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"Now then Guda, we have a coffin ready for you this time. You should be able to Rayshift safely and quickly now. Seven singularities have been detected, but we've selected the time period with the smallest fluctuations. Once you get there, we'll only be able to communicate with you. Got it? I know I'm repeating myself, but the first thing is to set up a base camp and finding a leyline. After you've settled into the era, do what needs to be done, and come back safe" Roman explained over the intercom to Ritsuka as he set about activating the Rayshift Coffin that held Guda.

"Rayshift initiating in 3... 2... 1..." Roman said as the Rayshift transported Guda and Co. to France.


The first thing Guda heard after Rayshifting was Asta cursing in a language that sounded vaguely like Scottish gaelic.

The first thing Guda saw was Asta holding a hand over his right eye which was crying blood while his nose was bleeding.

"Asta! Are you okay!?" Was the first thing that tumbled from Boudicia and Ritsuka's mouths upon seeing the hunched over and bleeding Asta and shaking off the disorientation of rayshifting.

Asta grimaced before bringing himself back up to his full height and nodding obviously still in pain.

Boudicia was the first to ask Asta what happened.

In response to this Asta said "There's something wrong here, something very wrong. It's like there are billions upon billions of souls burning and screaming in pain. It's... agonizingly painful, even for me."

"Um everyone, you might want to take a look at this!" Mash said, interrupting the conversation that Guda, Boudicia, and Asta were having.

Now that Guda had time to get their bearings they realized that they were in a clearing with birch and elm trees growing around them.

After a moment of calm the other servants set to work while Asta walked towards the entrance of the clearing.

Upon arriving at the entrance Asta said while looking at the sky "Huh... well that explains why I want to blow my brains out now"

"What's up?" Guda asked while walking towards Mash and Asta who were looking at the sky.

"It'll be, uh, easier to show you" Asta responded.

Guda walked towards where Asta and Mash were standing and saw what they were talking about.

In the sky was a giant halo glowing bright with blues and purples with a brightness comparable to a sun.

"W-what is that!?" Guda asked, alarmed.

Guda's outburst caught the attention of the other servants who immediately came running.

"What the hell is that!?" Boudicia asked loudly.

The Ruler wreathed in black standing next to Guda answered the question she just asked by grimly saying.

"That halo is a congregation of souls being forced into that shape and being burned to ash so someone or something can devour them and gain power"

"Who or what did this?" Guda asked Asta.

Asta reached behind his neck and said "I don't know, but if I had to guess it has something to do with whoever that green shitstain Flauros was working for, but right now we have more pressing problems" Asta pointed at a small contingent of french soldiers that just marched over the hill.

"Ah French soldiers, it looks like a scout brigade, should we make contact?" Mash asked Guda and Asta.

Guda nodded and Asta grunted in affirmation, the screams of dead souls giving him a migraine.

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