CHAPTER THIRTEEN, sophie's pov

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"I'm literally burning up," Biana complained while laying down in the sun.

"I wonder why?" I said, "Oh wait it's probably because you don't wear ever."

She flung a hand over her eyes, "It hinders my tanning actually."

I rolled my eyes, "Your mom said you had to listen to me remember? Now out this creamy white liquid all over you—"

Linh and Biana both laughed as Biana sat up, "God Sophie you don't need to make it sound like that!" 

"Sound like what?" I asked innocently, "We're talking about sunscreen you know, nothing inappropriate, like—"

"Oi that's enough out of you." Linh said, 

I layed back down on my towel to resume my own tanning, I rolled around trying to get into a comfortable position but sand was always poking into my back. "What time is it?"

Biana looked at her phone, "It's like two thirty."

"I'm bored, can we do something else we've been laying here for an hour." Linh said and I was inclined to agree with her.

"Yeah I saw a pretty cool looking beach volleyball thing, we could do that?" I suggested as I watched Tam sneak up behind my boyfriend and shoot a steam of water from a high powered water gun up his nose. 

"Sounds great, why don't you get the boys and get them out of the water." 

Wylie just drop kicked Tam and once he resurfaced he started screeching; "LINH HELP ME YOUR BOYFRIEND TRIED TO MURDER ME!"

"GOOD FOR HIM!" She hollered back.

He flipped her the middle finger and tacked Wylie right back while Keefe was on the sidelines cheering for no one in particular.  "Go baddies! Beat the shit out of each other!" He yelled, both Tam and Wylie stopped fighting each other, shared a look and both tackled Keefe.

"Okay, uh I definitely prefer my boyfriend y'know, alive so imma go over there and break that up." I said grabbing one of the water guns the boys left on the shore.

"Go for it." Biana said unenthusiastically.

"Don't die," Linh suggested giving me a thumbs up.

I trudged into the water, the boys didn't even notice me get in because they were to busy beating each other to a pulp.

Keefe just got a shot directly at Tam's face until Wylie the gun and shot the highly pressurized water directly at his balls.

"I THOUGHT THAT WAS OFF LIMITS? NOT COOL MAN!" Tam said while groaning and holding his wounded forbidden tennis balls.

They all seemed to collectively notice me at the same time, "Oh hey Foster what's up?" Keefe asked.

"We were wondering if you guys wanted to play beach volleyball or something?" 

They looked towards one another with that silent communication guys tend to use. "The council has conferred and we say yes." Keefe answered in a deep voice.

"Cool," I trudged out of the water and the boys followed after me still fighting amongst themselves. Tam stayed out of rage of the water gun avoid another balls incident.

Once we were all on land, the boys dried off and we set for the beach volley ball.

There were a couple of kids there, maybe like five or six, and one of them pointed at Tam screeched; "DEMON!" I could maybe see what they were talking about, with dark hair and incredibly pale skin, the silver rings and in general intimidating appearance.

We bent over laughing but Tam showed his teeth in what would be an intimidating way to these kids and they all bolted, "I got us a freed up volleyball thing!"

"Is that like morally okay?" Biana asked.

"Eh who cares?" Wylie said while getting the ball they left behind.

"What are the teams?" I asked.

"Girls versus boys?" Biana suggested and no one said otherwise, "Okay so girls versus boys it is." 

"This is kinda embarrassing," I started, "But I have like no idea how to play."

"Okay so we'll play a simple version then," Linh suggested before going on to explain the rules. "Girls will be on this side, you chuck the ball in the air in whatever way you want and get it over the net to their side. If they don't catch and send it back and it ends up in the sand it's a point for us."

"Oh okay." I said and followed Linh and Biana to our side, Linh took the first serve and Keefe deflected it back to our side and it smacked me directly in the head at such an angle that it bounced back over the net sun.

"Sorry Foster! You doing okay?" He asked worriedly.

Thumbs up, "I'm fine!"

The ball went back and forth, at the end of twenty minutes the guys won, but just barely—mainly because the were willing to literally risk breaking homes to fly onto the ground and get the ball before it hit the ground and we got a point.

"Want to play another round round?" Keefe said eagerly.

"No, absolutely not," Biana said, still holding a cold can of Coke to her ankle that she twisted. "I'm overheated, I'm going to get one of the floaties and chill in the water."

"Yeah same," Linh agreed.

"I was actually kinda thinking about getting ice cream." I said.

"Ooh yeah, here get us all something!" Biana said handing me a couple bills. 

"Yeah sure," I tucked them in my pocket.

"I'll go too," Keefe said coming alongside me.

"Bye!" I said over my shoulder to the group.

We strolled along the beach, once we arrived at the little hut we realized neither of us had asked everyone's flavour choices.

"Hi, we'll get um, six ice creams, four of them two scoops of bubble gum and unicorn magic and the last two chocolate and cookies and cream."

If they insult the bubblegum and unicorn magic we're going to have problems.


"Hello hello my loyal subjects, we have returned with your refreshments." Keefe said handing his two bro-pals their ice cream and I handed Linh and Biana theirs.

"Now, no complaining, you peasants, this is the highest quality of Bubble gun unicorn magic you can get around these parts." I announced.

You guys are probably gonna have a little mini heart attack from chapter 15-16 lmao

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