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The sun had raised, and the birds were flying in the warm blue sky. Kara shifted more towards her right falling into the warm embrace of her rock-hard pillow, the only thing wrong about this sentence was there was no rock-hard pillow, it was none other than Augustus. She slowly opened her eyes to see a handsome young man holding her as if his life depends on it, And just like that she remembered what happened last night

she slept again she had a nightmare again she shouted in pain again he heard her painful shouts again he went to her again he helped her again

She was looking at his tanned face looking golden due to the sun's rays making him look more heavenly all she wanted to do was stay in the same place and stare at him.

she saw his eyelids making movement and immediately closed her eyes. Augustus opened his eyes to see the most beautiful person in front of him. He just stared at her for a couple of seconds smiling. Slowly trying not to wake her, he pulled himself away.

"I am sorry, you had to suffer so much at such young age. I am proud of you"

he said caressing her cheeks lightly and got up and left. She opened her eyes as soon as she heard the door close

"Why are you proud of me ?" she mumbled and got up. Her aunt told her they will have to leave the house by 10 am and the time now was 7 am, she put her phone for charging and went to take a bath.

she wore beige colored pants and a turtleneck top along with white sneakers and wore the diamond necklace Augustus gave her

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she wore beige colored pants and a turtleneck top along with white sneakers and wore the diamond necklace Augustus gave her. She brought her suitcase which was packed almost 3 days ago because she knew that she had to go to Paris by hook or crook.

"What am I forgetting," she asked herself "Oh, right" She went to the closet and got an off-white long coat, it is colder in Paris than in Rome. She put the coat on the suitcase as it was not that cold and she could take it while going along with her suitcase and backpack, she put her laptop, headphones and a couple of files even though she knew she wouldn't be able to do any work as her aunts and grandma will know.

She went down to see all of them were sitting and having their coffee or tea or juice.

"Wow, this is new," Kara said as she went and sat next to Luca, She gave him a sweet smile and he sighed and passed her his coffee

"What is new ?" Leonard asked

"You, All of you guys sitting together for breakfast this early, I thought only dinners were such events"

"Well, If your legs ever stayed at home you would know most of them have breakfast together " Riccardo replied

Before Kara could say anything Francisco said " Enough Riccardo"

"What I am just telling the truth"

" Well, Riccardo unlike you who depends on his father's money and does nothing in life but eat and sleep. I earn for myself and help other people earn for their families, so you know what you should do mind your own fucking business" Kara told with a cold face. Riccardo was going to speak when his mother Aurora cut him

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