Chapter 30

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"Blood pressure is a bit low, but it's not uncommon by young women, she probably didn't drink enough. Apart from her already recognized injuries, she don't have someting else", Ralf was content with that. He had really stayed and had taken care that I had done the investigations.

We would like to say thank you briefly before we left the medical Center: "What did I say? Next time we can also save time and prefer some food. Speaking of food, if you don't mind, I'd love to get a sandwich now." The fact that I was still slightly snippy was due to my generally bad mood.

This weekend should have been the most beautiful thing for me, now it was just a nightmare and should finally be over. Unfortunately, however, the weekend had only just begun and would last two more days, during which I would sooner or later run Over Max again.

"What happened to you?" asked Sebastian. I had just passed the Ferrari Motor home and, to my chagrin, both drivers were sitting out with other people from the team.

I had lost Ralf shortly after the medical center, because he was recognized by someone and talked to him: "Because of Ralf, I was allowed to spend almost my whole lunch break in the medical center and have me examined. Now I only have half an hour to get something in my stomach. I also received a nice letter from the police calling for a donation."

"How much do they want?" asked Seb. He probably knew the fines from Switzerland a bit and could probably imagine how much I had to pay. Actually, I always thought it was good when the tickets hurt, because after all, they should make you never do it again. But now I only found it painful, but I couldn't complain, because it had been my own fault.

Gritting my teeth, I looked at the German: "7'000Fr and three months of driving license withdrawal." With big eyes, older Ferrari drivers looked at me, while the others didn't understand a word. Nevertheless, Charles had looked back and forth between Seb and me.

"What is so shocking?" asked Monacan. Before I could enlighten Charles, Seb had already done it. The eyes of the young driver and the other Ferrari team members became big, so they probably did not know such a sum.

Sighing, I looked at the group: "Whatever, I finally want to get something to eat. See you." I raised my hand to say goodbye before making my way to the canteen, a little less frustrated.

"Hanna waits!" I turned again towards the Ferrari building. From there Charles approached me, I knew exactly what was coming. Actually, I had hoped that he would let it be easy and not address me to it.

Since I didn't want to be rude, I waited until Monacan had arrived: "Because of Max, I was with him yesterday..." I didn't let him talk, because no matter what was to come, I just didn't want to hear it. I just wasn't in the mood and wanted to focus on my job. In addition, I finally wanted to get something to eat, because I was starving.

"Not now, I haven't eaten anything yet and the break is soon over. We can talk after training, but please let it be now," I pleaded with him. You could see that he was with him, but then he complied with my request.

He nodded to me: "Good, but after training I really want to talk to you. Probably the others want it too, because it's not too late if you want to." I didn't want to hear anything like that now, it would just make me think and at the moment I should be able to focus on my job.

"I will wait in front of your motor home, promised. But now I have to calm my stomach, because I are starting to get a bitch, when I'm starving," I just let him stand. My stomach had waited really long enough, and now I wanted to redeem it.

In the canteen, in took a salami sandwich, I also took the next can of Red Bull, even if it might not have been the best idea after my seizure before with the tremor. But I didn't worry about it anymore, because it was probably more about too low blood pressure and therefore caffeine was rather good.

As I go back, I devoured my sandwich as if I hadn't had anything to eat for light years. That it probably didn't look so nice for my fellow human beings I didn't really care, I had almost no time and my stomach had to be filled until I sat in my armchair again. So, I really didn't care about the aesthetic, if people were to look away if it didn't suit them.

Satisfied I arrived at the building with our cabins, where I also went in. Downstairs it had the toilets, which I used now. Since there were few employees working in the races, I was also the only one who was in this room. So, I didn't have to wait and wait a long time for what I really liked.

Always taking two steps at a time, I climbed the stairs up to our cabin, which was pretty much in the middle. After that language was divided, we had the colleagues of RTL and ORF (RTL is the German free TV Chanel and ORF is from Austria) next to us. The Swiss colleagues were again next to ORF, but I had nothing to do with any of them. You greet each other when you saw each other, but you couldn't do more.

There was nothing from Ralf in our cabin, so I made myself comfortable with my mobile phone. I ignored the messages from Victoria and pretty much everyone else who had now stood up. I should have my head empty so that I can only focus on what is happening on the track, but this is probably easier said than done. No matter what I did, I was constantly reminded that yesterday I had to suffer the biggest defeat of my life. For the rest of my life, I'd rather just comment on the summaries than be served off by Max, but now I had to live with his rejection.

"Still angry at me?" I was surprised to see my expert next to me. Ralf had sat down next to me and presented me with another Red Bull can, which was supposed to serve as an excuse.

I smiled slightly at my expert and shook my head: "No, it was just lovely meant by you. I'm also sorry for the way I've ticked you. The week was just horror, so I was in a bad mood that I had let on you out. Next time, I'll stick a post-it on my head with a warning, so you're warned."

Ralf once pulled me by my shoulders, and he had probably forgiven me for a long time: "Don't worry, I know myself with teenagers, after all I raised one myself. But a warning would be really nice next time." I had to laugh slightly, because Ralf sometimes really felt like my dad behaved, and sometimes it really felt like that.

"Thank you, but I keep the Red Bull," I clarified. Amused, Ralf just shook his head because he couldn't understand my dependence on the drink. Actually, I didn't understand it myself, but this energy drink was just too good.

With a new can in my hand and the headphones on, I was just waiting for us to go on air. By the way, I'm going to get statistics on Vettel, Hamilton and Bottas. The sheet with the information about Max, I had stowaway and hoped that I would not need it.

By midday, the temperature had dropped sharply, and clouds were now covering the sun. In my hurry, I hadn't noticed this before. Shortly I checked the weather so that I was also informed if rain was still coming. Unfortunately, this would not be the case. Rain would have just matched my mood, but God's probably enough the gloomy mood with the clouds was enough.

When the signet sounded, I took a big sip from my can: "Welcome back also from our side, Hanna Gasser and Ralf Schumacher. As you can see, thick clouds have risen, but we won't see rain, according to the weather report. Nevertheless, the lower temperatures and the wind could cause spectacle or what do you mean Ralf?"

While Ralf is now addressing the spectators, I leaned back a little and took another strong sip from my can: "Bottas had only the fifth fastest time this morning, he probably wouldn't have been satisfied with it, even if it was only a workout. What will we see of him and can Ferrari convince in the afternoon as well as this morning with the fastest and third fastest time?"

I had made myself comfortable and put my legs on a small stool under the desk, which Ralf noticed now and couldn't resist a slight laugh: "Excuse me ladies and gentlemen, but Hanna made herself very comfortable next to me with a Red Bull can in his hand, which looks hilarious. But back to your question, even if it's just training, the riders have the ambition to drive the fastest lap. Valtteri will have certainly looked at this morning's rides and seen his mistakes, which he now wants to improve."

When the cars went out, my position wasn't so comfortable anymore, and I took my feet off the stool. My box was already empty, so I could now devote my attention to the screen.

Hamilton was the first to offer us a little show when he turned. His team-mate followed him a short time later, neither Hamilton nor Bottas hit anywhere, so that the cars did not suffer any damage in their pirouettes. Charles's car had taken damage to the radiator without crash, so the Monacan was able to get out of the car after an hour. But that was actually the highlight of the second training.

"This also ends the second free training. Bottas has made up for his time this morning with the fastest time, but Hamilton seems to have had more trouble with the new controls. Sebastian Vettel could easily keep up with the Mercedes, while Leclerc is difficult to judge. Officially, he has the seventh fastest time, but it is not really meaningful. Verstappen has moved into the top three, could we see a very tight qualifying tomorrow?" I tried to sum up all in all.

When Ralf had said his part, we said goodbye for today and were able to go into the evening. Because my mouth was so dry, I took my water bottle out of my backpack.

Ralf looked at me surprised: "You also drink water? Thought you only know Red Bull. Probably they can finance Toro Rosso with your annual consumption alone." Ralf immediately joked about my high Red Bull consumption.

"If that's the case, I want them to rename their team in Hanna Racing. Now that I'm thinking about it, it wouldn't be cool. A Formula 1 team named after me. Maybe I should talk to Helmut Marko about it", Ralf could only laugh and shook his head.

He didn't seem as convinced of my idea as I was: "Leave that dear, Hanna Racing isn't exactly a good name for a racing team now." I raised my eyebrows and looked at Ralf better.

"Oh, and Mercedes is the better women's name for a racing team? But be right that with the name I really should leave. Would be a bit weird by commenting, if I always had to speak Hanna Racing," I gave up the idea myself. Instead, I started packing my notes, but I wasn't in a hurry. Charles would certainly have to give interviews and I didn't want to stand around and wait in front of the Ferrari Motorhome.

Ralf did the same to me and collected his leaves: "Are you going to eat with the drivers again, or can we enjoy your company again?" I almost had a bad conscience, as I mostly spent my free time with the drivers and saw my team only at work. But in every other profession it was no different, you didn't hang out with your twice as old employees in your spare time in an office job. With us the difference was that we were always on the journey and had no family and friends with us.

"I'm meeting Charles and some other drivers right away, I'm probably going to eat with them again, sorry. But tomorrow evening I will be promised dinner with you," Ralf wank ab.

I closed my backpack and was ready to go: "Don't do anything, it's better for you if you can talk to people your age, we all understand that. Then have fun and until tomorrow, except you can still see yourself in the hotel."

"Yes, you see yourself and apologize to the others. Tomorrow I will really be there. By", so I left the cabin and the building in the direction of the Ferrari Motorhome.

Did it also snowing by someone of you? Since yesterday it does snowing again by me and because of that I'm back in the Christmas mood :)Thanks for all votes, comments and reads-Xxx Fabi 

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