brothers, BROTHERS ????

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"So sisy, where did you live all this time," Aiden asked
'Not now brother' I told to myself, ' eehh what brother??? Kara what the fuck are you doing ' I replied to my other statement

"Okay, wait do you like cooking, No?? Maybe drawing cause I love them, maybe we can do it together sometime " Aiden continued being all excited, I was about to reply when thankfully Elijah said " give her a break Aiden, we can talk at home and the rest will also be their so its better to talk at that time "

"The rest??" I asked pretending to not know anything.... 'someone give me my Oscar, I am such a great actor ' of course I know they are talking about my ' brothers'

"Your Brothers, you have six of them including us" Aiden
"What??" I asked, I was genuinely shocked 6 brothers I thought I had only 5 of them.

"Don't worry they are all nice, sometimes?" he said slowing a bit at the last

I took out my phone and texted Adrian
(A-Adrian K-kara)

K- hey, how much did you look into my biological family

He immediate replied
A- not much I just looked into Elijah your eldest brother and found that he was the don of the Italian mafia and from that, I found the rest of your brothers but there is not much about them

K-okay, legal or illegal???

A-legal why??

K- how many Brothers do I have?

A- 5, kara is something wrong, are you fine????

K- I am fine, it's nothing just, find everything about the Italian mafia illegal or legal I want everything as soon as possible ok?

A- yes donna

" is something wrong kara, " Elijah asked me
"Nothing just texting friend " I replied and he nodded

"We will be landing soon, please fasten your seat belts," the pilot said on the intercom


We were sitting in the car, it was way too quiet for my liking, like the quietness before the storm

"So, Aiden tell something about you and our brothers," I asked

"Let's talk when we get home Bambi--- kara, why don't you sleep for a while," he said with a soft smile. What's wrong all of a sudden did I do something wrong, but I decided not to rebel on this one they looked worried, but I didn't sleep I just closed my eyes and laid my head on the side window

"Questi stronzi hanno rubato di nuovo la nostra spedizione. che cazzo è il loro problema"
(T:this fuckers stole our shipment again. what the fuck is their problem )
Elijah asked a bit angry

"controlla te stesso Elijah, nostra sorella è appena tornata, la stai spaventando, mi si spezza il cuore non risponderle correttamente quando finalmente mi sta parlando"
(T:control yourself Elijah, our sister just came back you are scaring her, it breaks my heart to not reply to her properly when she is finally talking to me )
Aiden replied I don't know how but I knew he was angry. It's kind dumb to think I don't know Italian but it's even dumb to think that someone can fall a sleep within seconds anyways it just proves that they are either to innocent or to dumb but what Elijah said next shocked me
"lo so, anche a me è mancata, ma temo che se non trovo chi è stato, potrebbero farle del male di nuovo"
(T:i know, i missed her too but i am afraid that if i don't find who did this they might harm her again )

Harm me??? Who can harm me... Ahh, why does my work keep getting more? I don't know when I fell asleep but woke up to Aiden shaking me awake

"Kara, kara wake we are home," he said

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