Chapter ten: The beginning of the end

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An entire month had passed already. Alby had taken Nick's spot as leader and Newt had been chosen as second-in-command. After Nick's death, the Glade changed and the mood shifted, crossing his name out on the wall made it permanent. But somehow, Alby and Newt had done a great job of keeping the peace and letting everyone grief in their own way. 

Scott hadn't made it either, he never woke up from Minho knocking him out, probably the changing had gotten to him and being knocked out was the last straw. Grace was a wreck the few days after, she had gotten multiple panic attacks and nightmares, usually ending up in Newt's hammock so she could get some hours of sleep in her. 

Grace was working in the Medjack hut when the Greenie alarm blasted through the Glade, pulling her attention away. It was going to be the first time a Greenie would arrive without Nick. She knew Newt must have been on his way already and decided to meet up with him. 

''Hey.'' She said with a smile when she ended up next to him, grabbing onto his hand.


The Gladers opened up the Box as Newt nodded at Gally while Frypan spoke. ''Go get him.''

''Day one, Greenie. Rise and shine'' Gally threw him out onto the grass, Grace stepping aside so he wouldn't fall on her feet, but instead in front of her. Some of the Gladers laughed and she could make out a few voices. ''He looks like a slopper to me.''

''I could use some help in the kitchen.'' The Greenie broke through, rushing into a direction as Zart laughed. ''Hey, we got a runner!'' He was doing pretty well, until either a rock or vine got in his way, making him fall to the ground as Grace and the boys began to laugh at him, some of them clapping. 

Greenie was thrown in the Pit for his own good, making him unable to sneak away into the Maze while Newt clapped in his hands. ''Back to work everyone! Show's over!'' Grace turned to him, a small smile on her face as he frowned. ''What?''

''Nothing, you're just good at being a leader, I can see why the Keepers chose you.'' He smirked as he pulled her in to peck her lips. ''Thanks.'' She smiled as she let go of his hand, ''I'm going back to the Medjack hut, we have quite some stuff to do, see you at the Bonfire?''

''Of course.'' She waved at him while jogging over to the Medjack hut, meeting up with Jeff as he walked with her. 

All the commotion outside made the three Medjacks turn their heads to each other as they sprinted out, quickly seeing what was going on over by the West door. ''Don't touch me!''

''Take it easy!''

''Just relax.'' Newt spoke to the Greenie, quickly puzzling the pieces together, Grace was able to work out what happened. The Greenie probably got too curious about the Maze as Gally stood in front of the door. ''What the hell is wrong with you guys?''

''Just calm down, all right?''

''No, okay? Why won't you tell me what's out there?''

''We're just trying to protect you.'' Alby answered him as Frypan nodded. ''It's for your own good.''

''You guys can't just keep me here.''

''I can't let you leave.''

''Why not?'' His question was answered by the door closing in front of their noses, the Gladers shielded their eyes from the strong wind coming from the Glade, Grace blinking a few times. ''What the hell?''

''Next time, I'm gonna let you leave.'' Gally spoke as he pushed past the Greenie, a stern look on his face. ''Welcome to the Glade.'' 

The healer [The maze runner Newt x OC]Where stories live. Discover now