. But seeing that was all the proof I needed."

Light frowned and leaned back in his chair.

So then it's settled, this man really is L. Kii saw his name so it looks like I have the upper hand. Now all I've got to do is wait it out and convince Kii to kill him.

"Light, if you really want to help with the Kira investigation I'll let you. But not until after you graduate. Does that sound okay Ryuzaki?" Light's dad asked.

L brought a thumb up to his lips, "I suppose that would be fine."

"Excuse me, visiting hours ended ten minuets ago!" A female nurse rudely said.

Light looked at his dad as if for permission, "Light don't worry I'll be fine. Just go home and get some rest." His dad reassured.

Light and L spid their goodbyes and both exited out of the hospital.


Watashi wa kokoda hīrō darekaga surutameni to tatakau koto ni natte imasu! Rang Kii's phone making her pause the movie she was watching, "Hello?"

"Kii, your mom is working late right? Why don't you come over and eat at my house." Light's smooth voice spoke on the other end of the line.

Kii really didn't want to go but said yes anyway, "Okay. I'll be there in five. Bye."

I wonder what that was about. Wait.. he probably wants to talk about L. No matter what Light says, I'm not killing him.

Sighing Kii shut off the tv and slipped on her shoes and sweater before grabbing the house keys and leaving.


Kii, Sayu, Light and Light's mother all sat at the table. Suddenly Sayu giddily spoke up, "So Kii, have you and Light kissed yet!?"

Sayu's mother scolded her, "Sayu! That is not appropriate dinner talk. Save it for later sweetie." The mom giggled.

Light rolled his eyes, "Very funny guys. But Kii and I have to go write my speech, you know graduation is coming up."

Kii's eyes widened and she stood up before bowing, "Thank you for the delicious meal Mrs. Yagami."

"It was nothing! Let me know if you two want any snacks!"

Kii smiled and nodded then followed Light up stairs to his room.


The minuet the door was closed and locked Light started laughing crazily making Kii feel uncomfortable.

"I know what you're thinking, Light. But I'm not killing anyone innocent." Kii said referring to L.

Light suddenly stopped laughing and turned to Kii, "Don't you want to make a better world?" Light asked inching closer to Kii who's back was to the door, "L wants us executed. If he gets concrete evidence that we are Kira, we'll both be sentenced to death. And then he wins. Do you want that?"

Kii looked down at the floor but Light put a finger under her chin and made her look up at him. Cupping Kii's cheeks he looked into her eyes, "Kii, please do this.. for me." Light shut his eyes closing the gap between the two. Their lips met making Kii's face flush and eyes widen.

Light's kissing me.. but it doesn't feel like anything... I'm just a tool for him to use.

Kii pushed Light away with both of her hands on his chest, "No.. I.. I can't, I'm sorry Light." Kii removed her hands and looked Light straight in the eye with determination, "I'm too smart to be seduced by you. Idiot, why did you do that?"

Kii felt her eyes start watering. She started banging her fists against Light's chest, "Why? What's happened?" She cried hitting him over and over again. Light felt his heart break more and more as if each punch was straight to his heart.

Light grabbed and pulled Kii forward into a hug. His arms wrapped around her, welcoming her with warmth.


"I'm sorry." Light whispered in Kii's ear.

What have we done?

Kii didn't move an inch but just let Light hold her.

The feeling of her tear drops on my shoulder..

"We'll fix this."

I don't want to ever let her go..


"...I really don't understand you... you're incomprehensible, selfish, a womanizing playboy, misogynistic, idiotic and foolish, smart and sly, you're cold but kind, a good person yet cruel, a liar yet honest... but I trust you." ~Ayumi Takahara (The World Only God Knows)

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