Chapter four

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''Morning guys.'' He spoke as he took a plate from Frypan, slipping in the seat next to Grace as Alby arrived too, sitting down next to Nick as they all began eating. Alby's eyes grew wide as he got up from his spot, the others following his gaze towards Newt. ''Newt?'' Grace's smile appeared as she waved him over, the boy having a similar smile as Minho tried to hide his laugh.

Newt walked up to the girl, planting a kiss on her cheek as the other four Gladers looked at each other in surprise. ''Since when?'' Alby asked as his eyes were set on Newt, the Brit giving a small chuckle. ''Uhm, last night, I guess.'' He spoke as Grace grabbed onto his hand and guided him to sit next to her. ''Okay ... and you're just telling me this now?'' Newt chuckled and Grace could have sworn het heart jumped at the sound.

She had missed that sound so much in the past month, a smile on her face as she played with his necklace around her neck, the boy throwing an arm around her shoulders as her cheeks quickly became red, her eyes darting back to her food as she quickly took another bite, trying to hide her face as Minho wolf-whistled before Grace shot him a glare, the group of seven continued with their breakfast.

After the group had split up, Clint, Jeff and Grace arrived at the Medjack hut and were getting ready for the day, Grace setting up all the supplies as she wrote down the supplies they would need from the Box with the upcoming supplies. ''Hey Clint, do we still have bandages over there?''

''Yeah, but it's only three rolls, so we'll need new one's.''

''Okay, thanks!'' She wrote down the next few supplies when Winston came in, holding onto his wrist as blood slipped through. ''Take a seat, Clint, can you get those bandages.''

''We'll be lucky if we even make it another week ... '' Jeff spoke as he passed Grace the supplies. As she worked she looked up to Winston, ''hey, can you ask the Slicers to be careful? We're running out of supplies.''

''We'll try.'' He spoke as she nodded in thanks while working on his wrist. ''Okay, it's all good, you know the drill, be careful and if it opens back up, come back in.''

''Yup, got it.'' He jumped of the table as he waved at them. ''Thanks guys!''

''See ya Winston!''

Around lunch time, both Clint and Jeff were already at the kitchens while Grace was still trying to find all the supplies and organising them. It was obvious that neither of the boys ever did that and that a girl's brain was needed for the operation. Grabbing another box from the shelf, she put in the bandages that were left, labelling the box before putting it on one of the shelves in the hut.

''Hey, She-bean.'' Her head turned to Nick who walked in, looking around with a surprised look. ''Wow, never knew it could be so neat in here. Good job.''

''Thanks, it makes asking from the Creators a lot easier.'' She pushed another box on the shelf as he leaned against the doorframe, waiting patiently for her as she finished. ''Ready for lunch?''

''Jup.'' She spoke, popping the 'p' as she grabbed onto his extended hand, letting him lead her to the kitchens. ''She-bean has arrived.'' He called over to the table where Alby, Clint, Jeff and Newt were waiting for the two. She let go of Nick's hand, seeing the look on Newt's face as she grabbed a plate from Frypan.

''Had a lot of patients today?'' Newt asked as she sat down next to him. ''Only Winston until now, which is good, considering we're running out.'' She pushed the fork in her mouth as she smiled at him. ''So, I decided to organise the entire Medjack hut, oh, which reminds me, Clint. Do not ask for more material for stitches, we have way too many.'' He frowned as he looked up. ''What? I thought we were almost out?''

''Yeah, furthest from that, I found more than enough in yet another box, so I have three boxes of that stuff now.'' Jeff looked up as well, an impressed look on his face. ''Well, finally, maybe Clint could keep it clean now.''

''Me? You have contributed to that as well.''

''What? I've never made a mess.''

''Oh now you're just lying Jeff.'' Grace spoke as she threw a piece of bacon his way. ''I've seen the hut after your shift, it was a mess.''

''Well, yeah, but I've got an extra piece of bacon now.'' He quickly pushed in into his mouth as Grace tried to get it back, that while Newt sneaked a piece of his own onto her plate, a small smirk on his face as Alby gave him a wink, the girl too busy to pay attention to the extra piece.

''So, how's working in the gardens going for you?'' Nick questioned Newt as he raised his shoulders. ''I'm getting used to it, it's not as bad as I always thought it was.'' Grace gave him a smile as she grabbed onto his right hand that was sitting on the table, the boy returning the smile as he lifted up their hands, kissing the top of hers, making the others smile at the couple, all happy for the two.

After lunch was over, the three Medjacks were still working when the Greenie alarm blared through the Glade. ''Well, guess we'll wrap it up for the day, it's my shift so you two go.''

''Kee, see you at dinner, Clint.'' She and Jeff waved as they walked out of the hut, joining other Gladers at the Box. She stood in between Nick and Zart, looking down in the Box as Alby jumped down to greet the Greenie. 

It was, as usual, a boy. He was sitting against the wall, a small tear visible in his eye as Grace's heart shattered for the boy. She remembered how it was to come up with the Box, scared, alone and confused. She saw how Alby kneeled down in front of the boy, he seemed to be about fourteen or so, still holding onto the Box as he nodded, softly taking Alby's hand as Gally threw the rope down, helping the two out of the Box. ''Okay, everyone back to work!'' Grace stepped aside so the Greenie could get away from the crowd as looked around for Jeff, finding him next to Winston.

''Hey, Jeff!'' He looked up as she got through the crowd, holding up a sheet of paper. ''Do you agree or am I missing something?'' He looked over the list before nodding. ''No, looks good to me.'' 

''Great, than I'll see you at dinner.'' She walked over to Nick, passing him the list as he collected them all before throwing them back down in the Box. ''Hey, can I help with anything? I'm already done with my shift and no one's back yet.'' 

''Oh, yeah, that'd be great, if you can go through the boxes and sort them, we'll take it from there.''

''Yeah, 'course.'' He helped her down into the Box, the sudden weight making the Box shift in its place with a creek as she steadied herself, going through the familiar boxes. 

This chapter was surprisingly easy to write and I really want to get into the friendship dynamics between Grace and the other Gladers so get ready for some more chapters! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and if you did, please leave a vote, comment and add this book to your reading list to stay updated of when I post! See you on Wednesday!

-X Violet's-library

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