Chapter two

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''Alice. Barry. Walt. Edgar. Samantha.'' Grace sat opposite of Newt and Thomas as she sat next to Minho. ''I wanna know what's through that door.'' All heads turned to Thomas as Newt sighed.

''Now, we've been over this. You said they were covered up, so you don't know what you saw. It could've been anything under there.'' More names were being called as Grace pushed her fork into her mouth, ignoring most of what was being said around her. ''I know exactly what I saw. They were bodies.'' They all leaned in closer as Grace's eyes traveled over their faces. ''Aris said they bring in a new batch every night.''

''Who the hell is Aris?'' Minho asked as Thomas nodded to the hooded boy, staring at some food in his hand. ''Well, I'm sold.'' Grace couldn't help but agree as she pushed another bite of food into her mouth, hearing Janson again. ''And last but not least, David. Thank you for your attention. Enjoy the rest of your evening.'' The kids and guards walked out of the cafeteria as Newt leaned closer to Thomas. ''Okay, until we know anything for certain, we should just keep our heads down... and try not to draw any attention to ourselves, all right?'' It was short lived, as Thomas threw his hands onto the table before standing up and walking towards the door. ''What is he doing?''

''I think he's drawing attention to himself.'' Frypan answered for him, all heads turning to Thomas. Just as Thomas was about to get in, the guards stopped him, Thomas tried again, but he was again stopped. Grace sighed in relief when Thomas started walking towards them again, but her eyes widened as he sprinted back, trying to get past them. ''Back off!''

''What's your problem, man?'' Thomas shoved the guy before being pushed back. All five of them rushed to Thomas, pulling him away as Newt stayed in front of Grace, making sure no-one could get to her as she pulled on Thomas' arm. ''Back off!''

''Why won't you let me see her?''

''Control your friend!'' the man pointed at Newt as if speaking to him before Janson stood in the middle, ''What's happening here?'' He looked around before seeing Thomas at the front, Minho  still holding his arm before letting go. ''Thomas? I thought we could trust each other.'' He placed his hand on Thomas' shoulder as he turned to look at the other teens, some of them panting. ''You know we're all on the same team here.''

''Are we?'' Thomas asked him as he raised his eyebrows, challenging the man as he scoffed. ''Get them to their bunks.''

The teens were shoved back into their room, ''Get your asses in there! All of you!'' Grace almost tripping over Newt's feet as he held her up right, the two entering the room together.

''What the hell was that about?'' Minho asked Thomas as Newt continued. ''You didn't really think they were just gonna let you through?''

''Nah, of course I didn't.'' He pulled a key card from his pocket, holding it up as some others groaned. ''I'm gonna find out what's on the other side of that door.''

''Right.'' Newt answered as he folded his arms over each other, looking at the boy while shaking his head.

''Newt, they're hiding something. Okay? These people are not who they say they are.'' Thomas started walking to his bed as Newt followed him.

''No, Thomas, you don't know that!'' The brown haired boy stopped in his tracks as Newt continued. ''The only thing that we do know is that they helped rescue us from WICKED. They gave us new clothes. They gave us food. They gave us a proper bed. Some of us haven't had that in a long time.''

''Yeah, but...''

''Some of us a lot longer than others.'' Newt spoke, his eyes set in a harsh glare as he looked at the Gladers behind him, Grace knew he meant them, the original Gladers, those who were stuck in there for three full years. Grace flinched as the vent opened, the door like metal hitting the floor as Aris crawled out from under the bed, a small grin on his face. ''Hey, Thomas.''

''What the... '' Frypan spoke as he looked down, bending himself over to get a better view. ''You got it, didn't you?'' Thomas nodded as he clapped the key card in his hand. '' Yeah. Let's go.''

''Who is this kid?'' Grace could hear Frypan say to no-one in particular, looking at the others.

''All right, look, maybe you guys are right. Maybe I'm just being paranoid.'' They had all bend down to his level as he slid under the bed. ''But I got to find out for sure.'' Thomas turned to the three people closest to him, Minho, Newt and Grace all sitting next to each other. ''Just cover for me. I'll be back as soon as I can.'' Newt turned to Grace as she shrugged. ''We've just got to trust him, it can't get much worse.''

Winston nodded as he pointed at her. ''She's got a point, how could this get worse?''

Grace was laying on her bed with Newt, the boy playing with her hair as she hummed a song Jeff sang for her once. Her head snapped up at the sound of the vent opening. 

''Thomas!'' the Gladers sprung back to their feet as Thomas came in back through the vent, his eyes frantically going all over the place as he spoke. ''We gotta go. We gotta go right now.'' He rushed to the door as Minho spoke. ''What the hell are you talking about?''

''What do you mean, We gotta go?'' Newt asked as Thomas grabbed a bed sheet and threw it towards Grace. ''They're coming. Come on. We gotta go. They're coming for us.'' Grace stared at the sheet in her hands, frowning at Thomas. ''What am I supposed to do with this?'' 

''She's still alive.'' Thomas was going around the room as Frypan turned to Aris. ''What happened in there? Aris, what happened?'' The boy seemed to be in shock, just staring at the boy as Newt turned his attention to thomas.

''Thomas, can you just calm down and talk to us.''

''She's still alive.''

''Who's she? Teresa?'' Frypan asked as he watched the grabbed the bedsheets from Grace's hand, tying the bedsheet to the door. ''Ava.''

''Ava?'' Newt questioned as he looked at his back. ''Will you just turn around and talk to us?''

''It's WICKED!'' He snapped at them, turning around. ''It's still WICKED. It's always been WICKED.'' He rushed to a mattress, pushing it to door to blind the small window, Newt placing a hand against it as he stared at the brown haired boy. ''Thomas.'' He finally turned to Newt as he looked at the boy. ''What did you see?''

Of course Thomas comes somewhere and Shucks everything up and is the hero. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and if you did, please leave a vote, comment and add this book to your reading list to stay updated! See you on Wednesday!

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