Chapter 95

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I had made myself comfortable in Max's room, as he was still in a meeting and the lack of sleep took me more than I wanted to admit. With my eyes closed, I lay on his couch and had already dozed off slightly when the door was torn open.

As if struck by lightning, I straightened up and looked at the door, but it was not my boyfriend who was standing there, but his father: "Hanna! Excuse me, I didn't expect you here." I waved it off, because I never hung around here like that, I could understand him.

"I slept a bit too less and wanted to relax a bit before continuing," he looked at me knowingly. Max had probably told him about my spontaneous visitor and what was going on with her. At least that's what I could imagine, since the two were close.

Since I had sat down, Jos was able to sit down next to me: "When two friends break up, it's always hard. You want to be there for both of them, but in the end you always lose one of your friends. I know it sounds harsh, but that's life. People come and go, some stay longer and others only for a short time. That's life."

"So Max will go away, according to your theory", I knew that he didn't mean it that way and just wanted to build me up. Even if he probably wasn't the best at it. I appreciated that he at least tried.

"Hanna," it escaped him with a sigh, "I didn't mean it that way. I also once had friends who became a couple and after their separation, only he remained in my circle of friends. She didn't want to have anything to do with me anymore because she thought I was on his side, but there was no side for me."

My gaze lingered on the wall opposite me: "It's not fair. They have decided to become a couple and cheat on each other. Why should I be the one who is supposed to suffer and lose one of them?"

"Life is not fair," he probably was right. At least it's never been my life. Was it too much to ask that it should be quieter. Just to have no drama and to live a boring monotonous life without sorrow and worries?

My mood had definitely reached the bottom of the track and I was just tired. Tired of the little sleep and my life. I could expect the summer holidays to come, which Max and I would probably spend together somewhere by the sea. He didn't want to tell me where exactly, but he didn't want to fly too far because of the babies. From my point of view, we could also stay in Monaco, after all, it was also very nice there and we were able to experience a lot there and swim in the sea. But Max probably thought that you had to go away on vacation, while I was used to staying at home.

We hadn't been poor, but my father didn't like the sea or flying, so we mostly stayed at home or went on holiday somewhere in Switzerland. Even though I would have liked to go further afield, especially in my teenage years, I had gotten used to it to a certain extent. In addition, I now have a job where you were on the road all the time, so some time at home would be very nice.

The door opened again and this time the young Dutchman came into the room: "Has anyone died? The atmosphere in here is even worse than at a funeral." I looked at Max in warning, which is why he raised his hands defensively.

Before he could say another saying, because he would regret afterwards, my cell phone giave a ring tune. Without much desire, I took it out of my pocket and went to Whats App to read my message.

It was a message from Jessi, she had just woken up and wanted to know if she should come to the track or if I would be back soon. Since we still had a training session ahead of us, she decided to come, which I thought was not such a good idea. Even though she was a nobody to the people here, there were photographers everywhere taking pictures of me and Max. If she were on the road with me, she would also be photographed, which I don't find so ideal in her condition. But she didn't want to stay alone in the hotel.

Do you belive in forever?     (Max Verstappen)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin