The Past

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Kara pov ****
It is dark, my body is in pain...
I get up, I realized that he hit me again and I fainted again. I was sleeping in a pool of blood, I try to stand up but fail miserably, tears start flowing from my eyes due to the pain, I try to stop crying when I heard footsteps he is here...

" Look who is awake," Liam said smirking with a metal rod in his hand, I try to slide back since I am not able to stand up
"I -- I am---m so---sor--sorry " I say shuttering
" you think I would give a fuck about what you say? " he asked dryly, he grabs my hair and yelled " don't worry, I won't kill you, the boss needs you to end them so fucking train harder " " end-- end who? " I asked scared of his reaction "none of your fucking business, 3000 push-ups now " he yelled again and left.

1 ..2...3..50.....147.....200....300....800....1200... 2558...
I feel down,

"Who told you can stop bitch " Liam said throwing the metal rod at me.
" I ---i --a--m ti--re-d " I said
" you fucking bitch " he shouted and start kicking me everywhere
" ple--ase le----ave ----me I am s----orry please " I cried
" ahhhhhhhh" I scream

Kara kara, wake up love it's just a nightmare kara

"Ahhhhh" shout as I wake up, I can't breathe, I try to take oxygen as much as possible... I hug the nearest person to me I can't see properly " shh it's okay I am here okay " he told, Elijah told as she rubbed my back " no one will hurt you princess calm down shhh shhh" he held my wrist and kept my palm on his heart " breathe in breathe out breathe in .....out "

I realize everyone was there my papa and my brothers

I realise I was crying when I calmed down a little papa came near me and asked if he could sit near me, I nod as I hug Elijah tighter

"Bambina, can you tell me what happened," he asked softly playing with my hair and I start crying harder. He takes me from Elijah and hugs me " shh shh I am here no one can touch my daughter again okay? Everything is fine just tell papa what happened when you want okay ?" he said like I was 2 years old

" I -- I lily ---s--old " I started but end up crying more
"shh shh it's okay take your time," papa told

" as lon---g as I re--mem-ber Lily a--nd her boy-friend used to hi-t me, when I was aro--und 5 she sold me to this m-an, he us--ed to h--it me, ma--ke me w--ork for him, " I said sobbing, technical I am not lying I didn't know that he was mafia until I was 8. I hug him tightly not wanting to tell go and he hugged me back

" Did they ever---to" papa started but was not able to continue, he closed his eyes and hugged me not wanting to hear the answer. I knew what his question was so I answered "no he tried to but was never able to touch me " actually he did that only when he was drunk, so I would kick his ass and he would remember it the next day

We kept hugging until my eyes closed ........


Elijah pov ***

Those scars on her leg, I was not able to protect her. I am so sorry my luna, we were in the living room Luca was crying, and Lucas was comforting him but he was on the verge of crying too. Aiden and Angelo were guilty, regretting that they didn't try to find her earlier even though they did their best. And papa just looked shocked. Just then kayden came down " she is sleeping," he said with tears in his eyes, Aiden immediately went and hugged him, " you couldn't do anything there, you are not at fault. If we could change something about that night we would want to see both you and kara together, okay so never think otherwise get it " Aiden told Kayden as he wiped Kayden's tears.

" I kill whoever did that to my kara " Luca shouted
" yes, but now go to sleep I will ask her about it tomorrow " papa ordered
" but --" Luca started but one glare from papa stopped him. We all were going to our respective rooms when we heard screams from kara's room. We ran in to see she was having a nightmare, she was in pain she was hurting herself. I go beside her and ask her to wake up...

( a/n: I am to lazy to write that again so don't mind? )

Kara was finally asleep everyone was boiling with rage how could she do that to her niece, no matter she was her aunt after all.

" Tomorrow everyone meet me after breakfast I kill the people who hurt my daughter. " papa told and we all nodded

"I think it's better if one of us stays with her " Lucas suggested

We all nodded again Aiden said, he could stay but Angelo said that wouldn't be necessary because he has some hacking stuff to do so he will stay awake the whole night and it will be better if he does it. We all agree later Angelo takes her to his room since the door is broken and whatever Angelo needs is in his room...

After kara and Angelo left all of us left too...

So, hey I know it's a small chapter but I posted it just after 2 days after the last chapter so 🤷‍♀️... I did it because I have a preparatory coming up so I might not be able to post anything for 1 or 2 weeks, I have exams without breaks in between I have to study before only, but I promise to write and post whenever I am free .... Hope you like the chapter enjoy 💖💖💖

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