CHAPTER ELEVEN, mixed povs

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"Keefe," I said, getting his attention immediately.


"Am I going crazy or is that Biana and Tam?" I asked, discreetly pointing at them.

He full on turned around and stared at them making eye contact with both of them. "Yeah I think it's them."

Biana's cheeks flushed a deep crimson and Tam behind her looked both amused and nervous at the same time. Biana came over with Tam to our table.

"Okay, uh Sophie, this is kinda awkward, but Tam and I are sort of together." She said carefully, trying to gauge my response.

"Um, okay. You know what let's go to the bathroom to talk about this," I said, before addressing Keefe and Tam, "We'll be like two seconds."

I lead her into the bathroom, she was wide eyed following me.


Sophie sat on the edge of the counter, and I stood in front of her. "Listen Sophie, I wanted to tell you I really did—" I started before she cut me off.

"So why didn't you?" Hurt laced her tone, I felt so guilty oh my god.

"It's cause Tam wanted to keep it away from his parents if everyone at school knew they'd find out, then not to mention people at school would cause drama as well."

She just looked sad, "I get not telling like everyone but why didn't you tell me? We've been best friends since we were literal babies, I thought you'd trust me with something like that."

"I do trust you!" I argued, "Things just come out eventually, I was worried you'd slip up or something and people would find out!"

"And so you decided to lie to me the entire time? Like all those times you said you were busy and gave me half-assed excuse? Like I thought you were avoiding me!"

"I'd never avoid you!" I tried to reason, "I just, gah I don't know it was easier to keep it a secret just Tam and I!"

"Maybe it is, but for months you've been blowing me off and not even telling me why! I felt like literal shit!" Sophie said angrily.

I huffed, "Okay and I'm sorry, I just didn't want to turn Tam and I's relationship into some big issue, I thought you'd be happy for me!" 

"I am! It's just hard finding out your best friend has been lying to you for months Biana! Like what didn't you expect, to drop this whole bombshell on my and expect me to just be happy?" She shouted.

"I don't know, I didn't expect a whole fucking argument!"

"How could you not expect this to become an argument? Oh my god Biana, like this could have been so easily avoided, I can keep secrets well you know that! Just tell me shit and don't lie to me for months!"

"Fine, just don't tell anyone else, and I'll tell you things in the future." I reasoned.

"Okay, thank you, I'm sorry I shouted at you, can we just forget about this?"

"Yeah," I really hate arguing with Sophie, we've been best friends since ever and it just makes me feel sad. 

"So how long have you and Tam been together?" Sophie asked changing the topic.

"About five months, we sorta got together around valentines."

"That's nice," Sophie said, "So what prompted you guys to come here today?"

"We just kinda wanted to spend some time together because we've both been sorta busy and summer is going to be busy too since we'll be going to university and stuff."

"That's good," Sophie responded, "We probably shouldn't leave the guys hanging since they kinda hate eachother. 

I followed Sophie out, I was surprised that Tam and Keefe were not only getting along but were having a total bromance moment.



"Sorry the whole date started out a little rough," I apologized, "Biana and I just talked some stuff out, though you certainly seemed to enjoy your time with Tam."

"Oh yeah, he and I are married now, total bromance, he just needs to dump Biana and we'll run away together and start a life as farmers." Keefe joked, "But in all seriousness he's super chill."

"That's what Biana says about him too," I agreed.

We were just walking along the street when he turned to face me, "Being with you recently has been amazing, and I really like you," My heart fluttered so much at those words, "and I know this is a little soon, but would you be my girlfriend?"

I'm pretty sure my heart actually stoped for a second there. I was silent for a moment until I realized he was looking for a reply. "Yes, absolutely!"

He looked so happy when I agreed, his whole face just lit up. He leaned in slowly, giving me every opportunity to back away and kissed me. It wasn't awkward as I thought it would be, but comfortable.

I suck at writing romantic stuff so that's what ur getting ladies gents and comrades

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