Chapter six

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In the next two months, nothing had changed. One new Greenie every month, still boys, The runners had returned from the Maze as they turned to one another, seeing all the commotion around the Box. The group of five rushed to the crowd, arriving at the scene.

''What's happening?'' Dan questioned as they arrived, looking at the rope tied around Stephen. ''He's going down, trying to get to the bottom.'' Grace, Jeff and Clint all stood on stand-by, all three of them close to the box as they watched Nick tie the rope around Stephen.

''Are you sure you want to do this?''

''I have to try.'' The boy spoke as Nick tied the last know, Grace looking over as she patted him on the shoulder. ''Good luck.'' As he was lowered down by Nick and Alby, they called down after a while. ''Hey Stephen, how's it going down there!?''

''Well, it's really dark, not much to see.'' It became quiet for a moment. ''Hey, I think -- Oh, oh no.''


''Pull me up! Pull me up!'' The builders quickly began to pull, the runners running forward and also grabbing onto the rope, pulling on the ropes. ''Guys, pull quickly, ple-'' It was cut of as Grace listened to the sound of metal as they suddenly fell to the ground. Grace was one of the first to see what had happened to the boy, a hand clasped around her mouth as she stared in shock. His body sliced just under his navel. Some screamed, some threw up, some ran away. The three Medjacks turned to each other, Clint walking over and pushing his fingers to Stephen's neck to find a pulse, shaking his head as Nick called the Baggers over, Newt pushing his arms around Grace as she stared at the younger boy. 

''I never thought the Creators would go this far.'' Grace sat in her hammock with Newt, the girl basically laying on top of him as there wasn't much room. ''First they put us in this place, and when we try to find a way out they just ... kill us.'' Newt pulled her closer, kissing the top of her head. ''Don't go down that path, I speak from experience.'' 

''Sorry.'' He shrugged as she twisted to see his face. ''It's kinda nice to be honest, it makes me feel like it never happened, like I wasn't such a depressing and selfish guy.'' He chuckled as she wanted to say something. ''Don't, just relax.'' Her eyes stayed trained on him for a moment before laying her head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat pumping the blood in his body, grateful to have him there. 

Everyone had the day of the next day, well, except for the Medjacks and Frypan, the four of them being on the clock 24/7. So, the three Medjacks took turns of staying in the Medjack hut and at the moment, it was Grace's turn. So, Newt decided to be a good boyfriend and bring her lunch as she sat waiting in the hut. ''I come bearing food.'' She looked up from the medicine cabinet with a small smile, walking to him as she jumped up on one of the beds, pushing a piece of bacon into her mouth as she wiped her mouth with her sleeve, Newt laughing at her as he sat down next to her. ''I was starving, thank you very much.'' 

''I wasn't laughing at you, you're just cute when you stuff your mouth.''

''Oh, am I now?'' A small smirk appeared on her face as she put her plate away, quickly pinning Newt under her as she held onto his arms. ''Am I still cute?''

''Very.'' A smile appeared on both of their faces as Grace dipped down, sliding her hands to his own as he linked them together, eagerly kissing the girl as he wrapped his legs around her waist, pulling her closer to his body. 

One of her hands slipped from Newt's, travelling up his spine before ending in his hair, playing with the blonde strings as his hand traveled up her shirt when a sudden voice rang out. ''Grace!'' The two jumped apart, frowning at each other as Grace pushed the Medjack hut open, seeing Alby, Nick, Clint and Jeff running into their direction, Grace jumping aside as she looked at Gally, who was being put on the bed. 

''What the shuck happened?''

''He's been stung, where's the Serum?'' She jumped into action, pulling a box from the shelves and pulling one of the Serums out. For her, it was the second time a Glader had gotten stung by a Griever, last time it was one of the Runners who didn't make it. 

Gally was moaning and groaning in pain while in and out of consciousness. Grace pulled the cap of the Serum, pulling Gally's shirt up as she looked at the five boys, each of them holding onto Gally as Jeff nodded at her. The girl pushed the needle into his side, letting the Serum enter his body as he trashed around, yelling and screaming something none of them could make out before passing out with a sudden movement, falling limp in their arms. 

They panted as Grace removed the needle from the serum, throwing it in the makeshift trash can, waving a hand through her hair as Newt turned to Alby. ''What the bloody shuck happened to him? How did he get stung?''

He shrugged, catching a towel that Grace threw his way to wipe away the sweat. ''I don't know, one second he was there, then he wasn't, the other second, he stumbles out of the Maze, collapsing on the ground before starting to yell and scream at us.'' 

Grace passed out more of the towels, all of them wiping away the sweat from their forehead as Grace pulled her hair up in a ponytail, wiping the sweat from her neck before stepping next to Gally, holding her fingers to his wrist, finding his pulse. ''Well, guess we won't have any days off any time soon.'' Clint and Jeff both groaned as Nick looked at the three. ''From now on, all three of you are going to watch him around the clock, if anything changes, I want to know.'' 

They all nodded, Clint already walking towards their notebook to get a schedule ready for the shifts of watching Gally. 

I've always wondered how Gally had gotten stung and so this is my interpretation, because everyone had the day of and was mourning, no-one was really able to watch each other or the Maze doors and so I found it really fitting for Gally to go in at that specific moment. If you enjoyed this chapter, please leave a vote, comment and add this book to your reading list to stay updated. See you on Wednesday!

-X Violet's-library 

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