CHAPTER SIXTEEN, sophie's pov

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This chapter is a little scary so you can skip it if you want, there's a brief overview of everything that happens in the next chapter :)

I immediately knew this wasn't some stupid prank, something sharp pressed into my back.

Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, I thought.

I was thinking about screaming when a manicured hand covered my mouth, "Don't even think about it,"

No one could see me from the path, they wouldn't even know anything's wrong.

I grabbed at the arm but it was too strong for me to fight, something sharp pressed into my back, "You're going to follow me and not make a sound." The voice was definitely female.

I whimpered a little bit and they held their hand over my mouth tighter, I was forced to walk for quite a far distance until we were near a rushing stream that covers any sound. Fuck fuck fuck no. I'm too young to die, I've never even gone to university. I thought, I was shaking then something covered my mouth and everything went dark.


I woke up to a smack in the face, I was tied to a wooden board in a cave.

"What the hell?"

My sight was blurry for a moment but it eventually focused and I saw the person infont of me, it was...Stina? 

"What are you doing?" I demanded, although I defiantly sounded pretty pathetic.

"I gave you so many warnings, and you didn't fucking break up with him, Keefe is mine!" She shouted.

The realization dawned over me, the account that had been harassing me was Stina, she'd been demanding I break up with Keefe for ages now, what the hell? This sadistic little freak was going to murder me.

She was just laughing like the little sadist psycho she is.

"What the fuck Stina? What are you doing with me?" I asked, tears were from felt rushing down my face.

"I can't let you go now, bummer it had to end this way." She said as she raised the knife to kill me with. 

I squeezed my eyes shut not wanting to watch.

I heard both the knife and Stina flop on the ground. Police officers rushed in and quickly untied me.

"Is anyone else here?" One asked.

"No, is she...dead?" I asked pointed to Stina's unmoving form.

"No, that was a stunner, she just can't move at the moment." Another replied while handcuffing the downed girl.

"What happened? How did you know I was here," I asked, the adrenaline was slowly fading away and I was getting tired.

"Your friend Dex said you had a bracelet, a panic one he'd made, sent your location to us."

Oh right, I'd forgotten about that.

"She seemed to have gotten rid of your phone, we couldn't find it anywhere, sorry about that." An officer said as if my lost phone was the top of my concerns at the moment.

"If you need a second that's fine, but we need to take you in for questioning about what happened, you're not in trouble but we just need a picture of what happened."

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