Chapter 115

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"Finally," I got out of the car and stretched once. Although we had made an intermediate stop, I still had the feeling that my legs were no longer quite there. They hadn't fallen asleep and yet it just felt a bit strange to queue, but good.

Max just laughed and came around the car: "Somehow I can't even imagine how you drove the route back and forth."

"I wasn't pregnant at that time either," I tried to explain it more to myself. Because even I could no longer imagine and explain it. Since it had only been a few months since I had ridden this twice a day, actually without any problems. Maybe it was something else if you drove yourself.

Together we went to the door that was all too familiar to me, where I pressed the bell. We hadn't announced our visit, so I was nervous not only about how my aunt reacted, but also about whether she was there at all.

"Hanna?" my aunt looked at me in surprise, "What are you doing here?" She was visibly happy, but at the same time couldn't really process the fact that I was standing in front of her door. Showing up unannounced wasn't really my style, but there was something about it. Just surprising his family.

"Check on my uncle and see how you're doing," I tried to be as calm as possible. It wasn't supposed to be a reproach or anything else, yet she seemed to have noticed a biting undertone.

But she probably didn't hold it against me, she just sighed: "He's in the hospital for chemo right now. But come in first, if you want something cool to drink, it's very warm."

Behind her we entered the house and took off our shoes, as it was a marble-like floor. My aunt had already disappeared into the kitchen to make us a drink. Max just followed me and didn't seem quite comfortable with the whole thing. As if we had broken in here. Admittedly, I felt that way too, because all my anger had fizzled out when I saw my aunt in the doorway.

"Do you want me to help you?" you could see how bad she was. You could see the lack of sleep in her, as well as the stress that had probably taken away her appetite. All in all, she was a shadow of herself.

Still, she shook her head and just led us out into the garden to the upholstery groups: "The weekend didn't go so well, did it?" She tried to distract herself from herself in order to avoid questions.

"There have been better ones," Max said curtly, "but it will be fine." He was definitely not over the result yet but tried his best not to let it show. Which didn't work for me, at least, I knew him too well for that. Which is why I briefly taking his hand and squeezed it, which had put a smile on my aunt's lips.

"And how are you? Your belly is getting bigger and bigger," she continued with her diversionary maneuverer. I also allowed it, because she probably didn't need to be confronted with her reality and worries.

Automatically, one of my hands had landed on my stomach: "I don't throw up anymore and the two of them are doing great according to the latest status. It's just that my clothes are getting tighter and tighter, probably not for much longer, and I have to put on these ugly maternity dresses." This elicited a laugh from both of them, I almost dreaded these clothes. I just didn't like the things.

"There are also many beautiful dresses that you can wear as a pregnant woman. You'll find clothes you like. In the beginning, larger numbers or shirts from Max will do the trick. Believe me, the dresses look much better once you've worn them and you've seen yourself in them with your belly. trust me," Anna-Marie was probably right. At least I trusted her, but I wasn't looking forward to not being able to wear my favourite clothes anymore. Who knows if I'll ever fit in again.

"Besides, you look adorable in everything," Max added, "even in a potato sack." I rolled my eyes at the last part. He always managed to make the romance fizzle out. But somehow, I Love that about him too.

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