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"Miss Boudica! It's time to wake up!" Gareth yelled into the cart at the pile of covers which Boudica lay under.

"NO!" Boudica yelled back towards Gareth before she groaned into the blankets, remembering last night's escapade in the sky and all the uncomfortable feelings in her chest she felt about it, more specifically her uncomfortable feelings about him, that insufferably spontaneous man with ash hair and two toned eyes! And his strong firm muscles and his handsome face and broad chest, and his beautiful eyes, and, and, and...

"RRRRRRAAAAAGGGGGGHHHHH" Boudica screamed startling Gareth

"Miss Boudica! Are You Okay!" Gareth asked concerned

"NO I'M NOT, I MET ASTA, AND NOW I CAN'T THINK STRAIGHT!" Came Boudica's muffled reply.

"DID HE POISON YOU!?" Gareth asked loudly.

"NO! WHY IS THAT THE FIRST PLACE YOUR MIND GOES TO!?" Boudica asked equally as loud.

"I DUNNO" Gareth yelled back

Chibi Boudica Is Shown Bonking Herself With The H O R N I Bat

"Oh Boudica Of The Blanket Fort, what is thine wisdom?" Asta asked with a wide grin and his (More Than Likely) trademark sarcasm as Boudica walked towards the group of servants and Gudao eating breakfast.

Boudica answered this jab with an incomprehensible jumble of words and a faint dusting of red upon her face.

"Asta, what did you do to her, she's been like this since she woke up!?" Gareth exclaimed whilst hiding behind Boudica from Asta, still somewhat scared of him due to his outburst the day before.

"Why am I your first suspect?" Asta asked, offended.

"You're my first suspect because Boudica said-" Gareth began before Boudica spun on her heel and clamped her hand on Gareth's cheeks, blushing the same shade of crimson as her hair.

"If you tell him what I told you I'll tell him what you were doing in the woods last night with his name on your lips, little miss masochist!" Boudica quietly hissed into Gareth's ear.

"You wouldn't!" Gareth quietly exclaimed to Boudica, her face aflame with embarrassment.

"If i'm going down you're going down with me!" Boudica told Gareth quietly.

"What are we talking about?" Asta asked the pair of whispering ladies quietly as he suddenly appeared.

Both women squeaked in alarm at Asta's sudden appearance before hastily asking him "HOW MUCH OF OUR CONVERSATION DID YOU HEAR!?"

"All of it, but just for everyone else can you say what it was about?" Asta said with a teasing mirth in his voice that hid whether or not he actually heard them.

Luckily two arguing voices interrupted the interrogation of the two women.

"Bitch" The first voice called out in a melodic and soft voice that hid an undertone of obsession.

"Cunt" The second voice shot back with a false kindness and barely hidden anger.

"Tonedeaf" the first voice shot back.

"Yandere," the second voice exclaimed.

The constant trading of insults continued for several minutes until Asta summoned an M61 Vulcan Gatling Gun with a belt of ammunition going down from the gun and into the red rippling portal Asta pulled the weapon out from.

"Where the hell did you get that!?" Gudako hissed quietly at Asta.

"The shadow knight" Asta responded quietly before aiming the gun and somehow forcing the barrels of the gun to spool up to speed.

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