CHAPTER TWO, sophie's pov

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This chapter is unedited so feel free to point out spelling errors for me to fix

"So how much butter do we need again?" Biana asked.

"Uh, lemme check," I skimmed the recipe, "One cup."

Biana measured out a cup of butter and it splatted into the bowl. "That's it right? Now we just put it in?"

"Yep," I answered and we both started shaping the cookies into spheres and then squishing them down into very flat circles. Once we'd run out of cookie batter Biana put it into the oven.

"Coolio, now want to watch a movie."

"Hell yeah," We both plopped down on their insanely comfortable couch and were about to start watching a movie when Biana's brother came into the kitchen.

"Baking something?" Fitz said, his voice made me want to literally vomit.

"Ughhh what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be like spray painting some poor park sign or something?" 

"Shut up Biana," he said while looking around to see if his parents were going to come and get him in trouble, what a little weasel.

"What do you want?" She asked.

He shrugged, "Keefe and I were wondering if you guys wanted to play capture the flag, but clearly—" 

"Oh no we'll play, and totally beat your asses."

I set a timer on my phone for the cookies so they won't burn, "Yeah, you guys stand like zero chance." I said confidently before turning to Biana and whispering, "I can't even do a push-up how do we plan on winning this?"

"I dunno, maybe bribe of them with cookies." 

I nodded my head, "Sounds good."

I followed Fitz in Biana outside, I didn't particularly want to play or even be in the same vacinity as Fitz but I'm not one to turn down a good game of capture the flag.

Once we were out on the edge of the first a certain blonde came into view, the one I'd bumped into earlier on today—I knew he looked a little familiar in the hallway, if he was one of Fitz's friends than I'd probably just met him some time and forgotten about it.

"Did you get the flags?" Fitz asked the other boy who I assumed was Keefe.

"Yep." He held them out, "You guys know the rules right?"

"Yeah." Biana answered for the both of us.

"Good, boundaries are the fence I think? You guys cool with that?"

I shrugged, "Sure."

"What are the teams going to be, I figured to even it out I could be with Sophie." Fitz suggested.

I backed up, "Uh no, respectfully, absolutely not."

Keefe snorted, "Damn Fitz, what's you do to her?"

"That's none of your business." Fitz snapped aggressively.

The other boy put his hands up as if in defence, "Jeez okay."

"Sophie and I are gonna be together actually." Biana was equally terrible at capture the flag as I am, I did want to play with her but not if it meant losing to these idiots.

"It'd be sorta unfair though," Keefe pointed out, "Because Fitz and I are both great, and I know for a fact Biana that you suck—"

"Rude." She interrupted.

"—And since Sophie won't be with Fitz that leaves Sophie and I together." He suggested.

"Well I don't know if that's a good idea—" Fitz started before I cut him off.

"Yeah well I didn't ask you." I snapped, god I hated Fitz so much.

I think Keefe was doing his best not to laugh, "That settles that I guess."

Fitz glared at his friend before muttering an annoyed, "Fine."

"Cool, you have five minutes, this is the line," he said, pointing to the stone path that cuts through the forest. "Three, two, one—go!" 

Keefe grabbed my hand and we took off into our half of the forest. 

"So what's the plan?" I asked.

He pointed at a willow tree up ahead, "I was thinking we could tie it in the vines there high up, I'm taller than Fitz so he probably won't see it and if he does he'll have a harder time reaching it, and Biana is like a midget so she can't get it either."

"Smart," I said as he reached up and tied it to a couple of the sweeping vines which caused his shirt to lift up which I stared at a little longer than I should have. "Where do you think they're going to hide theirs?"

"Fitz always hides it in the same place, it'll be under a bench by the pond."

I checked my phone, "Oh shoot, it's only a minute until we can start looking, let's get back to the path."

"Then let's get back to the path, but somewhere further along so they won't see us, here follow me." He said and then took off into the forest.

I struggled to keep up since I kept on stumbling over tree roots and low branches. I'm sure I had dirt all over me, once I'd caught up with Keefe I sat down with him with our backs to a large tree. 

I looked at the time on my phone, "Okay it's time, how do you wanna do this."

"See the fence over there?" He said while gesturing to a white picket fence, "We're going to stick to it because it'll lead us close to where their flag probably is."

"Smart," I stayed low as I ran along the fence behind Keefe.

"Okay, get low," He said as he ducked down to the ground in cover to, "It doesn't look like there's anyone there, let's just sprit, all we have to do is touch it, you should get it though."

"But it was all your plan?"

He shrugged, "Oh I can beat Fitzy any day, you should win this, give you something to lord over him too."

"Alright then, thanks, ready?" I took off and Keefe followed close in behind, there was maybe 20 feet between us and the flag when Fitz ran out and tried to get us. I channeled all my energy into running and Fitz got super close, almost there, I thought I was less than a inch away when I got then flag.

"YESSS! WE WIN!" I shouted holding the flag up high over my head. 


"IT'S SOPHIE," I yelled back.

He gave finger guns, "LET'S GO SOPHIE!"

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