Chapter three

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The group was trying to push through the crowd of people who were trying to get into the last city, all pushing, shoving and yelling towards the giant walls.

''This place has really gone through hell.''

''We just gotta stay together.'' Thomas looked at the others behind him as they packed closer together, Newt and Frypan each looking as Grace held onto Newt's hand, a small smile on both of their faces. ''We are the voice of the voiceless!'' Their heads turned to a voice coming from a megaphone, a man on a car behind it, driving through the crowd. ''They hide behind their walls, thinking they can keep the cure for themselves, while they watch the rest of us wither and rot!''

''Is it just me, or is that one looking at us?'' Grace nodded at one of the men behind the masks, holding a gun up as he drove past them, seemingly looking at them. ''But there are more of us than there are of them. And I say, we rise up and take back what is ours! Let's bring back a victory!''

Her head turned to the Berg flying above them. ''Come on, keep going.'' Thomas led the way as the others followed into the deep crowd. ''That's it! That's our way in!'' Thomas began to walk in a faster pace as Grace looked at Newt. ''What is he doing? If these people can't get in, neither can we.''

''I don't think he cares.''

The people around them were screaming at the walls, some even having signs above their heads as they stood in front of it. ''Thomas! This is not what you're looking for. All these people trying to find their way in, you think you're gonna find something they can't?'' Grace yelled over the crowd, squeezing Newt's hand. 

''Came this far. I'm not turning back now.'' Grace stared at the boy as Frypan turned to her. ''What the hell did we get ourselves into?''

''Nothing good.'' Thomas had pushed himself forward, standing directly in front of the wall as he still held onto Grace's hand before he turned around, looking at another masked man. ''Gracie, are you seeing this?'' Newt asked as she nodded before softly pushing onto his lower back. 

''Yup, keep walking.'' She pulled him with her as they walked, trying to avoid the man behind them. ''We are getting surrounded.'' They finally caught up with Thomas, Newt pulling on his arm. ''Hey, guys, we gotta go now. Look.'' He turned to the men surrounding them, both Grace and Jorge pulling out their guns when a loud siren went off, big guns loading up to shoot at the crowd. ''Guys, we gotta go!'' Frypan yelled as well. ''Thomas, let's go!''

The guns went off, firing at them as the group started running. Grace ran next to Newt, slowing her pace to make sure she wouldn't lose him in the crowd. She ran next to them as they slammed into two masked men, grunting in pain as one grabbed her, holding her as she was dragged to a van. ''Newt!'' He followed soon after, getting thrown in next to her as she pulled him into the back.

''You okay?''

''Yeah, you?''

''Yeah.'' Grace looked at the men, defeat blowing up in her chest. They had walked straight into WICKED's trap, now, she was going back there. Even worse, her friends were there this time as well. She turned to Newt, burying herself into his side as he pushed an arm around her, kissing the top of her head. 

They drove for a few more minutes, the couple falling to the side as they took a sharp turn. Newt hissed in pain, holding onto his arm as Grace looked up. ''Are you okay? What happened?'' She was next to him within the second, inspecting him as he shook his head. ''I'm alright, I just fell onto my arm.''

Hearing the commotion outside, she was pushed out of the van, a man quickly pulling her to the side as he searched her and Newt. Seeing Jorge on the floor, holding one of the man as Brenda yelled out. ''I'm right here! I'm right here!''

''Everybody relax. We're all on the same side here.''

''That voice...'' Grace looked at the man as she tried to remember where she knew that voice from. ''What do you mean same side? Who the hell are you?'' The man looked at them before throwing his mask of, relieving the former Keeper of the Builders. ''Hey, Greenie.''


''No way.'' Frypan stood stunned as Thomas stared at the former Keeper before launching at him, tackling him to the floor as Newt rushed forward. ''Whoa, whoa, whoa! Stop! Stop it! Stop.''

''He killed Chuck.''

''Yeah, I know. I remember. I was there too, all right? But I also remember that he was stung and half out of his mind. Just calm down. All right?'' Grace and Frypan stood behind the duo as Newt tried to calm him down, he finally did and the other three Gladers pulled Thomas away as Gally stood up.

''Come on. Kind of had that coming.'' He looked at the other three. ''Anybody else? Fry? Grace? Newt?''

Grace looked up at her name, turning to the others. ''Can I?''

''No.'' Newt spoke up, his gaze still on Gally. 

''Do you know this guy?'' Jorge asked as he tapped Frypan on the shoulder. ''He was an old friend.'' 

''How? How is this possible?'' Newt questioned as his hand found Grace's. ''We watched you die.''

''No, you left me to die.'' Grace scoffed at that as Gally turned to her. ''And if we hadn't found you when we did, you'd be dead right now.'' Grace looked up, mummering a small 'thanks' as Gally became silent before looking at them. ''What the hell are you doing here?''

''WICKED, they have Minho in here. We're looking for a way in.'' Grace stated as she crossed her arms over her chest. ''I can help with that. Follow me.''

''I'm not going anywhere with you.'' Thomas shook his head as Grace gave a soft sight. ''Suit yourself. But I can get you through those walls.'' Grace looked at the others, nodding in Gally's direction. ''Come on, what's more important, getting Minho or ignoring Gally? I vote Minho.''

I actually liked Gally so I was so happy he was back in the third movie! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and if you did, please leave a vote, comment and add this book to your reading list to stay updated of when I post! See you on Saturday!

-X Violet's-library

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