Chapter 94

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At five o'clock in the morning, my ringtone had roused me from sleep as Jessi called me. Tired, I had put on a pair of pants and a T-shirt and sneaked out of the room, because I didn't want to wake Max up.

Downstairs at the reception my best friend was already waiting for me, who had looked quite destroyed, but who could blame her. She had a long drive after a breakup, of course she didn't look like she was fresh out of the shower.

Without saying anything, I took her in my arms and hugged her tightly: "It hurts so much." Her voice was only a breath, but I understood her more than well and unfortunately could also feel her pain. A broken heart was probably the worst pain you could have. Which is why I pressed her a bit more to me.

"It's going to get better, I promise. But let the pain out first, that helps," I tried to help her somehow. Nobody could really help, so she had to go through now. I wish I could have done more for her, but I could only show her that I was there for her.

When she calmed down a bit, I checked in for her and escorted her to her room: "Try to get some sleep, you've been driving through the night. It will be good for your body." But she just shook her head and sat upright on the edge of her bed.

"I don't want sleep, I can't now. All I want is to turn back time and save everything. But it's probably too late for that," tears welled up in her eyes. Watching her like that broke my heart too. I felt so powerless because I couldn't do anything.

Carefully, I sat down next to her and took her back in my arms, because I knew from my own experience that you didn't want to talk. Actually, they didn't want anything after a separation. Not to be alone, but somehow you didn't want company of people. It was all confusing and you didn't know what to do with yourself.

I kept her silent, even though I wanted to know what had happened. But I didn't want to push her, she should tell me when she felt ready. So at least I tried to give her the feeling that she was not alone in the world.

"I didn't want all that, I didn't want to lose him, Hanna," my best friend whimpered. Even though I didn't understand what she meant, I just hugged her even more.

"I," a sob left her lips, "I've felt so alone since you flew to Australia, and he was always in training. At least I thought he was always in training." That's all she needed to tell me, so I knew what had happened between the two. But I couldn't understand how the two of them had let it come to this. Would this happen to Max and me?

I quickly suppressed the thought, because now it should only be about Jessi: "Shhh, this will all be again. You may just need some distance and time. But everything will be all right, I promise."

She just lay crying in my arms until she fell asleep, only I couldn't sleep anymore, no matter how tired I was. I looked at my phone and realized that I would have had to get up soon anyway so Max and I could drive to the track. Only I didn't want to wake Jessi, because she needed sleep after yesterday.

Quietly I sneaked out of her room back to mine and Max, where I quickly wrote her a message that I had to leave, and she should just rest in the hotel today.

"How is she?" my boyfriend looked sleepily at me. He had frightened me slightly, because I had been somewhere else in my mind and had not noticed that he was awake.

I sighed, "How you feel when a long relationship comes to an end. You feel haphazard, alone and all to blame. She looks terrible, but sleep will do her good." I summarized the condition of my best friend.

"Come here," he stretched out his arms, "We both know the pain will pass. It never goes away completely, but you learn to forget it and live with it. The two are already fighting together again."

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