Chapter 112

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The first training session wasn't really interesting, which was just fine with me. My thoughts were somewhere else. In Switzerland with my uncle, who was probably in the hospital for chemotherapy. Jessi had told me last night, which she only learned because of her mother, who in turn knows it from my uncle's neighbour.

The fear of losing him was great, after all, he was always my biggest supporter. At the same time, however, there was an anger in me that I had to experience it this way and not from him. He could die and didn't think it appropriate to tell me.

"Do you want to tell me where your thoughts are today? Because they're not here on the track," Ralf next to me looked at me invitingly. His gaze was stern, like that of a father who had caught his child doing something stupid.

It was hard for me to talk about it, but I guess I needed advice from an elder, so he was perfect: "My uncle has cancer... Jessi is currently in our hometown and found out about it from her mother. Why didn't he tell me? We've only just seen each other."

"I wish I could tell you that everything is going to be fine. But I can't do that anymore than he can. He certainly doesn't want to burden you, especially after before last week. You're pregnant and you're going through enough. A father, or in your case, an uncle, would do anything to protect his child, even hide such things. How's Monaco going?" he tried to explain to me.

"Actually good," I said truthfully, "Only... I miss my homeland, sometimes. Just at night before falling asleep, there I knew every corner and felt safe even at night. It's nice in Monaco and I already know my way around. But it's not the same feeling."

"Nothing and no one can replace your homeland. Missing it is normal, you can't do anything else so far. To be honest about your homesickness never goes away completely, you learn to deal with it. There are always moments when you want to go back, to the familiar and familiar. But one day you realize that everything has changed there too and the place you loved so much no longer exists. That's life. But more important than the place is the person you live with," he smiled faintly at me. I hadn't realized that I had started crying easily.

I loved Max without question, but at times the price was a bit too high for me: "I love him, really much..."

"But you miss your family. That's okay and that's the way it should be. Even if your family has not always been easy, they stand for what is known and safe, Max is the unknown future and that scares you at once. Especially when you get a message like the one from your uncle. Nobody knows what tomorrow will bring, but you'll never be alone again," he hugged me tightly. It didn't come close to my father's rare hugs, but it still reassured me.

I smiled up at him: "Thank you for your advice and to listen."

"Not for that," he replied, "I'm always there when you need me."

"There's something else... When Max and I got my last things, my father gave me a letter from him. I haven't read it yet," I bit my lips nervously.

Ralf had let go of me, but still looked me firmly in the eye: "I can't tell you what to do. But truth be told, you should read it before it's too late. As I said, no one knows what tomorrow will bring. Knowing you, you'd regret it if you didn't, and it was too late." He was right.

If only because the letter didn't let me go, I should open it. It was a letter and not a bomb, so what was going to happen.

I thanked them before we went to the canteen. This time I wanted to eat with my team, because I had neglected them a bit. Even though they didn't do it for me, I felt guilty towards the team.

Next to Ralf, I had taken a seat opposite Leon: "Misses Verstappen does us the honour of eating with us." Of course, it was just fun, and he wanted to tease me, but I knew there was a spark of truth in his words.

Do you belive in forever?     (Max Verstappen)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant