Et La Saint !

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As the sword rocketed towards the blonde haired woman fast enough to cause the ground to crack and shatter from the air pressure, Boudica and Raikou were both thinking the same thing "Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit, did I leave the stove on?"

Luckily the blond haired woman had some presence of mind and barely dodged the blade.

Needless to say this day has not been going to anyone's expectations.

"Demon-Slayer" Asta quietly commanded as his sword stopped in mid air before rapidly spinning back towards the blonde haired woman who deflected it with her flag, leaving her open for the man wearing black to grab the end of her flag and use the flag to pull her towards him and grab her by her shirt and throw her towards Boudica and Raikou who managed to haphazardly catch her.


"Who, the fuck is Jeanne d'arc?" Asta asked as he worked with Boudica to make the Shepherd's Pie, using the meat from dragons as a substitute for the beef.

"Saint Jeanne d'Arc-" Mash started to say before she was interrupted by Asta sarcastically saying "Oooooh a saint, a saint like, Deus Vult, crusades, genocide in the name of god and a hundred thousand other atrocities, those saints, Catholics right"

"Saint Jeanne d'Arc the savior. She is a world-renowned hero. A woman who stood up to save France from being conquered in the late stages of the Hundred Years' War. She saved France at age 17, and managed to reclaim Orleans in just one year... But she was caught by the English army, and after an inquisition, burned at the stake. They say that from the time of her imprisonment till her burning, she endured gruesome torture and humiliation daily. England wanted to prove that she was not a saint, but a heretic. So they tried to torture her into saying "I did not hear the Lord's voice." However, her heart remained true. Even while burning, she held onto her prayers. Later, her honor was recognized, and after 400 years she was officially made a saint. A powerless girl's wishes changed the world. In that regard, Jeanne d'Arc is definitely a top-rank Heroic Spirit." Mash belted out directly from memory like one would list out the stats of their favorite Gacha Game character while completely ignoring Asta's previous comment.

"Fangirling much there Mash?" Da vinci teased Mash before responding to Asta's mocking comment on the Catholics by saying "Yes those Saints".

"Excusez moi but-" The blonde haired woman now known as Jeanne d'Arc attempted to say before several black throwing knives thrown by Jack impaled themselves beside her head.

"Asta Momma is making us Sheperds Pie, don't interrupt him," Jack said, fully explaining why they nearly skewered the saint of france.

"Asta Momma?" Asta muttered to himself as he washed his hands in the water bucket with Boudica.

"Duly noted, but I was hoping to correct that young woman there" Jeanne vaguely gestured to mash with her chin as her hands were bound by custom made binds courtesy of Vlad The Third.

"O-oh what were you hoping to correct me about?" Mash asked timidly.

"I helped to save France at eighteen, not seventeen. I'm not entirely sure where the seventeen year old thing came from, I apologize." Jeanne half lied as she had a guess at who spread the rumor, if she saw him again she would give his eyes a good poke.

"N-no it should be me who should be apologizing, not you" Mash stuttered out.

Asta interjected as he dried his hands off by saying "Have some pride Eggplant you are a demi-servant are you not, so stop stuttering, and present yourself as such"

"Yes sir" Mash said, attempting to present herself as a servant but ended up looking like a slightly intimidating kitten.

"You're not quite there yet Mashu" Gudako said with a comical sweatdrop on her head.


"SENPAI!?" Mash exclaimed, shocked by her senpai's change in appearance and gender.

"MASTER!?" Asta, Vlad, and Boudica, Yelped completely surprised at Guda's change into Gudako.

"GUDA MOMMA!?" Jack squealed excitedly.

"MY CHILD!?" Raikou yelled out.

The door was slammed open by a French soldier.

"WE ARE UNDER ATTACK- ARGH" a french soldier yelled before he was struck in the back by an arrow.


A short one but I think I got everything I wanted to across and since the next few chapters will focus on why Asta is really here, Vlad facing meeting demons, and Boudica meeting a twisted reflection of who she once was in Jeanne Alter.

Please Comment, I'm literally begging, even if it's a criticism or just a short little bit saying have a good day it will really help me out in finding the motivation to continue this.

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