CHAPTER NINE, mixed pov

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"I really enjoyed being with you last night." Keefe said.

We'd just gone on our second date, it was a little spur of the moment, we decided to go to a bowling alley, it was awesome, I sucked so bad but Keefe was some type of superstar at it.

I was on FaceTime with him while laying down on my bed, "So did I, maybe tomorrow after school we could do something?" I asked.

"Maybe, I was thinking about maybe taking you to a real restaurant, like a fancy date type one?" He offered.

"I'd love that," I smiled, "It can't be after school then because I don't think either of us wants to show up all gross in our school clothes to a restaurant like that.

"Definitely not," he agreed, maybe meet at  five?"

"Works for me—"

My door opened and Grady tromped in, "Who're you talking to?"

"Oh just Dex," I turned my brightness down so he couldn't tell.

"Oh, hi Dex!" I put my finger on the phone's speaker to garble the sound. "Why does he sound like that? Is he sick, I heard of this new flu going around—"

"He's not sick Dad, his phone is just glitching, the mic doesn't pick up sound very well so it then comes through weird."

"Gah, technology. I don't understand any of it, when I was a kid our parents sent us out of the house in the morning and locked it 'till dinner, we didn't have none of this crap. As a child I was immersed in nature! I ate plenty of dirt—got a good immune system now because of it." He said shaking his head. "Edaline asked me to call you downstairs for dinner."

"Oh okay." I replied. "Bye Dex, time for dinner,see you tomorrow." And I hung up.

I followed Grady out of my room and shot Keefe a text. Sorry for hanging up, my dad came in my room and he can be a little over protective at times.

A moment later his reply came, Oh its okay, was just a little confused lol.

I clicked my phone off and then took a seat at the dinner table.



"Are you free tomorrow?" Tam asked, we were just walking along the beach holding hands.

"Yeah, why?"

"I was thinking that maybe we could go out tomorrow, our schedules have been super busy recently and with Linh and I going away to camp I figured we should spend some time together before summer."

"Yeah sure, absolutely. Sorry that I've been so busy it's just been one thing after another." I apologized.

He waved his only available hand, "Nah don't worry about it, life happens." The thing I like about Tam is how chill he is about things, really just doesn't let little things get in the way.

Author's note: incredibly short chapter bc I'm just setting things up rn n 🙃

PERFECT STRANGERS, sokeefe | ✔️Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin