The Impalers Guilt, The Devils Secret, The Paladins Memory!

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The Impalers Guilt

The harsh fluorescent lights.

The cold and unforgiving steel walls and floors.

The burning smell of disinfecting alcohol.

The artificial warmth of the barely functioning Heater.

These are only a small number of the reasons Vlad Tepes despises the headquarters of the Chaldea Security Organization.

Well, that and the deafening silence.

Nothing but Silence and Guilt and voices.





Vlad punched the wall with his remaining arm destroying the wall and showing him that, in his rage he had (Luckily) punched into the bathroom that was heavily damaged by the man Asta has labeled as Green Shitstain.

"What did that wall ever do to you if I may be so bold to ask?" A voice with a heavy Swiss German accent said to the Impaler, pulling him out of his thoughts.

"Ah, Sir William Tell" Vlad said as he lowered his arm and brought his anger and shame back under its leash.

After a moment of silence William Tell sighed and said "Follow me Sir Vlad"

Vlad quirked his eyebrow at this request and asked "And why should I do that?"

William Tell simply smirked and said "Humor me."

Vlad, having nothing better to do, did.


Chibi Vlad and Chibi William Tell are shown raiding the store rooms of Chaldea looking for a specific set of Items.


"Might I ask why the two of us just tore Chaldea apart for these tools?" Vlad asked the archer.

Rather than answering the question William Tell simply said "The silence of this place is despicable."

And Vlad, unable to disagree, said "Aye, but hopefully Master will be able to summon some servants to liven the place up."

William Tell frowned before saying sadly "That child is far too young to be doing this, they should be more concerned with pretty girls and handsome boys at this point in their life"

As the pair of servants rounded the corner to the destroyed wall all vlad could do was agree

After all he has his own experience of going to war at a young age, the thousands of dead that lay at his feet and upon pikes are proof of that.

However all Vlad can do now is hope that Fujimaru Ritsuka's story fares better than his own.

The Devils Secret

Roman, Da Vinci, Schnezerade and the rest of the servants besides Vlad and William Tell stared at the screen showing a recording of Asta's fight against the black knight.

Right now they were watching the knight dropping the bomb on Asta from it's fighter jet.

When the bomb exploded everyone winced at the fact that he just had a high explosive capable destroying entire blocks of buildings.

Then as the smoke cleared they saw something terrifying.

A mass of black energy writhing and spinning and screaming and the worst part of it all laughing.

The Ruler In BlackNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ