CHAPTER THREE, sophie's pov

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We'd all head inside and I'd pulled out the brownies, I even begrudgingly gave Fitz one.

"We were planning on watching a movie, want to watch it with us?"

Keefe smoothly jumped over the back of the couch and ended up beside me, "Sure, whatcha watching?"

"Shrek." I replied, "The first one."

He nodded in approval, "The lady has fine taste and fine looks!"

"Oi don't flirt with my friend." Biana scolded and Fitz looked sour like he was about to say something. "We don't want to hear it, Fitz." Biana reminded him. 

The sun had gone down and it was getting dark rapidly, Biana hit play on the remote and the intro started going. 

I'd already watched the movie a couple of times with various different people and began to doze off because around the end of the movie Keefe poked me, "Hey, you kinda feel asleep halfway through."

My cheeks flushed a little once I realized that I'd fallen asleep on his shoulder. "Sorry," I whispered.

"It's okay," He replied, "Fitz and Biana are getting some snacks, they want to play a game of truth or dare, wanna play too?"

"Uh yeah sure," I said while sitting up and rubbing my eyes. "Thanks for waking me up, where are we playing?"

"They're just in the kitchen I think."

I looked behind us and sure they were, scrounging around for snacks. "Cool."

"Can I get your number by the way?" He asked sounding a little nervous which looked a little weird considering the contrast between it and his usual confident demeanour.

"Yeah sure," I replied and he handed me his phone with the contact app open to add a new one, I punched in my details and name and then texted myself from it a simple hey. "Okay here it is, I just myself from there too so now I have yours as well." 

"Nice, also when did you start at Foxfire I swear I've seen you around before but only like in the past two or three years."

"Oh, yeah I moved schools at the beginning of grade ten."

"Oh yeah, that makes sense." After that, there was a little bit of an awkward silence but luckily Biana and Fitz came back with a plethora of bowls that I'm sure were full of various snacks.

"Hey people, oh you're awake now," She said looking at me, "You looked so peaceful so I didn't want to wake you up, left that task with the lovely Keefster here." She set the bowls down and Fitz put down the tray of drinks he was holding as well.

I waved my hand a bit, "It's alright, now what do you have here?" I asked sitting up fully on the couch and sat down cross-legged, leaning away from Keefe's crazy amount of body heat.

"We should actually probably get changed first, I meant to when we got home but I kinda just wound up forgetting," Biana suggested.

I nodded, I was kinda sweaty and gross, "Kay we'll be right back, don't eat everything while we're gone."

Keefe put his hand on his heart, "I would never, it wounds me that you'd even suggest that I'd do such a thing!"

"Oh sure it does, we'll be five minutes."

Biana grabbed my hand and rushed upstairs to her bedroom where our bags were. 

"You and Keefe are totally hitting it off, Fitz was totally whining about it to me while you were asleep and while we were in the kitchen, I figured I'd give you two some alone time. Do you like him?"

I was totally mortified, I thought I was being smooth, nothing evades the watchful eye of Biana, I suppose. "Oh my god Biana, no." She gave me her knowing look. "Okay maybe a little, I dunno it's a little early to tell you to know? He's good-looking and asked for my number-"

She squealed a little bit, "Really? Did you give it to him?"


She fanned her face, "Damn I'm getting excited, my life is so boring I'm literally living through you right now."

"Please don't tell him, it's just a crush, I hardly know him, we're basically strangers."

"Mhm, and do strangers fall asleep on each other's shoulders and stare at each other all the time?"

I rolled my eyes and grabbed my pyjamas, "I'm ignoring you!"

"Actually I'm so annoying and you love me so much it's impossible to ignore me."

I continued ignoring her and got changed, even though I'd never admit it I was kind of excited, my life is in general pretty boring and repetitive. I hardly ever dated or even liked anyone, this was definitely something new.


yet another unedited chapter, all chapters are probably going to be unedited to a certain extent, feel free to point out any spelling mistakes. i'm working on learning another language rn 💪

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