CHAPTER TWENTY, sophie's pov

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All around we had an amazing trip, it was definitely much needed, Biana lost her passport but it turns out it was in her back pocket so that was stressful but other than that the entire week was perfect.

I was just waiting in the airport, Biana had just been picked up by her parents who offered to drive me but Grady and Edaline were coming soon to pick me up so I politely declined.

I missed Keefe like crazy even though we FaceTimed most nights and texted regularly. We had plans to hangout tomorrow. He's been spamming me with memes recently—cat memes specifically.

Edaline and Grady's heads popped up within the sea of people in the air port, I waved my hands, "Hey over here!" 

Edaline saw me and pointed me out and moments after Grady saw me as well.

They trudged over, "Sophie! I missed you how was the trip?" Edaline asked as she squished me in a hug.

"It was awesome! The food was great and I'm like barely even sun burned."


Keefe and I were walking hand in hand on the beach, the sun was just setting. Once Grady and Edaline had sufficiently questioned me about the trip they let me go out with Keefe for our date on the beach.

"Alright I'm tired," Keefe said as he plopped down on the sand facing the sunset. 

I sat down as well pulling out my bag with all the snacks we'd brought and started laying them out. It was mainly candy and like fruit but y'know, hEaLtHy.

The sun was barely visible over the vast ocean and it had cast warm orangey yellow hues across the sky.

We layed down in the sand, not even looking at the sun but rather into each others eyes.

"You're beautiful," He whispered.

I smiled, "So are you." 

"I love you." He said, his face trying to gage my reaction.

"I love you too."

AAAAND THE END!!! I MIGHT AT SOMETHING ELSE LATER BUT IDK, i kinda like this ending bc it's cute and i'm running out of ideas for this story so i want to finish it on a happy note.

thank you everyone for reading, voting & commenting, there is currently one other sokeefe fic on my page but more are definitely coming out.

comment here if you want to be tagged once the new story is released

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