CHAPTER FOURTEEN, sophie's pov

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"And you're sure you have everything?" Edaline asked.

I nodded and showed her my bag, "Everything."

She kissed my forehead, "Alright, well you have fun, be responsible!" 

"I will mom, no need to—" A loud honk cut me off as Biana screeched from the car, "Get in loser we're going camping!"

Edaline laughed, "Go on, you shouldn't keep her waiting, I want you back in once piece."

"Noted, bye mom!" I said giving her a kiss on the cheek before running out the door to get in the car. "Hey babe!" I said to Keefe as he helped load my bags into the car.

Biana was driving which was ever so slightly terrifying, she'd gotten into about three car accidents his year and totalled her car like twice. She always had a non challent attitude about it, her parents had always spoiled her quite a bit.

Keefe and I sat together in the back, I read books on my phone and he spent his time messing around playing geometry dash for like a solid hour before getting bored and playing subway surfers for the next hour.

We stopped frequently for drinks, the campsite was about two hours away from San Diego, we were going to be staying for the weekend and then driving back, it was sort of a last week of school celebration thing.

"Thirty minutes, time for more Starbucks!" Biana said.

I groaned, "We've gone like three times already!"

"Well I need to pee!" Biana argued.

"You wouldn't need to go if you didn't get yet another drink every single time we stop somewhere." I pointed out, the drive had taken a lot longer than it needed to.

"Just like pee on a tree?" Tan suggested. 

Biana took her eyes off the highway for two seconds to look at him incredulously. "That's disgusting Tam, girls can't really do that."

"Why not?" He asked.

"Well first off all we can't just whip it out and—"

"Biana it's okay they get it." I said.


The campsite was a nice one, there were small cabins. Our specific site had four. 

When Biana and I were looking at different sites she and I decided on this one because neither of us particularly wanted to be sleeping in a humid tent in the California heat. I know it wasn't really camping if you were in cabins but we all decided to ignore that fact.

We unloaded the car into cabins, the girls are shared cabins and so did the guys, I was a little relieved that was the arrangements because I was a little nervous to be sharing a small cabin with Keefe, he was my boyfriend and everything but I'd never really had a sleepover with a guy who wasn't my cousin, like Dex.

Since we arrived around dinner time while we started setting up our cabin the boys had already finished theirs and started messing around trying to make a fire, the thing is, none of them really  knew what to do, so we every once in a while just heard, "YES! FIRE!" and then within thirty seconds a disappointed, "Aw darn."

The plan for dinner was to cook burgers on the fire and then roast marshmallows.

I changed into jeans, a black T-shirt and a basic brown zip up hoodie and put on a whole pile of bug spray to avoid the mosquitos and left our cabin.

"Hey," I said to Keefe as I walked over.

He looked up from his lighter which he was using to set a pile of dead mosquitos on fire with Tam and Wylie cheering him on in the background, "YEAH BURN THE FUCKERS!" Wylie cheered enthusiastically.


I squared down, "Light 'em up!" And so he did, for a second nothing happened and for the next few seconds nothing happened until the dead bugs started making popping noises. "Ew." I said an left the guys to their sacrificial offerings.

I elected to start an actual fire. I walked over through the greener than grass should be grass over to where the car was parked and opened the trunk getting the fire starting stuff we'd brought.

"A little help?" I asked the boys who were deep in concentration overtop of their sacrificial mosquitoes.

I'll do it myself, I figured. 

Once I'd gotten back to the fire pit I squished the newspaper into little balls and put them in the middle with some small sticks overtop and gradually transitioning from larger sticks to logs. Grady's big on the whole wilderness thing so we've gone a couple times. Each time has been a spectacular fail, Grady wanted me to eat dirt when I was seven like he did as a kid so I'd get a good immune system before Edaline stoped him.

"Can I have the lighter?" I asked Keefe who had it still in his hand.

"Yeah sure," he said giving it to me without looking up.

SMACK! "I GOT ANOTHER ONE," Tam said holding up the dead bloodsucking insect before chucking it on the pile.

I laughed under my breath a little bit and lit up the fire after a couple tries. "Guys?" They turned their attention to me, "Your fire."

"Awesome! Do you know where the burgers are?" Tam asked.

"Probably in the coolers, I'm going to go bring out the bug spray because we're going to get slaughtered out here by those little demons."

"Thanks Foster," Keefe said. 

I nodded, and went off to grab them as Tam and Keefe both got the burgers, both veggie burgers and meat ones.

Just before I got inside my phone dinged again a new Instagram DM; your an ugly cow like if I were you I'd never show my face in public. I rolled my eyes and ignored it, turning off my notifications and clicked off my phone.

I wasn't going to let them get to me, but they're coming pretty damn close.


"Yeah shove that hotdog all the way down your throat!" Linh said as Biana attempted to eat hers in one go. She'd brought a lot more than I thought, we'd agreed on burgers but I had a feeling Della snuck more in because she knew Biana could sometimes be picky.

She choked a little bit, and I thumped her on the back until she cleared her airway. "Did you really have to say it like that?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Linh said innocently.

She playfully pushed the other girl, "Hey you can't harm me I'm cooking everyone's food! I'll burn it if you don't stop." She threatened and Biana backed down.

"I'm full," I said, "Anyone else? We have s'mores to make."

"Ooh yeah definitely," Keefe said pulling out the bag of marshmallows he'd been eating.

I looked behind me, the bag was gone, I swear it was there when we started cooking. "How did you get that, it was literally right there."

"I asked Wylie to hand it to me."

I glared at Wylie, "Traitor."

He put his hands up sheepishly, "I pick no sides—actually I do he promised to give me some so y'know, best deal and all."

I huffed, "Fine fine, Keefe sit beside me, I don't trust you anymore."

He laughed but did come over, "Am I correct in assuming that's your excuse for asking me to sit beside you because you want to gaze upon your hot and amazing and perfect and sexy and has great hair boyfriend?"

"Maybe," I said with a flirty tone.

No one else was paying attention and we were further back then everyone else so they were all in their own conversations.

"Oh yeah?" He whispered in my ear. 

I smirked right back at him.

PERFECT STRANGERS, sokeefe | ✔️حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن