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I crossed my arms across my chest, the entire time I felt spooked, I had to recall countless details about everything that had happened dozens of times to different people, eventually they seemed content about everything asking for my Instagram password.

They said it's because they need to get at Stina's various accounts she'd messaged me with so that they have more information about everything and more to charge her with.

"If you have anything else you think of, call my number." The officer said handing me a card with some writing on it though I was in too much shock to really register much of what she was saying.

"Your friends are just outside, your parents should be here soon as well, they came as soon as they heard." I nodded and took the cue to leave.

I opened the door and numbly walked over to Keefe and hugged him for a minute of two when I let go and sat down pulling my sweater around me.

Keefe sat down right beside me with arm across my waist.

"What happened?" Linh asked.

I took a deep breath and launched into my explanation, I'm sure I looked quite pathetic. "I've been getting these DMs for a while telling me to break up with Keefe and stuff, they got kinda threatening and stuff but I hadn't thought anything would actually happen, I thought she was bluffing until when I went in the forest someone grabbed me and then made me walk somewhere and knocked me out and then from there I was in this weird cave." I took a breath before I continued; "Then I saw that it was Stina," Keefe's eyes widened at the name before quickly returning to normal, I made a mental note to ask him about it.

The room fell entirely silent, the tension was thick enough I felt like I could cut it with a pair of scissors.

"Then she told me that she was the person stalking me and that she's given me warnings and then she raised the knife..." My voice wavered for a moment before I continued. "Then someone shot her with a stunner and brought me here to be questioned, and well now, I'm here."

"Wow I don't even know what to say," Linh said quietly.

"Do you need anything?" Biana asked.

"A water a snack would be great." I answered quietly.

Biana nodded and took off somewhere. 

Linh, Wylie, Tam and Keefe were still there, we just kinda sat there for a while until my parents showed up.

"SOPHIE!" Edaline called out and I stood up as she crushed me in a hug, Grady followed close behind her, both their eyes were red and puffy from tears, you could still see a stream of them falling down Edaline's face. "Oh my little girl, are you okay? What happened?" They sat me down and both Keefe and Linh gave up their seats.

I told them the same story I told everyone else, Edaline looked like she was about to start sobbing right there, in fact so did Grady.

"Why didn't you tell us? About the messages?" She asked sadly.

"I hadn't thought anything would come of it, you always said people that are mean online only do it because they'd never do anything in real life."

"Oh Sophie," Grady said as he hugged me, "That's true to some extent but there are some things you just need to tell us about."

I nodded, "I will, I'm sorry this whole thing happened."

"It's not your fault," Edaline said trying to comfort me. "You can't control the actions of others just how you respond to it. Stina is crazy and clearly had issues, you can't blame yourself for her own insecurities about your boyfriend."

"I know mom."

"Do you know what's going to happen to her?" Grady asked.

"I don't really know, they said they're going to find the messages they sent from the account and link it to her to get into it so they'll have more to charge her with."

"Oh we're suing that bitch," Edaline said to me which made me laugh a little. 

"Got it."

PERFECT STRANGERS, sokeefe | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now