Chapter ten

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The night had passed when the six teenagers and Jorge had woken up. Jorge led the group of six teenagers through the city as he explained the plan. ''There's this guy Marcus. He'll know where the Red arm would be hiding.'' He then turned to the teenagers behind him. Jorge had led them through the city, avoiding practically all Cranks except for one or two that he quite easily killed with a gun he had on him. They stuck close together, as none of the six teenagers would know where to go or where not to go. ''Blend in, they don't take kindly to Munies.''

''Munies?'' Newt frowned at the men as he sighed. ''Immunes, these people are all early stage cranks, or soon to catch the Flare.'' He turned to face the front again. ''They would kill you all for being born an immune.'' 

Newt walked behind her as he jogged up to her, pushing his arm around her shoulders while leaning closer to her. ''Your tattoo is visible, don't want you to get killed.''

Passing through the city was better than crossing the desert. Because of the big buildings around them there was much more shade than the desert had. Grace kept her eye on Minho, who was in front of her. She kept checking the leg he had been kicked in multiple times by Jorge. 

''Hey guys, isn't that Thomas?'' All heads turned to Frypan as he pointed towards a building, the boy indeed walking inside after, what seemed like, Brenda. ''Yeah, that's our Shank.'' Teresa already started walking towards the building as Jorge pulled her back. ''Are you insane? You can't just go in there, there are way more of them.''

''Then we'll have to take them out, won't we?''

Minho walked up to Thomas when he was finally awake again, standing next to Teresa with a smirk on his face. ''Welcome back you ugly Shank.'' Thomas got up as he groaned in pain, shielding his eyes from the light. ''How'd you find me?''

''Jorge's been leading us through the city—avoiding Cranks, finding food." Minho began as he grabbed Thomas' arm, pulling him up. "We saw you go in here, we got mad, started planning our ambush. Most of those shucks were wasted or asleep. We got Marcus pretty quickly while Teresa got you out.''

Grace sat next to Aris as they watched Jorge beat Marcus up, trying to get information. ''I suggest that you talk! You son of a bitch! Damn it!'' He struck Marcus on the face again and Grace could imagine how much Minho's leg would hurt, Jorge obviously had fighting experience. ''I'm're going to have to leave my house.''

''Looks like you've been having fun.'' Newt spoke as he turned to Thomas, a small smirk on his face as he turned to the boy. ''Listen. I don't enjoy hurting you. Okay?'' Jorge spoke as he stood tall in front of Marcus before crouching down. ''Where is the Right Arm, Marcus?''

''Wait, this is Marcus?'' Thomas questioned as he looked at the beat-up man.

''The kid catches on quick. Are you the brains of the operation?''

''No, Blondie is.'' Brenda spoke as she pushed her thumb towards Grace, earning a frown from the blonde. Meanwhile, Jorge pushed Marcus' head back by pulling on his hair. ''I know you know where they're hiding. So you tell me, and I'll make you a deal.'' Marcus chuckled as Jorge let go of him. ''You can come with us.''

''I burned that bridge a long time ago. Besides, I made my own deal. You're the one who taught me, never miss an opportunity.'' He giggled madly as Newt tilted his head at Jorge. ''What's he talking about?''

''I'm talking about supply and demand. WICKED wants all the Munies they can get. I help provide that for them.'' He tilted his head to the side for a moment. ''So I lure the kids in...they get drunk, they have a good time. And then, later, WICKED comes in...they separate the wheat from the chaff.'' 

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