"stop following me."

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Third person pov 

Everyone was shocked looking at the file Kara gave them, They always knew that Kara was smart but a Double degree at the age of 17 was something different, all of them were proud of their little girl. Valentino wanted Kara to be safe so he didn't agree for her to drive her car and instead ask one of her brothers to drop her. But before he could say anything she left. He knew she was mad at him and his family except for his parents so they were discussing about how to convince her. Everyone was so busy that they didn't notice Augustus slipping away. 

It was no lie that Augustus liked Kara but she was not here for almost 14 years, he doesn't know what kind of people she lived with, and he didn't know what kind of person she had become. Yes, he liked her but not more than her (kara) own family, the family that took care of him when his parents were 'too busy ', the kids from the family who treated him as their brother, he was beyond grateful to them and so he decided to follow kara.......


" Why are you such a show of, " Kara asked Adrian while smiling 

"of course, I have to be, got to keep up the reputation in front of your family " he replied  

"It's not like you are getting married to me why do you care," Kara asked narrowing her eyes 

"don't you know, we can get married in 10 minutes if you want also Nick likes me, the problem in your family and that dude who was with you last night  I don't wanna die so young," he said dramatically

"  Nick looks at you the same way he looks at someone of his age and the dude has a name Augustus okay ?" she said rolling her eyes 

" How can you say that you hurt my feelings," he said, they looked at each other and started laughing, this has always been a joke for them since an old lady at the ice cream parlor thought they were going to marry each other 

" You are so annoying, let me relax my mind while playing some songs," Kara said and connected her phone to the speaker through Bluetooth and clicked on BTBT by B.I 

When my eyes are on you
숨 막힐듯한 전율
Oh, you know you get me loose
Make me go 비틀비틀A dance floor made for two
달이 부르는 선율
Oh, it's only me and you
Make me go 비틀비틀

they both were jamming on it with their broken Korean, Of course, they knew how to speak Korean but it was more fun this way. Adrian noticed a car following them for a while so he told Kara " I think we are being followed ". Kara looked back and immediately knew who it was, Augustus. The song was now changed from BTBT to Psycho by Jun of Svt 

"remove your seat belt," she told 


" just do as I say "

both of the removed the belt 

(people it's not possible in real life please don't try unless you wanna die. please don't die doing this and blame the shit on me also I know you're not that rich to have such a car so nevermind )  

there was a bit of place between the passenger seat and the drives seat, Kara squeezed in there and told " I want you to shift to the passenger's seat as soon as you can " 

"Are you crazy we might die " Adrian replied 

"Trust me and do as I say," Kara told in a stiff voice. Adrian looked at her in fear and nodded 

" on 3," she told and took a deep breath, both of them knew every second mattered if they are even half a second late then would be dead.

" 1 2 3 " Adrian immediately moved and Kara took his place in the driver's seat.

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