nobody buys problems in cash, everyone comes in installments and with interest!

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The day was pleasant, white snow falling over Yggdrazil, betraying its first winter. With things calmer on the mainland, the now Yggdrazilian Empire was still going strong, which, despite the circumstances, reduced its major crises in a short time.

By order of the Empress, a certain level of military technological culture was released. And even if it was initially something from the 25th century, no one is willing to go back to XXXI and devastate the beauty of the new world.

After a few months the military power stats had increased from 74% to 79, as well as technology development which had increased from 30% to 36%.

Using the knowledge inherited by their ancestors, who had contact with the true livestock culture, there was a significant increase in agriculture, which, even with the lack of technique and experience, rose from 70% to 73%.

There was an improvement in infrastructure and consequently in basic sanitation, which were successful in reducing the mortality rate from diseases by 60%.
As a result, the rate of children dying at birth dropped from 58% to 37% during those few months, and to Maple's delight, the law prohibiting riots for the next 50 years was being followed to the letter.

This week specifically, an event that everyone on the continent had been waiting for took place, “lunar domination”, a crudely-named project that aimed to colonize one of the four natural satellites of this world.

Being on a planet five times the size of Earth, with four moons and technology advanced enough to colonize the solar system, the celestials have decided to turn the moon into a factory!

A place where products that would cause pollution during manufacturing would be produced without affecting them.

Operations began, a white aircraft approximately 500 meters wide, 1000 meters long and 300 meters high was launched from a floating island near the capital.

The aircraft had a crew of 2000 people, of which 48 were reincarnated, with the objective of the confirmed mission, The duration of this would be a year and a half. From there satellites would be launched, there was a secondary objective of mapping the solar system and updating knowledge about outer space.

There was also a great improvement in the means of transport, especially the roads, which were previously made of dirt without any maintenance, were leveled to receive tiles. A project was also started to build a bullet train with the 24th century design, A model powered by solar energy.

In the maritime part, there was a large increase in ports and authorization was given for the construction of 3 models of boats and ships.

Civilian boat of the late 21st century.

23rd century military boat

24th century military ship

With the winter, there was also a drop in the appearance of monsters, in short, most celestials took advantage of this event to fortify the walls of cities and start the maintenance of army equipment, as well as boats.

As mentioned before, it was a pleasant day, where the snow was falling serenely, where two young people aged 98 and 100 found the wreckage of a castaway...



Sally (Shiramine Risa)_ no

Today would have been a calm day if it weren't for the mountain of documents about winter stocks I have to analyze.

When I built this city, it never crossed my mind that I would actually be here. But much better than before, after all there was no one but Kaede in this world.

But today's problems are not just paperwork, but these castaways. Appeared a couple of hours . Its wreckage, its dead and its survivors.

As it is quite possible that the sea will freeze soon, I gave the order to remove as much of the sea as possible. The survivors received first aid and were left in a joint house. There were four of them so no problem, I sent the letter to Kaede for the purpose of handling this case.

Anyway, I received a 21st century American Armed Forces prosthetic, an armored tank, a hundred units of rifles, two shotguns, an aircraft carrier with about twenty fighter jets, three hundred units of pistols and a battleship.

We don't know much about the other continents, nor about the humans that inhabit them, but I hope I don't have problems with my borders.

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