Chapter eighteen

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When Teresa and Thomas were picked up from the Slammer for the Banishment, Thomas kept still, pretending to be knocked out as Teresa was being held by Dan, her arms tied loosely behind her back as she walked in front of him.

''This is such a waste.'' Gally spoke as he looked at Thomas' body on the ground. Grace stood to the side with Newt, wiping her hands on her jeans to wipe the sweat away before Newt grabbed her hand, giving a nod to her. 

''Gally...'' Winston began, making the boy turn around. ''It doesn't feel right, man.''

''Yeah, what if Thomas is right?'' Clint asked, looking at the boy on the ground. ''Maybe he can lead us home.''

''We are home. Okay?'' He pointed at the wall with their names on them. ''I don't wanna have to cross any more names off that wall.''

''You really think banishing us is gonna solve anything?'' Teresa asked as Gally turned around, shaking his head. ''No. But this isn't a banishing. It's an offering.'' When he said that, Billy pulled Teresa to a pole, tying her hands above her head ''What? Wait! Gally, what are you doing?'' 

''You really think I'm gonna let Thomas back into the maze after what he has done? Look around you! Look at our Glade! This is the only way. And when the Grievers get what they came here for... everything goes back to the way it was.''

''Are you listening to this? Why are you all just standing there? He's crazy!'' She pretended to look towards Grace, asking for help as Gally pointed at her. ''You shut up.''

''If you stay here, the Grievers are going to come back.'' Teresa spoke, now looking at the other Gladers instead of Grace. ''They're gonna come back, and they're gonna keep coming back... until you're all dead!''

''Shut up! Tie him up!'' He pointed at Thomas, but neither Builders moved. ''Do you hear me? I said tie him up!'' When they went to pick him up, Thomas broke free, elbowing one before hitting the other with a long spear that Grace had placed there for him.

The others sprung into action, Newt hitting another Builder on his head with the end of his machete, knocking him out as Teresa kicked Billy in his crotch as Frypan cut her loose. 

Minho had his knife placed against Gally's neck and Chuck came running with supplies, passing the bag with medical supplies to Grace who threw it around her shoulders. They all stood in front of the West Door, weapons up to defend themselves.

''You're full of surprises, aren't you?''

''You don't have to come with us, but we are leaving.'' He looked at the Gladers around them. ''Anyone else who wants to come, now is your last chance.''

''Don't listen to him, he's just trying to scare you.''

''No, I'm not trying to scare you. You're already scared. I'm scared.'' He became quiet for a moment as Grace glanced to Newt, taking a second machete from him. ''But I'd rather risk my life out there than spending the rest of it in here. We don't belong here. This place isn't our home. We were put here. We were trapped here. At least, out there we have a choice. We can make it out of here. I know that.'' Other Gladers such as Alby, Winston, Clint and Jeff joined them. All Builders still stood in the Glade and Grace noticed not one former runner had come up, their heads hung low, too afraid to enter the structure again.

''Gally, it's over. Just come with us.'' Thomas spoke as Gally looked at them.

''Good luck against the Grievers.'' Grace turned to the others as Minho led the way, running into the Maze. 

Half-way through the way to the Griever hole, Minho held up his hand, stopping all Gladers. Newt walked up to the front, looking at the Gladers. There are forty-one of us.'' He pulled onto his backpack. ''Make sure you've got your weapons. Other than that, isn't a whole lot to buggin' say - you've all come with us. We're going to fight through the Griever Hole, and Tommy here's gonna punch in his little magic code and then we're gonna get payback on the Creators. Simple as that.''

Grace was already panting, she definitely wasn't used to running to the speed of Minho, the Maze seemed to get bigger with every step she took, amazed by the actual size of it. ''Shouldn't someone give a pet talk or something?''

''Go ahead.'' Newt replied as Grace tilted her head as Minho nodded and faced the crowd. ''Be careful.'' He said dryly. ''Don't die.'' If it was another time, Grace would have laughed.

''Great. We're all bloody inspired.'' Newt pointed further into the Maze. ''You all know the plan. After two years of being treated like mice, tonight we're making a stand. Tonight we're taking the fight back to the Creators, no matter what we have to go through to get there. Tonight the Grievers better be scared.'' Someone cheered, then someone else. Soon, shouts and battle calls broke out as Newt thrust his machete in the air. ''Hear that, Creators! We're coming!'' Minho took the lead, running towards the Griever hole with the other Gladers.

After a long hour of running through the Maze, they ended up in front the turn towards the long corridor of the Griever hole. Grace noticed one of the Beetle Blades around them, one landing on her shoulder as she swatted it away. ''Oh no.''The Keeper groaned as he pulled his head back around the corner. ''Oh no.'' Grace flinched at the Griever sound, closing her eyes and raising her shoulders to her ears. ''There's at least a dozen of them. Maybe fifteen.'' He reached up and rubbed his eyes. ''They're just waiting for us!'' Newt and Alby had joined Thomas, Teresa, Grace, Chuck and Minho at the front of the line. ''Well, we knew we'd have to fight.'' Newt spoke, even though the tremor in his voice gave him away.

''Maybe they've already taken a kid back at the Glade. Maybe we can get past them- why else would they just be sitting-'' Thomas was cut of because of the loud noise. Grace spun around as she closed her eyes for a moment, preparing herself. More Grievers were moving down the corridor, coming from the direction of the glade. They came from all sides as they surrounded the Gladers. ''Got any ideas?'' Thomas asked to Newt, the Brit shaking his head. ''I don't understand what they're bloody waitin' for.''

''We shouldn't have come.'' Alby spoke, looking at the two Runners. Minho turned to him, a stern look on his face ''I'd rather die with everyone here, side by side, then by myself alone in the Homestead.'' A long moment passed before Alby replied. ''Maybe I should ... '' He trailed off as he walked towards the Griever hole, almost in a trance . ''Alby?'' Newt said. ''Get back here!''

Instead of responding. Alby took off running straight towards the Grievers. ''Alby!'' The boy had sacrificed himself for the other Gladers, Thomas and Grace holding Newt back as he tried to run into the pack himself. ''I can't believe it,'' Newt whispered as Grace held him. ''I can't believe he just did that.''

Minho walked up to him, giving him a squeeze in the shoulder. ''We can't waste what he did. We'll fight 'em if we have to, make a path to the Hole for you and Teresa. Get in there and do your thing. We'll keep them off until you scream for us to follow.'' Thomas nodded as Minho passed the key to Chuck. ''Hopefully they'll go dormant for a while. We should only need a minute or so to punch in the code.''

''How can you guys be so heartless?'' Newt murmured. ''What do you want Newt?'' Minho asked him. ''Should we all dress up and have a funeral?'' Newt didn't respond as Minho continued. ''Alby didn't want to go back to his old life. He freaking sacrificed himself for us - and they aren't attacking, so maybe it worked. We'd be heartless if we wasted it.'' Newt only shrugged as he closed his eyes, Grace kissing the top of his head. Minho turned to the others. ''Listen up! Number one priority is to protect Thomas and Teresa. Get them to the Hole so-'' The sound of Grievers cut him off. Spikes were popping in and out of the Grievers as they moved forwards, slowly, but surely. Alby's sacrifice had failed miserably.

I feel kinda sad about Alby but it was obvious he wanted to die rather than leave the Maze, so I'm kinda happy he went out, trying to protect the others. If you enjoyed this chapter, please leave a vote, comment and add this book to your reading list to stay updated! See you on Wednesday!

-X Violet's-library

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