Chapter nine

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Five months had passed and today was the day a new Greenie would arrive again. Grace, Clint and Jeff had a busy day, one of the Runners had gotten stung and was in hysterics, yelling and trying to claw at the three who were holding him down. 

''Scott, stay still, we're trying to help you!'' Grace yelled as she tried to keep his hand still, a nail crashing on her cheek as it drew blood, Grace jumping away. She looked at the other two Medjacks before rushing over to Nick and Alby, asking them for their help. 

When they arrived back in the Medjack hut, they were able to get him the serum, Scott falling limp. Jeff grabbed Grace's head, inspecting her injury. ''Oeh, that looks nasty, Clint, can you get the bandages?'' He looked again, seemingly doubting himself. ''Clint, does she need stitches? I can't tell.'' 

He came to stand next to him, inspecting the blood slowly dripping down. ''Let's clean it first, I can't tell right now.'' Alby and Nick guided her to the other bed. ''Did Scott do that?'' Alby questioned, looking at the blood, almost gagging. ''Yeah, I tried to hold him down, when my hand slipped and he scratched me.'' Jeff cleaned up the wound, a small smile on his face. ''You're lucky, no stitches needed.'' She sighed in relief, letting Jeff do his work. 

After Jeff put on the bandage, Minho entered the Medjack hut, looking over to Scott. ''How is he?'' He then noticed the bandage on her cheek, his eyes widening. ''What happened to you, she-bean?'' She just pointed at Scott as his mouth turned into an 'o' shape. 

''But, overall he's fine, but we'll have to wait for him to go through the Changing.'' Just as she said so, the Greenie alarm blasted through the Glade, the group looking at each other as Nick looked around. ''Uhm, Alby, Clint and Jeff, you stay here while Grace, Minho and I go to the Box for the Greenie.'' The three nodded as Minho and Grace followed Nick to the Box, Newt meeting up with them, his eyes widening at Grace's face. ''Are you okay?'' 

''Yeah, I'm fine, Scott just scratched me after he got stung.'' She touched the bandage for a moment before looking at Newt and grabbing his hand. ''I'll be fine, really. I didn't even need stitches.'' He nodded as he kissed the top of her hand, following the group of Gladers to the Box. 

At first, Grace couldn't see any Greenie in the Box until she saw a lump of long brown hair. She tilted her head to see him better, Nick jumping down as he tried to talk to the boy. Newt was standing next to her, having a better view of the boy. ''He's just a kid ... '' She pushed him aside slightly, seeing the small boy, probably around twelve or thirteen. He was quite short and a bit chubby. 

Nick spent about ten minutes talking to the kid before looking up and shaking his head as Minho clapped in his hands. ''No more staring, back to work!'' He turned to Grace and Newt, walking over to them as he looked down into the Box. ''They're sending up kids now?'' Grace shrugged as she looked at the boy. ''Guess so, I mean, you guys weren't much older when you woke up in here, right?'' 

The two boys turned to one another, they easily forgot they had been there for almost three years now, so they must have been around the same age as the Greenie. ''I mean, the twenty original Gladers had to be like thirteen to fifteen or so, considering Nick is nineteen or so.'' She turned to the two boys, guessing their age. ''And you two must be around sixteen to seventeen.'' Than it hit her, she didn't even know how old she was, frowning, she turned to Newt. 

''How old do I look? I just realized I've never seen myself.'' 

''About same as us, I'd say sixteen, seventeen?'' 

''So I must have been around fourteen when I got here, that not much older then our Greenie.'' The realization dawned on all three of them as Minho excused himself, seemingly walking towards the maps. 

''Wait, that also means we've been together for like, a year and a half.'' 

''Okay, now I feel old.'' She chuckled as he threw an arm around her, guiding her back to the Medjack hut to check in on Scott. 

Part of the group sat at dinner that evening, the others still keeping an eye on Scott, when the Greenie finally came out of the Box, following Nick to their table. ''Greenie, meet the Gladers. This is Newt, Grace, Minho and Jeff.'' He kept looking at his shoes, embarrassed by the fact he had klunked his pants multiple times  and had to ask for a new set of clothes from the Gladers who were in front of him.

''Hey Greenie, remember your name yet?'' Grace asked kindly, trying to get him out of his shell. He shook his head before Grace took pity on him, a small smile on her face. ''Want to sit with us? You don't even have to talk if you don't want to yet.''

She motioned to Frypan as he nodded, preparing a plate and putting it down for the Greenie. ''Come on, we don't bite.'' After a short while, the Greenie finally sat down, eating with the others. 

Two days passed and the Greenie finally remembered his name to be Chuck. Today, Grace was sitting with Scott who was sound asleep, softly snoring when Nick and Minho came in. ''Hey, how is he?'' She looked up from her work, shrugging. ''Seems to be okay, but his breathing is kinda shallow, I don't know if he'll - '' she cut herself of as Nick took a seat next to the boy, a small frown on his face. ''Nick, everything alright?''

Before Nick could say anything, Scott leaped from his spot, grabbing one of the equipments the Medjacks used, swinging it around as the other three leaped away from him. ''We'll all die! We're all gonna die!'' He screamed at the three, still swinging the tool around as Nick tried to approach him. ''Scott, put it down ... '' He leaped forward, trying to grab it from Scott, when Scott suddenly turned to him, pushing the tool into his gut when Minho leapt forward, hitting Scott on the head to knock him out.  

Grace felt like time was going slower as Nick collapsed to the ground, one hand on his wound as Grace pushed herself to run to him, trying to stop the bleeding while Minho ran outside. ''CLINT! JEFF! ALBY!'' 

''Nick, no, no, Nick, keep your eyes open!'' She pushed her hands even tighter, trying to stop the bleeding, but on her own, there wasn't much she could do to stop it. ''Minho, get me a towel!'' Clint, Jeff and Alby came running, seeing the site and Jeff and Clint quickly trying to help Grace. 

''Nick, keep your eyes open, okay?'' Jeff encouraged him while Grace was still trying to stop the bleeding. ''Can you do that for us?'' But he couldn't, his eyes slipped closed as Clint took over Grace's spot while she checked his pulse before her eyes grew wide, quickly beginning cpr as Alby and Minho stood in shock, not knowing what to do while the three Medjacks worked on their leader and friend. ''Come on ... Come on Nick, come back to us ... '' 

Tears slipped from Grace's eyes as the minutes passed, becoming exhausted with each movement she made until Jeff put a hand on her shoulder, softly shaking his head while removing his fingers from Nick's wrist. 

''Grace ... stop ... '' She shook her head while more tears began to spill, her hands began to shake as Minho pulled her away, ''No! No! I can still help him!'' She tried to struggle as Minho dragged her away, shushing the girl while whispering, ''it's okay, it's okay.'' 

Of course I had to end it on a sad note. For those who only saw the movies, it is unknown how Nick died, but it is known that he died somewhere in between Chuck's arrival and Thomas' arrival, so I wanted to put it in there before Thomas' arrival in the next chapter. I hope you enjoyed the chapter and if you did, please leave a vote, comment and add this book to your reading list to stay updated. See you on Saturday!

-X Violet's-library

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