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1 week later****

"Good morning ma'am " one of Augustus's men wished her as she entered the Spanish mafia base, she nodded and asked "Any news on them? "
" currently no maam we are trying our best to find them," the man replied
"Try harder then," she said in a deadly voice walking always,

Adrian along with Augustus's right-hand man aka his best friend, Xander were waiting for Kara in Augustus's cabin
" you need to tell her to stay calm and smile a little. She  scares  the crap out of me " Xander told as she opened the door

"Tell me to stay calm when you find my brother and my augu--- friend," she told as sat in front of them on Augustus's chair

She opens the draw and starts going through Augustus's files looking for something when she doesn't find whatever she was looking for she gets up and looks through the bookshelf behind, when she still doesn't find it she crouches and takes a look below the table,

"What are---" Xander started but stopped mid-sentence when Kara stood up properly and kept her hand in front showing a bug microphone, Kara took her phone out of her pant pocket,  pressed the notes option on it, and showed it in a way so that only Xander and Adrian can see what's written

'check for any cameras and talk about something not important so they don't get suspicious'

Nodding their heads Kara, Xander and Adrian started looking around, After a while when they couldn't find anything, Xander and Adrian looked at Kara for their next order 

"Well Xander good job on spying on both Italians and Spaniards for all these years, I can't believe the Spanish mafia is this weak. Now that both Elijah and Augustus are out of the way all three of the mafias will be under my control " Kara said and started laughing evilly 

" But Donna why did you have to wait for so long you could have crushed them before easily, " Xander asked curiously 

"French mafia is known for not attacking first moreover it is easier this way, pretending to be all innocent in front of Rossi's and Gomez's so they trust me and then very slowly start destroying them." Kara chuckled

 " so them getting kidnapped was your plan ?" Adrian asked 

"No, it was the Russians, the don made my work easier now I just have to pretend to search for that dumb Elijah and that Lover boy Augustus, and slowly I will take out their businesses and Mafia no bloodshed " She was laughing now and soon both Xander and Adrian joined her.

"Enough let's go we need to carefully make a contract, So nobody knows before we get our hands on all that money" 

Kara walked out of the cabin followed by Adrian and Xander, Her car was waiting for her just outside the building, She sat in the driver's seat, Adrian in the passenger, and Xander in the back seat. As soon as they sat in Kara started driving at max speed ( of that area). The car was quiet none of them spoke after about 10 minutes Kara suddenly pulled the brakes. Immediately got out of the car and yelled at the top of her lungs, Adrian and Xander got down too, They were somewhere deep in the forest. Kara's breath was shorting.

"Calm down Kara," Adrian said rubbing her back so it helped her breathing

" How can I calm down Adrian, I just admitted that I was betraying them" 

" falsely," Xander said 

" You didn't mean a word you said in there, It's for the best you did that to save them" he continued

"Xander, You know how twisted the don of the Russian mafia is,  what if. What if he shows them the recording " 

"Then he does, Your brother and Augustus know you. They know that you could never even think of betraying them " Adrian replied for Xander 

" Moreover from what I know your brothers love you more than anyone, more than themselves, and as for my 'best friend' he is too  much in lo-- I mean he trusts and respects you so much that even if you betray them they will still stand by you" Xander continued

Kara just gave them a weak smile to both of them 

"You guess did a great job catching up with the whole act " she praised them 

"But what are we going to do now, how are we going to find them? and how did you know about the whole microphone thing?" Xander questioned 

Kara and Adrian shared a look and both of them smirked 

"Kara had her suspicions that someone must be spying on us " Adrian started

"At first I thought it was you," Kara said casually causing Xander to gasp and dramatically say "How could you i thought we were friends "

"Yeah you thought " she sassed before Xander could reply Adrian said "Guys focus "

he continued " So Kara voiced them to me but we wanted to be sure so when you were not in the cabin Kara using one of her software checked for any suspicious devices in the cabin, her guess was right there was a microphone not sure where, before we could look into it you returned"

" and hence i had to work all night yesterday," She said in an extra fun way 

"She did a background check on you and also found out that the devices were put there by someone else and not you so you are in now "

"Hey, how could you not trust me " Xander yelled

"this is why " Kara rolled her eye, Although she didn't accept it, She had started taking ander as a friend and hoped that her suspicions were wrong and he didn't betray anyone...

"so why are we here ?" Xander asked 

"Because idiot we are in the deep forest so even if they have put microphones anywhere near us like our phones or my car they won't be able to hear us," Kara said

"So what now" Adrian asked 

"Well let's go to Russia" Kara replied 

"and then" Xander Questioned

" bring back my brother and your boss" she replied 

"do you even know where they are like the exact location ?" Xander asked  

"OF COURSE dumbo I am not the donna of the French mafia foe no reason" she told 

" YOU knew and didnt tell me ? for how long?"

" 1 weeks" she replied




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