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I took bath and wore a black full-sleeve shirt\ hoodie and paired it with a blue denim skirt and black boots! I applied concealer on my legs, yes legs, not my face, I don't like applying makeup to my face,  maybe because I always have to cover my body with makeup when I wear short clothes, because of all the bruises anyways I put makeup setter on it. And let it dry for a couple of minutes  and then wore my skinned-coloured stockings 

I went down to see all my brothers awake, they were drinking coffee, at the dining table

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I went down to see all my brothers awake, they were drinking coffee, at the dining table. Half of them were awake and looked like they were going to a business meeting, I was fine with Elijah wearing it because I have always seen him in his stupid suits but what's wrong with Aiden and Angelo and the others looked like they didn't sleep for a whole year, all of them had a coffee mug in their hands and their heads on the table (lying down)

"Good morning, and what's wrong with both of you," I said looking at Angelo and Aiden as I took Kayden's  mug from his hand and took a sip of it 

"morning" everyone told me 

" too bitter, you can drink it, and, what's wrong with these three, " I said giving back the coffee and looking at Kayden, Luca, and Lucas who now were awake, I went and sat on the chair next to Elijah 

"Nothing is wrong with me and Aiden we have a meeting so we are wearing suits," Angelo said and I made an 'o' face.  "and these guys " he continued point  Kayden, Lucas, and Luca " they are just grumpy in the morning, Wanna try my tea? " he said pushing his mug towards me at first I was kinda happy that he is giving me this tea but when I saw what was inside I said " GREEN TEA haha no thanks" and pushed back the mug 

Aiden chuckled and  said " here  have  mine, see if you like it" I took the mug and took a sip " too sweet," I said giving his mug back aggressively, Elijah pushed his mug in front of me but said nothing I saw it was black tea and I said giving the mug back   " Not in the mood Eli" " why does he get a nickname and I don't" Aiden yelled " work in process," I said and got up from the chair I saw Lucas was drinking  milk "such a kid," I said and  went to see what Luca was drinking, I took the coffee from his hand "hey," he said but I already had a sip of it  "perfect," I said and all my brothers including  Luca looked at me "give it back, make yourself a new one, " Luca said " too much work "I replied back as I took another sip of it while walking back to my place  

"by the way your clothes----" Luca started but Aiden cut him off and said " give her a break Luca, don't go all protective "

"oh shut up, I was going to say her clothes look good on her... I know how to fight we all do, so she can wear whatever she wants.No one tells my sister what she has to wear and what she should not " Luca said aww 

"thank you but  I can protect myself " I replied he was going to tell something when Elijah spoke " Eat your breakfast while Kayden, Luca, and Lucas get ready they will go with you and I have something for you so finish your breakfast, fast"

"Okay," I said and a maid brought my food  2 pancakes and a huge fruit salad, and orange juice 

"Isn't it a bit too much?" I asked 

"It.Is.Not " Aiden said sighing as I have no option I will have to eat it.

I finished everything but I feel like vomiting, Aiden didn't leave me until I finished so I had to finish it...

"Let's go see your surprise, " Elijah said

We went outside and I saw my baby... He looked sooo hot...
My boyfriend

my lovely car
"Ahhhhhhhhhh" I shouted and ran towards my baby. I turned back and shouted " THANK YOU ELIJAH " and ran again I ran again and was about to open the door but Aiden caught my hand and said " not so soon missy" " why, " I asked him

" Because in London the legal age to start driving is 16, but in Italy, it's 18 so you can't drive here " "nooo," I said and made a sad face I was about to walk away when Elijah said  " but you are my sister and I have a lot of connections " I turned towards him with hope full eyes " you can drive as long as one of us is with you in the car" " yaaaaaa thank you, Elijah, " I said and hugged him " but you get into accident or ---" he started but I cut him and said " I promise not to "

" wow whose car is this " Lucas said
I turned back to see Lucas choking my car

"Take your hands off my car Lucas " I shouted

"And who fuck do you think you are to tell me what to do? " he asked me in I am a fake bitch tone

"Language " my other brothers shouted

" oh, a just a no one who is your sister and the fucking owner of this car," I said in I am a real bitch tone

"Language" they shouted again

" How the hell do you own a car, " Luca asked me

" how do you earn money" I questioned back

"Business" Elijah replied

"Same, I will tell you more about it when the right time comes now can we go? " I told

I sat in the driver's seat and waited for kayden as he said he will come with me but to my surprise, Lucas entered the car

"What are you doing here?? " I asked him

" you need one of us when you are driving" he replied

"Exactly where is kayden??? " I asked him

"Do you have a problem with me being here?? " he asked trying to sound scary but he was not, his voice sounded... Cute I guess

"Nope, but you might ,wear your seat belt  " I warned him

" do you actually think your driving will scare me, well jokes on you sis I'm a racer, I can drive faster than a leopard so just drive " he replied

" suit yourself," I said and started the car.....


Hey guys sorry for updating late I have my exams and also thank you so much for supporting me we finally have  1.29k reads and I know the chapters are probably small or the story is going too slow but please have patients with me I will do my best 💖💖💖

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