CHAPTER NINETEEN, sophie's pov

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"Am I burning? I feel like I'm burning." Biana asked from atop her donut shaped pool floatie she'd been lounging around on for the last hour or so.

I lifted my head up fromy own floatie I'd been laying down on, "Yeah you're getting a little red." I handed her some of the spray sunscreen I'd used a couple minutes prior.

Today had been amazing—well maybe not this morning because apparently Biana was possesse with the personality of the grinch but once she'd ate something she was far more pleasant.

This place had a swim up bar which is this this thing where you have to get in the water and literally swim up to it to access it. Our meal plan came with unlimited drinks here and it was literal heaven.

Biana and I had enjoyed endless strawberry daiquiris and piña coladas, both were non alcaholic as we were not going to repeat last night's mistake and be hung over for a large portion of our stay.

"Did you know that Bananas share 44.1% of our genetic makeup?" Biana asked while handing back the sunscreen.

Why on earth would I know that? "No, but that's kinda cool, I'm like 55.9% away from being a banana."

"Yeah." Biana agreed. "I wouldn't mind being a banana to be honest."

"Seems fun, you just grow and then travel to a grocery's store and then get eaten I guess, seems kinda boring."

"Maybe but you'd also kinda know exactly what's gonna happen with your life, there's no real surprises." Biana said while half asleep on her floatie soaking up the sun.

"I love how we're just having an in depth conversation about bananas." I said.


Biana and I had been out shopping for a solid couple hours, there were plenty of shops and stuff and Biana took the saying shop 'till you drop saying a little too seriously because I don't think she's had water in like a couple hours and the sun was blazing.

"Wait what's the time?" Biana asked.

I pointed to a clock in a shop, "Dunno, look there."

Biana scratched her neck, "Okay so um, I never learned how to read those types of clocks, like non digital ones."

I burst out laughing, "How do you not know that? Y'know I'm fully convinced you never graduated kindergarten." 

"Oh shut up, my phone died just tell me."

"Okay fine," I pulled out my phone, "It's three fourty."

She nodded, "Cool, I'm getting tired and we haven't had lunch yet I'm literally starving so I'm getting food, you?"

"Yeah sure."


For the rest of the week we spent our time lounging in pools, swimming in the ocean, and drinking an unreasonable amount of non alcaholic strawberry daiquiris and piña coladas.

After what happened a couple weeks ago it was a much needed and deserved break

ok im sorry i ran out of ideas for what to do in this chapter tbh

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