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Again with another pretty gruesome chapter but for different reasons this time because this one's warning is mentions of death's of children towards the end and Asta going Kratos on Martha shortly after.

I'm back from my cooldown on this fic but I'll be updating this less frequently then before so I can work on some other stuff related to this like the Valentines event scenario's and some just random Chaldea things that aren't cannon unless they're explicitly mentioned, hope you guy's are able to check those out! also does anyone have a particular Valentines scenario they like best?


"ASTA!!!, WHERE ARE YOU, YOU JACKASS!!!" Sally screamed in fury.

"She's greatly displeased isn't she?" Raikou asked.

"I believe that is quite the understatement Raikou!" Boudacia exclaimed as she watched Sally scream out an impressive string of obscenities that were all directed at Asta despite the pouring rain doing its best to drown her out.

"Waz goin on! Why's everyone shoutin!?" Guda slurred out as they stumbled next to Raikou and Boudacia at the entrance to the cave

"Asta has run off to god knows where and Sally is trying to scream the forest down, so considering how the last few days have gone everythings going fine!" Gareth stated sarcastically.

A thunderous noise was heard crashing through the trees as a familiar voice yelled "IT'S ABOUT TO GET A WHOLE LOT BETTER!!!"

Immediately after this the body of a monstrous beast is thrown over the group with its head, a katana, and a purple haired nun clashing with Asta not too far behind.

The woman rolled with Asta as the pair hit the ground and Asta threw her into a tree before charging towards her like a bull and slamming her through the tree. However the woman took this in stride and managed to throw Asta over her shoulder with surprising skill before jumping back into the clearing to put distance between herself and her opponent.

But wait! There's more! As the all too familiar screech of drakes attacked the eardrums of all present before a servant with a sword dropped from the sky drawing a curse from the usually calm and collected Boudica who immediately drew her sword as the Drakes landed and their rider dismounted.


Time Left Before Asta Goes Nuclear: 90 Days, 13 Hours, and 27 Minutes


Asta's fist slammed into Martha's, sending a shockwave of kinetic force out that caused trees to be broken in half and most of Asta's blood drenched bandages to be blown off, revealing his wounds that still have yet to heal.

Following this Asta fell to one knee and coughed up more blood.

"I see, it seems Luck's statements about your injuries were not exaggerated. THIS WILL MAKE MY MISSION ALL THE EASIER!!!" Martha screamed before charging Asta as she readied a haymaker.

"SLAANESH!!!" was all Asta shouted in response as a sickeningly pink aura surrounded Asta and his wounds began to imminate smoke of the same sickening hue before he acrobatically flipped over Martha and kicked her in the back of the head, forcing her to the ground.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh... Y'know I can see why Slaanesh was so popular... turning pain to pleasure..." Asta groaned out in an aroused voice from his nearly completely bent backwards posture before placing his right hand to his face and seemingly dragging himself back to a standard standing position before angrily stating with his hand still covering the majority of the top half of his face and obscuring his eyes "Tch now look at what you've done Martha, makin me use Slaanesh, you should count yourself lucky I'm a much better man than others, otherwise well... I'll let you imagine my meaning in the last few moments you'll be alive!" Asta then smiled sadistically as he revealed his eyes, now with black sclera and pink, cat-like, irises before charging her as his arm changed from black and red to black and pink and he laughed like a madman while his wounds closed.

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