Chapter 125

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When I opened my eyes, Max wasn't there, which made me wonder: "Max?" Still tired and slightly beside me, I got up to get down from the bedroom to the living room. Contrary to expectations, however, there was no Max Verstappen to be seen there and in the kitchen.

I searched the living room and kitchen for a message, but there was no sign of it either. Slightly confused, I grabbed a glass of orange juice and went out onto the balcony with it. There I decided to write him a message. But surprisingly, it didn't get through to him.

I tried to calm myself down by watching reels on Instagram, mostly of funny animals. Nevertheless, I was only really reassured when I heard the apartment door and shortly afterwards a beaming Max Verstappen stood in front of me, as if he hadn't just disappeared.

When he wanted to give me a kiss, I turned my head away and crossed my arms: "Where have you been?" I looked at him expectantly, but only his grin widened in response.

"You'll see when we go to the port, I've got a surprise for you," he disappeared in the direction of the kitchen. Curious, I followed him, as I didn't like it when something was hinted at and then left me in the dark.

"What a surprise?", I leaned at the door frame, "You know I don't like surprises." Slowly, I walked up to him and put my hands on the back of his neck before kissing him.

"What surprise?" I breathed between kisses against his lips. Contrary to what he had planned, he didn't soften and told me, no, he just started laughing. Disappointed, I pulled away from him and crossed my arms over my chest again.

During this time, he took a glass from the cupboard and filled it with water: "You'll have to be patient a little longer. But you would find out much faster if you got dressed. As much as I like to see you in your underwear and my shirt, I'm not going to take you out in public."

He didn't have to tell me twice, I quickly ran upstairs to our bedroom. I took my red bikini and my blue summer dress out of the closet and went to the bathroom with them. After I had everything on, I put on my make-up discreetly and tied my hair in a high ponytail.

In a bag I packed two bath towels, sunscreen and a book. So I was ready for our trip with the yacht and his surprise.

"We're ready to go," I said when I was down the stairs in the living room. Max looked at me from his phone for a moment before he looked at it again and probably wrote to someone. After that, he stowed it in his swimming trunks bag.

"Then let's go," I took his hand without hesitation, "Otherwise you'll be bursting with curiosity. Hopefully they don't get that from you."

"Says the one who could hardly stand it the last few months until he knew the sex of the babies", luckily we could both laugh about it. But one thing is certain, our children would probably have nothing to do with patience, which will probably be exhausting years for us until they are out of the house.

We took the elevator down to the garage, where Max stopped in front of an unknown car: "Max yours is in the back, in case you can't remember. Plus, you're riding Honda and not Peugeot."

"From now on, at least as a family car. May I introduce Peugeot 5008, the perfect family car with a lot of comfort," I looked at my boyfriend puzzled. Because I had thought that we would go to the car dealership together, but Max had won and thus had a free hand in the family car.

"Why a Peugeot?", I was still confused, "Doesn't Honda have a suitable one?"

I looked at the Dutchman expectantly: "Your last car was a Peugeot, so I thought you would be happy about a new one. After all, you have to get by by car when I'm not there and you're out shopping."

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