Chapter One

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Hi. My name is Alice Abbott and I sincerely hate love. All love has ever done is disappoint me constantly. The only consistent thing I experienced was inconsistency and experiencing all of that again is nowhere near my future goals. My twin brother Alex is a Pre-school teacher. He always had a knack for finding the good things in life despite all the bad. He has always been a light in all of my darkness. How he managed to find lasting love in this fucked up place we call our home, I will never know. He has been living with me for as long as I can remember. We are quite the wealthy family. The wealthiest in the country in fact. Hauntlyville is home and yet it does feel broken sometimes. When I say that my brother lives with me, I mean that we both live in the east wing of Scarlet Castle. My mother and father stay in the west wing of course. My mother, Lenore has always been a therapist. She is one of the most manipulative and calculating women I have ever met and that is also the reason why I dreamt of becoming a therapist too. My current occupation now actually. Father, however, is a doctor. Dr Ryan Abbott who can do no wrong. According to his colleagues perhaps. We are something of a peculiar family to such mundane individuals as the common folk. Both mother and father insisted on Alex doing something more worthwhile in his life like becoming an axe murderer or even an aspiring author. Anything to stop him from the agitation and exhaustion the amounts of children can bring at schools. I say that the adults are more exhausting than the children themselves. That brings me back to the start of my train of thought. I hate love. The time and effort with being such a wonderful girlfriend, only to date god-awful boyfriends who deserve to be set on fire. Now there is a thought. That is the only way to get a coward to admit their stupidity in their behaviour. Oh, poor Anthony Miller The plans I have for your unfortunate self. Setting him on fire would only be an act of kindness after all of the things he did to me. How could people be so miserable that they do everything and anything in their power to make everybody around them miserable too? Problem is misery makes me productive; anger makes me intuitive and putting them together makes me wondrously efficient. Mother and father are proud of my projects. Every project has a meaning a reason. They tried to ruin my life. So I simply executed the consequences and sped up the inevitable. Sitting here, all comfortable in my bathtub. Bubbles, alcohol and reliving past memories always go so well together. I just declared that love is nothing to me after it tried to kill me more than once. But there is nothing more tiring than sitting at the dinner table listening to the joys of children or the love in his relationship that Alex preaches about every night. Whilst mother is polishing off the liquor and father is concerned with the latest patient he got to cut open. (Mother): Alex dear, if you continue with the latest for much longer, your food will be so cold that the servants might as well eat them in the inevitability of indigestion Oh, mother. You always had such a way with words. Alex starts eating immediately. Alex has been in a committed and loving relationship with his boyfriend for what feels like a century. Or at least it just feels like he has spoken about it for that long. Mother cares more about deep dives into the minds of her patients and father about how many dead bodies he got to witness in a day. I, however, care about my delightful projects that keep me calm. That is just my hobby on the side. Being a therapist is somewhat enjoyable as well. The mind is a precious thing and at the same time I help them, they are helping me understand how fucked up some people can treat others as if they mean absolutely nothing at all. Mostly in the case of lovers or relationships. How do you constantly hurt someone who does nothing but love you? Is it pleasurable? Seems sadistic or misogynistic. That questions are one of the things that fuels my temper. Then being able to break the minds of those who tried to break mine it has such a special feeling to it. I walk down the stairs to my favourite section of the castle. Is the basement floor level too cliché? Do I really give a shit about whether or not that is true? Answer no to both, thank you very much. I turn on the light and there they are. All of the cages have been cleaned and painted all pretty. There you are. You malevolent scum. Scum of the earth I would say, if I were trying to be more dramatic than I usually am. (Anthony): What the hell, Alice? What is all of this? I caress his cheek and cant help but smile. You are about to have the worst time of your life you soul-sucking moron. After everything that you did to me, you have the nerve to ask what you are doing here. It is taking everything in me not to erase this bastard right now. (Alice): It is really simple. I am going to torture and kill everyone who joined you in trying to hurt me and praise you. Then after you have watched all your friends and family suffer then die Ill kill you Just my favourite kind of project. You deserve everything that will be coming to you mister. Maybe then if your mind does not crack first, your neck will. 

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