Rage Of The Saints Pt.1

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"Lady Raikou" Asta acknowledged the berserker servant walking beside him.

After a moment of Raikou trying to figure out how to address Asta she said "I-i have a question for you" somewhat awkwardly.

"Ask away Lady Raikou '' Asta said jubilantly.

"What is your last name? I apologize if you have said your last name before and I didn't hear it, but please tell me." Raikou asked.

Asta laughed before he scratched his cheek in embarrassment and said somewhat sadly "I don't have a last name, just a great many titles and epithets."

"What do you mean, if you don't mind my asking?" Raikou inquired.

"I was born an orphan without a family name or any power to call my own eventually however after much training and through many trials and tribulations I became the world's strongest and earned the obscenely long name that would be engraved upon my throne The Demon Saint Asta, The Thirtieth Wizard King, the First Emperor of the Clover Empire, the King Of Hell, and the Strongest Man In The World" Asta said with a hint of pride in his voice.

"That is quite the story and quite the name" Raikou said with a sweatdrop.

"Trust me I know that's why most people referred in my country referred to me as The Demon Saint or Demon Saint Asta, or just Asta in Hino however they had a lot of different names for me, Shōkyo no akuma being the one people referred to me as when I was fighting but most of the time they just called me Asta with the honorific of their choice" Asta said to Raikou.

"The Devil Of Erasure?, I must say Asta-San, you have such interesting names." Raikou said, amused at Asta's expense.

"I'm glad my many names amuse you Lady Raikou!" Asta exclaimed with dry sarcasm in his voice and the ghost of a smile upon his lips.

Asta and Raikou's conversation was cut short however when Mash called them to the front of the cart, they had arrived at their destination.

Chibi Asta and Raikou are shown speaking over tea

"What in the ever loving fuck happened here?" Asta asked as the group walked through the ruins of the.

"I don't know, but it was probably the Yandere Bitch's fault," Elizabeth said aloud.

"Hmph, perhaps they heard your atrocious singing and killed each other, Tonedeaf Cunt" Kiyohime said to Elizabeth.

As Elizabeth opened her mouth to fire back Asta spun on his heel and interrupted by saying "Your both cunts now let's move on before I kill you both!"

This quieted the two arguing servants and Asta turned back around to continue walking however as quickly as he turned around he halted and turned his ear to the sky before saying with steel in his voice that hid no small feeling of joy "Enemy Servants Incoming."

Just as Asta said this the comms crackled to life and Roman exclaimed over the comms "ENEMY SERVANTS CLOSING IN FAST FROM THE-"

"WE KNOW!" every one yelled, cutting Roman off

"Well fuck you guys too!" Roman cried before cutting off his communications

"Asta any idea how many we're up against?" Gudao asked.

"Eight servants and... something absolutely fucking massive... and fast." Asta responded as his hair turned pitch black alongside his horns growing out of his head, his eyes igniting with an unholy and raging red, his wings and tail forming, and his hands growing sharp beastlike claws.

"How wonderful" Elizabeth hissed as she rolled her eyes and drew her spear, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Indeed" Kiyohime agreed for the first time since she and Elizabeth met as she closed the fan she held it in front of her face and summoned a naginata as a dangerous heat began to emanate off of her.

"YAY! We get to slaughter some baddies!" Jack exclaimed happily as they drew their knives, jumping at the opportunity to earn their momma's praise.

"Perhaps we will be able to talk to them?" Gareth hopefully asked as she raised her lance and loaded a charge into its chamber.

"It is unlikely we will be able to," Boudica stated as she strapped her shield onto her left arm and drew her blade with her right.

"I do hope that white haired woman is not among them," Raikou stated as she drew her sword and shuddered.

"I apologize lady Raikou but the woman you are speaking of more than likely will be among them" Jeanne stated as she held her standard aloft in one hand before striking the bottom of the shaft upon the ground which turned the cloth of the standard into a lance head.

"Senpai, we must be ready for battle!" Mash told Gudako as she lodged her shield into the ground.

A tense silence fell over the group as they stood together ready to fight.

Then an earth shattering BOOOOM!!! Was heard as a massive black creature approached.

"Oooh A Dragon! I wonder if your Dragons are like the ones in my world?" Asta asked excitedly as the Dragon flapped its wings and rushed towards their group even faster.

"Seeing how strong you are I certainly hope not!" Guda cried as they cowered behind Mash and her shield.

"Come now Master, why do you have to kill my mood?" Asta asked with a grin on his face.

"YOU HAVE LITERALLY RIPPED AN ENTIRE FLOCK OF DRAKES TO PIECES!!!" Everyone but Jack, Elizabeth, and Kiyohime exclaimed to Asta.

"How rude," Asta exclaimed as he turned his attention back towards the Dragon which was almost upon them.

Asta somehow grinned even larger and yelled "BRACE!!!" as the dragon flew overhead nearly leveling the ruined town with the air its speed was displacing.

The Dragon circled the now truly ruined town as the comms crackled to life and rather than Roman or Da Vinci it was Sieg's monotonous voice that was transmitted into their heads as he exclaimed "That is the ultimate Evil Dragon, Designation: Fafnir! His power is immense and his scales nigh on impenetrable by anything shy of a High-Power Noble Phantasm along the lines of Balmung!"

"The fucks a Balmung? Actually y'know what I don't even care, We've got bigger lizards to filet, like that big ass Dragon!" Asta said to Sieg over the Comms.

"Your funeral~!" Astolfo's sing-song voice rang out over the comms.

"Keh Heh Heh, probably!" Asta laughed happily.

"YOU'RE INSANE!!!" Gudako and Mash yelled.

"Probably!" Asta exclaimed as the dragon landed and nine servants jumped from its back.


Y'know, in Sieg's Valentine's event his version of Fafnir is a pretty good boi not as good a boi as Lobo but pretty good!

Additions to the relationship pool are still open; you can include servants for the later singularities and lostbelts!

After the next two chapters I will be going on Hiatus until the beginning of next year so I can improve my writing and so I can write some... spicy ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) stuff for Asta, Boudica, and Raikou for after they finish up with Orleas.

As Always please comment on this nightmare.

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