Chapter 135

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"Earth to Hanna?" I flinched slightly. I hadn't noticed that Ralf had come into the cabin, I was too deep in my thoughts. Which is probably why I hadn't heard my colleague say anything to me.

He looked at me skeptically: "Do you want to tell me what you're racking your brains about so much that you stare out of the window and don't answer?" I hadn't told my team about the upcoming court hearing and the latest findings.

"Nothing important. I was just thinking about qualifying and how disappointed Max was," I tried to play it down. Max had also been really disappointed, even though he had finished fourth on the grid.

"And now the full truth," he must have seen right through me. He knew me better than I expected. But I didn't know if I should tell my team the truth, it still hurt to talk about it.

But they would find out anyway and then better from me than from the media: "After the race next week I have to fly to Austria. The court hearings for the sabotaged car are pending."

"That's good, then Max's crazy ex will finally go to jail and is no longer a threat to you and the little ones," he seemed almost relieved. Even if he hadn't said it directly, he too had been worried about what was now being seen in him.

"She's not the only one accused," he looked at me confused, "She had help. From my brother. He manipulated the brakes." I looked at him expectantly, but he just looked at me. Not a muscle moved, and his expression couldn't really interpret.

Since he didn't say anything, I got slightly nervous, which probably brought him out of his shock: "Come here, little one. You don't need it, your whole family doesn't need it. We are your family and will help you in any way we can."

Without hesitation, I let him pull me into a hug, where the pain came over me again. My heart and chest contracted, so I couldn't suppress my tears and sobs. It felt good that he and everyone else stood by me. But nothing made up for the betrayal of my brother and the whole family. It just hurt that I meant so little to them that they would accept my death so broadly.

"It's all going to be fine, I promise. I'll come with you, you won't have to go there alone," we both knew that I would never have had to go there alone. Max would never have allowed that, but I was grateful for any support.

I was afraid of what was said in the trial: "I'm just scared. Probably my whole family will be present and stand by my brother. They won't care that he could have killed me. Who knows, maybe they wanted to."

"They're not your family," he was still holding me close, "family doesn't do that. You protect and support you in a family, they are just people you once knew. We are your family and will always protect you no matter what, I promise."

"Thank you," my tears were sealed again. So I dared to break away from my colleague, who smiled encouragingly at me. We didn't have time for more words, after all, a race was waiting for us, which had to be commented on.

With my headphones on my ears, I took another deep breath, banishing my feelings and thoughts to the back of my head: "So a warm welcome from me and Ralf from the very warm Singapore to the Singapore Grand Prix."

Ralf and I talked briefly about yesterday's qualifying, then I rattled down the grid. After the anthem, it was time to go into the cars for the drivers and thus into the formation Lap.

"At least Charles doesn't have to worry too much about the tyres being cold again with the temperatures until everyone behind him has lined up again," it still felt like over 40 degrees. Even though our cabin had a cooling system, I was sweating in my chair.

Finally, even those at the back of the grid had arrived again and the lights went on: "As soon as the lights are out, it's time to go! A good start from Leclerc and Vettel immediately attacks Hamilton and wants to take 2nd place, but he can't get past."

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