Chapter eight

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Newt had told everyone the secret and Grace was finally able to tend to the wound, getting medical supplies from Lawrence's group. Meanwhile, the plan to get Teresa was in action, Thomas had gone back into the city with Gally to kidnap the girl while the others were waiting for them back at Lawrence's place.

Frypan came running in, looking at the two as Grace was almost done with Newt's arm. ''They're back.''

Grace sat in one of the chairs as her leg rested in Frypan's lap, her scars visible as he traced them. Newt pulled the hood of Teresa's head, her eyes roaming around before her eyes had landed on Gally. ''Gally?''

''Here's how this is gonna go.'' He threw the paper he was holding onto the table as Newt sat down next to Thomas and in front of Frypan and Grace. ''We're gonna ask you some questions, and you're gonna tell us exactly what we need to know. We'll start off simple.'' He pushed himself of the table he was leaning against. ''Where's Minho?''

''You guys don't seriously think...'' She couldn't finish as Gally pushed a chair down, hard, in front of her, sitting so she couldn't see Thomas. ''Don't look at him. Why are you looking at him? Look at me. He's not gonna help you.'' Teresa looked at the group, seeing Grace stare at her with disgust. ''Now, we know you have Minho in the building. Where?''

''He's with the others in holding. Sublevel three.''

''How many others?'' Newt asked. ''Twenty-eight.'' She answered as Grace turned to brenda, who nodded while laying one of the playing cards down. ''We can make that work.''

''No. No, you guys don't understand. The whole level's restricted. You can't get in without a thumbprint ID.''

''That's why you're gonna come with us.''

''Well, I don't know. We don't necessarily need her.'' Gally got up again, pushing the chair away as he turned to Grace. ''Right?'' Grace tilted her head to the side in a quick motion, agreeing with the boy. ''Not all of her. We just need her finger.''

''Gally, back off.''

''What, are you squeamish? I guarantee you she's done a lot worse to Minho and Grace.''

''She did.'' Grace spoke as she leaned back in her chair, her eyes still staring at Teresa as Thomas turned to her, shaking his head. ''That's not the plan. Back off.''

''It won't make a difference. Do whatever you want to me. You still won't get through the front door. The sensors will pick you up the...''

''We know. We're tagged. Property of WICKED.'' Thomas kneeled down in front of her as Grace smirked. ''You're gonna help us with that, too.''

Grace was stitching Newt back up in his neck, cleaning the wound as she held a cloth to her own neck. ''We are getting a lot of deja vu in here, you're back in your role as Medjack, huh?'' She chuckled, continuing her work. ''Guess so, can you stitch me up after I'm finished with you? I'll guide you through it.'' 

''Yeah, I think I can.'' She pulled onto the last stitch, nodding at her work. ''Alright, you're done.'' She wiped away the leftover, dried blood around the stitches, placing the equipment down, getting ready to clean them. 

When Grace was done, she helped Gally and Frypan to clean their wounds while Newt had gone to grab some WICKED uniforms they got from Lawrence. ''See if these fit.'' He gave one to Gally before looking at the sizes, grabbing one for himself. 

Grace walked over to Frypan, shining the flashlight on his neck, inspecting the stitches before doing the same for Gally. She groaned in pain for a moment, her own stitches weren't as clean as she insisted that Newt would do it. 

She followed Newt to another room, Grace hated the fact that she had to leave him again, but it would be a big risk to go with them, so, she decided to follow the plan. Her head rested on his chest, softly breathing as she tried not to let the fear get the best of her. 

She could feel that the boy himself was trembling as well. She pulled back, pulling him closer to kiss him, holding her hand in his neck while avoiding his stitches. ''We're going to be alright, both of us.'' She nodded in agreement, a smile on her face as the two of them bid their goodbyes. 

''See you on the other side.'' He smiled as he added. ''With the serum.'' She nodded as she pulled him into a last kiss. 

Brenda and Grace arrived in the parking lot of WICKED, looking around for the bus when the walkie-talkie went off. ''Frypan, we're in. How you doing?''

''Yeah, I'm getting there. Tell Minho "Hi," for me.''

''Hang in there, buddy. This'll work''

''Brenda, Grace, what's your status?''

''Status is, we're working on it.''

''Copy. Just make sure you're ready on your end.''

''Don't worry. You know I'm gonna be there.''

Grace held her hand out for the walkie as Brenda passed it to her. ''Thomas, how's Newt?'' It became silent for a moment before Thomas answered. ''Under the circumstances, he's alright.'' 

''Thank you.'' She turned to Brenda as the girls nodded, continuing their work. 

''Grace, Grace, it's Newt, you there?'' Grace looked at the walkie, quickly pulling it from her band. ''Newt, I'm here, you okay?'' 

''I'm okay but ... Minho isn't here.'' Grace's eyes grew wide, turning to Brenda as the two girls shared a look. ''But, i-it's okay, we'll find him, you two do what you need to do, okay?'' 

''How are you feeling?''

''Been better.'' Grace could hear a sigh and Teresa talking from Newt's walkie. ''We know where he is, we're going now. I love you, Grace.''

''I love you too.'' 

The two girl finally found the right bus and found their way in. race was in the front seat behind Brenda as Brenda drove hastily, trying to get them into the WICKED compound. Grace was shaking, her foot tapping on the metal ground as she looked around.

''We're almost there, just a few more minutes.'' Brenda spoke as Grace finally looked up. She could figure out that they were close, pulling her hair into a ponytail as the walkie went off. ''Brenda, Grace, where are you?'' Gally's voice rang out. ''We're here.'' Brenda slammed the breaks, seeing Gally and the other immunes waiting for them. Grace moved to the front, opening the doors as she smiled at Gally.

''Alright. Come on, let's go. Quickly, quickly. Front and back, front and back. Let's go.'' Grace helped everyone into the bus when Brenda noticed the three other boys missing. ''Wait, where's Thomas?''

''I was hoping he was with you.'' Both Grace and Brenda were ready to jump out, when Gally stopped them. ''Wait! Wait! Stay here with the kids. Wait here... I'll find him. Just wait for us, okay?''

''We're not going anywhere without them.'' Grace answered for both of them. 

She quickly closed the doors, trying to lay low as she calmed some of the kids down. They were all ages, some as old as her, some the same age as Chuck. When a WICKED car came around the corner, Grace ducked down, moving through the rows and telling everyone to get down and stay quiet. 

She had crawled back to the front, sitting next to Brenda when she saw the WICKED guards coming their way. She turned to Brenda, softly nodding at her to go. ''Sorry, Thomas.'' She got up quickly as she turned the bus on. ''Hold onto something!'' Grace called out as she grabbed a pole next to her, trying to hold herself in place as Brenda drove from side to side, avoiding the gun fire. 

I really liked to write it from this side of the mission instead of just going with Thomas and Newt since it leaves more imagination. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and if you did, please leave a vote, comment and add this book to your reading list to stay updated of when I post! See you on Saturday!

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