Chapter 92

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Tired, I put my head on the table, I had just completed the challenge with Daniel and I had already done an interview with Lance. Only the latter had robbed me of some nerves. His father had not been in the room this time, but the Canadian was hesitant and probably did not want to say anything wrong.

"I didn't drive that bad," Daniel sat down next to me. He had kindly fetched me something to eat and drink. The rest of the group hadn't finished the interviews yet, so we were still alone.

I raised my head so I could look at him: "We were clearly too long at the fair yesterday." We were really there a bit too long, so we were only in the hotel after one o'clock and unlike the drivers I had to appear back at the track at 8 o'clock. So I had little sleep, which was hard to bear without Red Bull.

"We had a lot of fun for that, Mommy," I looked at him with my eyes tightened. He knew I hated it when he called me Mommy. That's probably why he kept doing it.

To my release, Lando and Carlos followed by Charles: "Well, mommy was a little late for you yesterday?" Lando also pulled me up, so I put my head back on the tabletop and sighed loudly.

"How often, don't call me mommy! I'm not a mother yet, and certainly not yours," I clarified. Even though I found my way around with the idea of soon holding two small worms on my arm, they did not have to constantly confront me with it.

The group just laughed at my reaction: "Luckily, because then Max would be our father." Daniel replied to my objection, which brought me to the brink of despair.

"Pregnant women are not annoyed! Not without me," Max had joined us with Pierre. Next to me, my friend sat down and wanted to give me a kiss, but in protest I turned my head off. I wasn't really angry with him, but a small punishment had to be.

Max didn't see it as such and instead kissed my head before turning to his food: "What are we doing tonight?" Since I was really tired, I just wanted to go to bed, but I didn't want to be a fun brake either. Just because I knew that Max would also cancel, but then the saving idea came to me.

"We have a team food, sorry guys. But I have to fit in tonight, I can do something tomorrow evening, if you still like", Max looked at me surprised. I usually let him know before the weekend when I had to do things with the team. But since there was no team food, I hadn't told him anything, which in turn made him suspicious.

"Too bad" it came from Dan, "Then we have to do something without mommy." It was definitely the right decision to sneak out of it, because I wasn't in the mood for Ricciardo's sayings. Which is why I ignored his comment.

"Where are you going to eat?", I had to swallow. While Max looked at me questioningly and would probably like to know more details, which made me sweat. When he started asking questions, he didn't stop until he knew every detail.

I shrugged my shoulders: "Don't tell Thomas, it's supposed to be a surprise. I just hope there's real food and not just the sea eat."

"Have you ever tried it?", I shook my head. Since I found the appearance too disgusting, I had never brought myself to try a shell or anything else.

Before Pierre could continue talking, his teammate interjected: "But you only go out to eat, don't you? No sports activities?"

"They were just talking about food and a surprise afterwards, no idea what it would be," how I hated lying to him. But I just wanted to be able to sleep in peace tonight, while Max should not miss out on anything. In addition, it was also good to have some time for yourself. I usually only had that when Max was training and most of the time I had to work during that time.

I loved Max, but it would definitely do me good to be alone and to deal with myself, luckily Max let go of it. He probably didn't believe me, but he hardly wanted to address it in front of the others.

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