CHAPTER EIGHTEEN, sophie's pov

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For the first couple weeks after the incident, Grady and Edaline would hardly let me out of their sight, I spent most of my time with either my friends over or texting them or binging an entire season of a show in like one day in my bed.

We'd just won the lawsuit against Stina and she was also charged with attempted murder as well as harassment and stalking.

We'd won a couple hundred thousand dollars in the lawsuit, they put most of it away in a savings account  for me and but gave me some of it as money I can use however I want.

Alas, with the permission of my parents I booked a week long trip to the French Polynesia.

Biana's parents were filthy rich and just gave her the money she needed to pay for her to go as well.

We figured that after everything that happened, a girls trip might just be in order not to mention that it would also be my birthday tommorow. I suppose it was a birthday/girls weekend/hurrah I wasn't murdered celebration. Alas, here I was, in the airport terminal just waiting for our flight to be announced.

Biana was salty because she had to get rid of some expensive skincare because there was a weight limit to how much she could bring. Currently the brunette was just napping on the seat, her hair in her mouth and drool slowly dripping down her chin.


I poked Biana awake, "We're boarding now!"

She woke up with a gasp like she just had a literal heart attack and looked at me, "Sorry didn't hear what you said?"

"Get your ass up we're boarding now." I replied.


So I may or may not have learned that I am now afraid of heights! Fun! I still had to take the window seat though because Biana kept needing to pee because she drinks too much pop.

The snack trolly lady came around again, "Can I get you girls anything from the trolly?"

Biana opened her mouth to ask for another soda but I put my hand on her shoulder. "No, we're okay thank you."

She looked at me with a pout, "What was that for?" 

"We're landing soon and if you're gonna make us late for our resort I'm literally leaving you in the airport." I answered.

"You wouldn't do that!" She tested.

"Girl I almost got murdered, forcibly deceased, homocided if you will, you're not holding me up I have places I need to be." 

The lady who was sitting across the row from us who'd been loudly drinking coffee and judging my sweatpants and croptop outfit looked at us alarmed.

"What?" Biana asked.



We arrived at the resort in good time, we checked in and went to our water bungalow, since Biana had helped chip in we got an even nicer place than I'd originally been expecting.

"Dibs on this room." I said claiming the room with the sliding door our to the balcony that looked out on the perfectly turquoise water of the Pacific Ocean.

I put down my bags and got ready for dinner. I wore white pants paired with a black tie up top. I put on some sandy brown coloured eyeshadow and left for the living room messing around on my phone until Biana came out looking like a model.

I wolf whistled, "Damn you look good!"

She did a 360 spin and said, "Why thank you."

We left for dinner which was a restaurant on the beach which from the photos looked absolutely gorgeous with palm trees and a stunning patio area with a fancy looking fire pit.

The line wasn't too long and we got in relatively quickly. Since the resort was a smaller more exclusive one there weren't nearly as many people in the restaurant we got to sit on the patio and watch the sunset—a decision that in hindsight sucked because the sun was blazing in my eyes through dinner but other that that it was awesome.

Since it was our first night at girls weekend, and my birthday actually, we each ordered a large slice of chocolate cake which was absolutely delicious. Even through the American drinking she is 21 here it was 18 and Biana and I had a great time with that.

We each had multiple glasses of wine which the servers initially seemed slightly judgy about because we looked young but once they had heard it was my birthday they smiled and laughed with us. A couple even wished me a happy birthday.


The next morning I felt like trash, I'd never really drank much before basically just sips of my moms wine occasionally at events or like once with Biana but we thought it was just normal apple cider.

My head was pounding with a headache, by now it has subsided to a dull throb instead of the splitting headache I'd woken up with. 

I banged on the door to Biana's room loud enough to wake her up. Did I feel kinda bad? Yes. Did I  stop? No.

"Wake your ass up, take some Tylenol chug a litre of water and meet me at the breakfast buffet!" I said into her closed door before she could come out and deck me in the face for waking her up.

I walked along the wooden pathway that connected our water bungalow to the land. Where we were was a tropical paradise, palm trees, coconut trees, pineapple trees and countless others lined the pathways all throughout the resort, as I approached the breakfast place I was met with the sweet smell of the fresh bread.

I walked in, sanitized my hands and took a plate filling it up with various baked goods and fruits. I took advantage of the chocolate fountain there and coated my strawberries with it.

Once I was satisfied with my incredibly sugary breakfast I was sure to enjoy and regret later on today while swimming and being tired because I've had like no protein all day.

Once I'd taken a seat, Biana came in looked better than I thought she would, her hair was brushed back and she was in black shorts and a white tank top.

She found me and gave me a glare that I did not reciprocate but instead offered her a friendly smile and went back to my chocolate covered strawberries.

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