Chapter eleven

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Grace was working in the Medjack hut the next day, joking around with the other two about the events of the night before when all three of them turned to each other with a frown, someone yelling from outside pulled their attention. 

Thomas and Ben were both on the ground as more Gladers arrived at the scene. He was going to be banished for this, attacking another Glader was against the rules, even if you were stung. Newt, Gally and Alby pulled Ben off of Thomas, his eyes turning to the Medjacks, Grace stepped up, her eyes roaming over as she stared at Alby, there wasn't anything she could do anymore, they had already given him the Serum a day before. ''Put him in the Slammer.'' As Ben began to trash around, Newt looked up to the three. ''Medjack!'' The three of them easily worked together, lifting the boy up while trying to avoid being clawed at. ''Listen to me! Please! Please, stop, please! He did this! Please stop! No! No, please! Help me!'' The thing she did know, was that Ben was going to be banished for this. 

After Ben had been thrown in the Pit for everyone's safety, Grace was walking around the Glade with Newt when the Greenie alarm rang through the Glade, the two of them looking at each other with frowns. ''What the shuck?''

Grace and Newt arrived first, running hand-in-hand. ''What's going on?'' Thomas came running with the usual group, Gally, Alby, Minho. Grace turned to him. ''It's the shucking Greenie alarm.''


''So?'' Newt turned, looking at Thomas. ''Greenie, we've never had two Newbies show up in the same month, much less two days in a row.''

After two minutes, it finally became quiet again. Newt and Gally stood on either side of the box, opening it up as they looked inside.

''Newt, what do you see?''

''Do you see it?'' His eyes darted to Grace, holding out a hand as he spoke. ''It's a girl.'' Grace frowned as she jumped down after him ''I think she's dead.'' Grace looked at the other girl, seeing something clutched in her hand. ''What's in her hand?'' She took it from her hand as she passed it to Newt. "She's the last one... ever.'' His eyes darted around as he turned to the boys. ''What the hell does that mean?'' Grace raised her shoulders, crouching down next to the girl, wanting to put her fingers to feel her pulse, but she quickly rushed back when the girl gasped loudly.


Grace, Clint and Jeff had carried the girl to the Medjack hut, Jeff placing her fingers to her pulse, counting the heartbeat when Newt, Minho and Thomas walked in. ''Jeff, what's going on? What's the matter with her? Why won't she wake up?'' Newt questioned, Grace helping another Glader as she got up from her spot, walking over to the group. 

''Hey man, I got my job the same way you did.''

''Do you recognize her?''


''Really? Because she seemed to recognize you.'' Newt spoke as Grace softly pushed past him, grabbing one of the boxes before turning around. ''What about the note?''

''We'll worry about the note later.'' He answered heras Grace pursed her lips together. ''I think you should worry about it now.''

''We've got enough to deal with at the moment.'' He spoke to her, his arms crossed over his chest as he looked at her, seemingly asking her to stop when Jeff joined in.  ''She's right, Newt. If the Box isn't coming back up, how long do you think we can last?''

''No one said that. Let's not jump to any conclusions. We'll just wait until she wakes up and see what she knows. Somebody has gotta have some answers around here.''

''I don't know how long that'll take, she isn't in the best condition.'' Grace spoke up again, removing the thermostat from the girl's mouth. ''We'll deal with it.'' He looked at the three Medjacks, pursing his lips together. ''All three of you keep this as quiet as possible, alright? We don't need people to start panicking.'' He turned to the three of them as they nodded. ''If you think that that's best, we'll follow.'' 

Grace had been right, that same night, Ben was going to be banished. Minho had collected him from the Slammer as the keepers stood ready with the poles. Grace stood next to Jeff, her arms folded around each other as she watched the scene.

''Just listen to me. Just, please, listen to me! Please, Minho! Alby!'' His pleas were ignored by everyone. ''No, please. Please, don't. Please, don't do it.'' Alby nodded at Minho as he threw a Runner's pack into the Maze. The sound of the closing doors could be heard all throughout the Glade as the Keepers waited.

''Poles!'' All Keepers lowered their poles as other Gladers stood on the sides, spear like sticks in their hands to stop Ben from running. ''Move in!'' The Keepers forced the boy to move into the maze just before closing time. The boy kept pleading, but it was all ignored.

''No, no, no! Please! No, please! Please, don't! I can get better! Please, just listen to me! Please, stop, please!'' Ben tried to push against the poles, but he had nowhere to go.

''Push him in!''

''Stop! I'll get better!'' Grace averted her eyes as the doors started to close, literately forcing the Runner to move in, or get crushed by the doors. The doors closed moments later, ''He belongs to the maze now.'' Alby spoke as he walked away. Other boys began to put their poles away as Grace rushed to Newt, hugging him as he gave a soft 'thank you' to the girl. 

So, for the movie readers, this is out of order for you, but this is how it went in the books, Teresa arrived one day later instead of a few days later and was in a coma for longer. So, that explains the order of scenes. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and if you did, please leave a vote, comment and add this book to your reading list to stay updated. See you on Saturday!

-X Violet's-library 

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