Chapter fourteen

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Days passed and Alby was back on his feet when Grace got out of her hammock, a frown on her face as she looked up to the sky. The sky was a dull slab of grey—not the natural pale light of morning. The sky, every last inch of it, was slate grey. Colourless and dead.

She glanced upward again, half expecting it to have changed back to normal. But it was all grey. Not cloudy, not twilight, not the early minutes of dawn. Just gray. The sun had disappeared. She met up with Jeff and Clint at the Box, the three of them glancing at each other. 

''What the hell is going on?'' Clint shrugged as he looked around, seeing some of the Keepers going towards the Homestead. ''I'm gonna find out, Jeff, you find the girl, Grace, go and help in the Gardens.'' They each nodded as they followed his instructions. 

''Hey, can I help with anything?'' 

''Yeah, we need to get these crops out as soon as possible, without the sun, they'll all die.'' She nodded, helping the Track-Hoes during the day, trying to save as much as they all could. 

After all the crops were pulled away, one of the Track-Hoes dismissed her, telling her to go back to her own job, thanking her for helping. Grace went to go and get their supplies from the Box when she noticed, the cage was still closed. 

She sat down on her knees, crouching down to see better. ''What the Shuck?'' She got up from her spot, quickly looking around before rushing off to the Gathering room, knocking on the wooden door.

''Grace, we don't really have time for this - '' Zart tried to close the door when she stopped him. ''You're gonna want to hear this.'' He frowned, opening the door further as all Keepers turned to her. ''The Box didn't come up.'' 

The Keepers followed her to the Box, all peeking down as Newt waved his hand over his mouth. Grace looked at the Keepers, all of them looking down on their watches as the time confirmed it. The Box wasn't coming up anymore. ''We're shucked, no sun for the plants or animals, no supplies from the Box.'' Zart spoke as Clint nodded, looking down to the Box. ''Three years, no changes and than ... all of this.'' Alby and Newt turned to each other, looking down before Alby sighed. ''Let's go find Minho and Thomas, maybe they found something.'' 

Newt turned to the Keepers, ''get everyone to do their job, as fast as possible, we need everything ready, but keep everyone calm, we don't want people to panic.'' Grace followed Clint to the Medjack hut, the two of them walking side by side. ''This isn't good, is it?'' She questioned him, turning her head to him. ''Our medical supplied were already running thin, we're going to be out soon.''

''We'll make it work, somehow.'' 

When they arrived at the Medjack hut, Jeff was in front of the window, panting as he turned to the other two Medjacks. ''What happened here?'' 

''I don't even know, one second, the girl was here, the next, she wasn't.''

''Spread out, find her, quickly.'' 

Grace found her first, seeing the commotion outside the Homestead as things were being thrown down, Gladers ducking and pulling each other away. The group of the Keepers and Thomas arrived, Newt turning to Chuck. 

"What's going on?" Newt asked.

''Girl's are awesome.'' Chuck answered as he pointed up, the girl throwing something down again as Grace jumped out of the way, turning to Newt. ''How did she get up there?'' 

''I don't know, Jeff said she was there one second, the next she wasn't.'' 

''Leave me alone!''

''Watch your head!'' Grace ducked under one of the wooden panels that Winston was holding, a small smile on her face as she chuckled. ''Hey, throw one more of those things...'' Gally yelled up, getting another rock thrown to him. ''Go away!''

''I don't think she likes us very much.'' Newt commented as he shielded his head with a pan. ''What do you want from me?'' She yelled again. ''We just wanna talk.''

''I'm warning you!'' She went back to grab more rocks, resulting in Alby screaming. ''Take cover, y'all! Take cover!''

''Hey, it's Thomas! It's Thomas!'' The girl stopped, looking at the boy who continued. ''I'm gonna come up, okay? Okay.'' He turned to Gally, who looked at him. ''Just me.'' He started climbing up the ladder. ''I'm coming up!'' 

The Keepers and Medjacks stayed downstairs, waiting for Thomas and the girl to come downstairs when Newt crossed his arms over his chest. "How'd you get here? Medjack said you were there one second and buggin' gone the next." The girl looked at Newt before turning to Jeff. 

"Guess he forgot to tell the little part about me kicking him in the groin and climbing out the window."

Grace had to hold her laughter as she turned to her fellow Medjack, lifting one eyebrow as she crossed her arms over her chest. His face had turned into a bright red when everyone was staring at him.  "Congrats, Jeff," Newt said. "You're officially the first guy here to get your butt beat by the new girl."

The girl didn't stop. "Keep talking like that and you'll be next." Grace scoffed as Newt turned back to face them, but his face showed anything but fear. He stood, silently, just staring at them. 

Alby stepped up. "I'm sick of this." He pointed at Thomas's chest, almost tapping it. ''I wanna
know who you are, who this Shank girl is, and how you guys know each other."

Thomas almost wilted. "Alby, I swear—"

"She came straight to you after waking up, shuck-face!"

"So what? I know her, she knows me—or at least, we used to. That doesn't mean anything! I can't remember anything. Neither can she."

Alby looked at the girl. "What did you do?" But she didn't reply. "What did you do!" Alby screamed. "First the sky, now this."

"I triggered something," she replied in a calm voice. "Not on purpose, I swear it. The Ending. I don't know what it means."

"What's wrong, Newt?" Thomas asked, not wanting to talk to Alby directly. "What happened?"

But Alby grabbed him by the shirt. "What happened? I'll tell ya what happened, shank. Too busy makin' lovey eyes to bother lookin' around? To bother noticing what freaking time it is!"
Thomas looked at his watch, realizing with horror what he'd missed, knowing what Alby was
about to say before he said it. "The walls, you shuck. The Doors. They didn't close tonight."

We're getting closer to the end but there is still so much to cover and I cannot wait to keep writing! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and if you did, please leave a vote, comment and add this book to your reading list to stay updated! See you on Wednesday!

-X Violet's-library

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