A Flight And The Beginning Of Romance

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"Are you sure about this Vlad!?" Guda asked, alarmed at his declaration.

"Yes, I am, as of right now I am a liability to you and the others, not only am I heavily injured, the one who caused these injuries could cause me to act rashly" Vlad said calmly and strategically as he gestured to his missing arm with his remaining one and his myriad of other injuries.

"I agree with Vlad's assessment, he is heavily injured and his doppleganger could- no would go after him in an attempt to force him into a battle which could leave us susceptible to an ambush." Asta said, agreeing with the Lancer class servant.

"Essentially, Vlad has too much bad blood with himself to be allowed to continue on this mission" Asta summarized.

"That probably needs therapy," Ritsuka stated.

"I'm well aware," Vlad said.

The comms crackled to life and Da Vinci's voice transmitted over the coms as she asked "Who are we replacing Vlad with on the mission?"


Chibi Gareth Is Shown Making Cupcakes


"And that's why we had Vlad Rayshift back to Chaldea and you were sent here!" Asta explained jubilantly to Gareth as they drove a cart with canvas covering the group managed to scavenge and some big plow horses that were lended to their group as thanks.

"So Ser Gareth, any questions?" Asta asked the Lancer on his left.

"A few most of them concern how you defeated that Berserker, I mean it was all BRRRRRRRRRRR, and BOOOOOOOM, and RRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAGGGGHHHH!, then that guy landed after they dropped the bomb on you but we lost connection with you when you held your hands together like this" Gareth said with dramatic and energetic hand waving and gestures before clasping her hands together like a prayer with her fingers overlaping.

As soon as she said this however, the jubilant look and energy that surrounded Asta immediately changed into a storm cloud as the air became heavy, cold, and hostile as both of Asta's eye's turned a glowing blood red and heavy overcast clouds formed overhead.

"Ser Gareth, I ask you to forget what you saw in that battle" Asta told Gareth coldly as he looked her straight in the eyes.

"W-why?" Gareth stuttered out, feeling every part of her being scream for her to run from the void in Asta's eyes.

"There are some things that every heroic spirit is ashamed of, what I used upon the berserker without thinking about the possible consequences is my shame" Asta said in a vague but grim manner as a crack of lightning boomed overhead.

"I-i see" Gareth said as the pressure exuded by Asta began to lessen and another crack of thunder booms

After a moment Asta looked to the sky and said "It seems it's about to rain."

The Ruler In BlackDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora