Chapter five

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Grace looked down into the sewer as Gally lowered the ladder, sliding down as Frypan stopped him. ''Gally, take care of these three.''

''Yeah.'' He got in first as Thomas followed. Grace was still tying her hair into a bundle when she noticed Newt shaking his hand before looking at her and following them.

''Ugh, this is gross.'' Newt's think accent broke thru the sewer as they walked through the water, Gally at the front and Grace at the back, each holding a flashlight. ''Jesus.'' Thomas agreed before looking at Gally. ''Yeah, this is great.'' Gally walked up to the side, hitting a switch as the lights in the sewer went on. ''Stay with me. We got a way to go.'''

Grace was glad she had boots on instead of sneakers as she walked through the sewer water behind Thomas, Newt and Gally. ''Hey, Gally. How'd you wind up with a bloody Crank as a roommate then?''

''Actually, I owe that Crank my life.'' He turned to them for a moment before he went on. ''When Lawrence and his crew found me, they could have sold me back to WICKED. Trade my life for a few bottles of serum, instead he offered me a place. Actually something to live for.'' He grabbed his flashlight as he turned it on.

''What's that?'' Gally shone his light on the next tunnel in the sewer. ''Wait here. I'll be right back.'' Grace nodded as she pulled out her own flashlight, pointing it at the tunnel. ''Where's he going?'' Thomas walked after him, looking inside of the tunnel as he tried to grab Grace's flashlight as she snatched it. ''Get your own.''

''What do you think, should we trust him?'' Thomas turned to Newt, ''after everything he's done?''

''What other options do we have?'' He looked around before his eyes landed back on Thomas. ''Look, I know this might be hard for you to believe Thomas, but ... there was a time where Gally was a true friend of mine.'' Grace nodded in agreement.

''We may not always be on the same page, but he was our friend.''

''Hey.'' Gally came back as he looked at them. ''It's clear, let's move.'' he began to climb back into the tunnel as Thomas looked at the other two. ''Hope you're right.'' Grace looked at Newt as he too followed before she went into the tunnel herself.

Grace followed them as Gally halted to a stop. ''Alright, this way.'' She crawled in after Newt, putting her flashlight in her mouth in order to see better. ''Hold on.'' Gally stopped them as he looked down, Grace turning the flashlight off as a train passed through the tracks.

''Okay, we gotta be quick about this. We don't have a lot of time.'' Grace pushed her flashlight away into a bag she had taken, ready to run. ''Stay on me, okay?'' The three Gladers nodded at Gally as he turned to them. As soon as the train had passed, Gally jumped down. ''Okay let's go!''

Thomas and Newt followed before Grace jumped down, looking at the train that had just passed. ''Okay, Tommy loves trains, don't ya mate?''

''Well, you're going to see another one real soon, come on!'' Gally had already began running, then Thomas, then Grace, then Newt.

''Gally, what the hell are we doing?''

''Less talking, more running!'' He yelled back at him without stopping. Grace could feel the tracks below her beginning to shake as she turned to look at Newt behind her, seeing them just behind her. ''Gally?''

''Come on!'' He yelled as the lights of the train became visible. ''We're almost there!''

''Newt come on, we have to move!'' Thomas ran past him as the train approached quickly. Gally stopped next to a ladder as Grace turned back, seeing Thomas pass her while Newt struggled with his limp, falling to the ground as she began to run back. ''Newt!''

Gally caught up too, throwing himself above Newt as Grace had pushed herself against the wall, her eyes squinted shut as she heard and felt the train pass her. She was too afraid to look, her eyes firmly shut as she panted, waiting for the train to pass.

When it finally did, she opened her eyes, seeing Gally sit up as he held a hand to his chest. ''Never were good Runners, were we Newt?'' She sighed in relief as she rushed up to her boyfriend, holding out her arm as she pulled him up, holding him close to her body.

''Yeah, well, I've only got one good leg.''

''Yeah, I've only got one good lung.'' Gally got up too, holding his chest as he walked. ''You okay?'' Thomas asked Newt as Grace walked up to Gally, holding her hand out with a smile. ''Thanks for saving his ass.'' He chuckled as he put his hand in hers. ''You're welcome.''

Grace and Newt walked behind Gally as he led them through the train station, Thomas on his side as she watched the people around them. ''Fifteen minutes to mandatory curfew.'' An automatic voice spoke through the speakers as it went on. ''Please proceed home in an orderly fashion. Remember, this is for your safety. Thank you for your compliance. WICKED is good.''

''Infection checks.'' Gally spoke as he looked at Newt, who had been looking of to the side where people were tested. ''All you gotta do is sneeze around here, you get kicked out.'' He shrugged. ''It's the uh ... price for paradise I guess.'' He continued to walk them through the station before he led them through a road. Grace looked around her, the city was enormous, bright lights all around them as another train passed through the side. ''This is a long way from the Glade.''

''Fifteen minutes till mandatory curfew.'' The automatic voice kept talking the same riddle it had said before. ''Yeah, we better get off these streets. And I know it's hard, but act like you've seen it before.'' They followed him through the city, running to the side of a building, pressing their backs to a glass window as a security car barely missed them. ''They've definitely upped security. I'm guessing you Shanks have something to do with that.''

''Huh, you know us so well.'' Gally turned to Grace as she shrugged. ''Alright, let's get outta here.''

There were so many deleted scenes and I honestly don't understand why they were cut! They showed so much of how difficult getting into the city was and I really liked that, so I put it all in there! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and if you did, please leave a vote, comment and add this book to your reading list to stay updated of when I post! See you on Saturday!

-X Violet's-library

The healer [The maze runner Newt x OC]Where stories live. Discover now