Chapter 86

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"Leon?", my mother's voice came out of the living room. But I ignored her and pulled Max directly into my room instead.

Contrary to expectations, everything looked as I had left it behind: "Hanna?" Surprised, my mother stood in the door frame to my room. I only looked at them briefly before I went back to my stuff.

"What are you doing here?" she researched.

I bit my lips, but I couldn't resist my comment: "What does it look like?" Behind my mother, my father appeared, who looked at me just as surprised as my mother.

"Take this box and I'll take that one," I instructed Max. I just wanted to ignore my parents the way they've been doing to me for the last few weeks. Only I had made the calculation without her.

Before Max could say anything, my father was already in the room: "You don't lift anything, I'll help Max. Or was a stay in the hospital not enough for you. Don't look at me like that, of course we noticed the between case, you're still our daughter."

"If that were true, you would behave differently", I could no longer hold back the disappointment. No matter what had happened so far, I had loved her and still did, that's what made it so painful. My father's concern, which he just showed again, did not make the farewell any easier for me.

Dad and Max took boxes and took them down to the car, so only Mom and I were in the room: "The little belly of yours fits you, you look beautiful."

"Leave me, Mommy. You have decided and I have resigned myself. We're just here to get my last things and then you don't have to see me and my family anymore," I said tiredly. I was afraid to let myself be lulled again and to be hurt even worse in the end.

Sadly, my mother looked at me, "Hanna, you are still our daughter. No matter what happened, you can always come home." Maybe I could, but I was also aware of the condition behind it. My children would never be welcome.

"Where my children are not welcome, I don't want to go and my home is with Max. The moment you just hung up, you decided against me and took my home. So let it be if you're not serious," I vented my pent-up anger. There were still so many things I wanted to get rid of, but no matter what I didn't throw at her head, it wouldn't help any of us.

While my mother was close to tears, I turned my back on her and began to check my drawers that everything was packed. If I had looked her further in the eye, I would probably have taken everything back. She was my mother despite everything. Which tore me apart in this situation. But in this case, I couldn't afford to back down, not for myself and my children.

"I only have one more question. What difference does it make if Max I am married or not? Are we honest Marriage is just a bureaucratic act and says nothing about a relationship. So why does it make such a difference?", cautiously I looked at my mother again.

He had sat down on my bed and cried: "You shouldn't have children yet, you're too young. If you were old enough, you would understand that marriage is so much more."

"Sad that you live in the past where marriage was everything. But we live in the 21st century, where you can also be unmarried and have a family together. And I know best if I'm ready to be a mother!" I countered.

"Would you be ready," she said, "If you had no problem facing the public and being open about your pregnancy? Being pregnant is the most beautiful thing in the world, but you're too young to feel it."

"Yes, it's really nice to puke every morning until you lie exhausted on the floor. Not everyone has such a great pregnancy as you have always raved! I don't know what kind of brainwashing grandma subjected you to. But I thank God for rejecting me. Because I would never want my children to suffer the way I did because of you!" I slammed her head.

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