Chapter Eleven

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So it has been two maybe three months and Alex has been begging me to go with him for wedding planning things. I could think of worse ways to spend my day so I thought why not? I think my anger had changed so much that it went from anger, to sadness, to anger, to hatred, and now it feels numb. After my breakdown about Alex and what will happen once he gets married, these few months have been very helpful in accepting it instead of fighting it. (Alex): Are you ready? We are in the limo on the way to one of the many stores that Alex needed to go to. (Alice): I get some cake, some wine and some food tasting. I think I am ready He laughs as he knows that despite my sarcasm, I dont need an excuse to indulge in delicious things. Even if they are towards the idea of a wedding. Ugh. We are seated in a private area of the store where nobody will randomly show up and make a scene. Everybody in Hauntlyville is obsessed with the Scarlets and the Abbotts, especially to hurt them in order to gain access to the royal family jewels, etc. Honestly, they should be more afraid of us than the other way around. The adorable young lady puts down a few plates and each of them have slices of cakes. We have Victorian sponge cake, red velvet cake, sticky toffee cake, vanilla cake, chocolate and coffee cake, mint chocolate cake, and a raspberry with white chocolate cake. Gross one at the end, in my opinion. (Alex): What is the difference between vanilla cake and the Victorian sponge cake cause it looks a bit similar As the young lady explains it, a vanilla cake has more milk than a sponge cake but has fewer eggs. So, they are more dense but moist compared to a Victoria sponge cake. Something about the sponge cake has separate layers with buttercream, jam, ganache, or some fresh cream. (Alice): I mean, if it isnt chocolate cake then what are we doing here? (Alex): They all taste so good. I cant decide! (Alice): You can have all of the flavours if you have cupcakes layered on a stand to look like a cake (Alex): What would Vaughn and I cut into then? (Alice): Have a separate mini cake to cut into for pictures. But you need to choose one flavour for that at least Alex looks up at the young lady and smiles. He clearly has made his decision. (Alex): Raspberry and white chocolate sounds perfectly elegant! Not a fan of the idea but at least there will be a cupcake that I like. We head back to the limo because we have to go wine tasting and to be honest, I remember trying over fourteen different red wines, eight white wines, and four champagnes. We were only allowed to have sips but all of it combined has me wondering what else we did there. All I know is that we are on out way to the menu tasting place but Alex is panicking. (Alex): Driver! Can we change our route? He hands him the address and I am even more confused. We are going somewhere else? (Alice): Whats going on? (Alex): I was supposed to fetch the list of what Vaughn saw that he liked so that I could confirm if I like them too! But I forgot to fetch it and we cannot do the food tasting without it! (Alice): You could just write down the names of all the food you like then compare notes? (Alex): No! Nope! We are already here. Lets go (Alice): Lets? I am coming with you? (Alex): Come on! We walk inside the castle but it is not as big as ours. You could call it a mini castle. Are castles allowed to be called mini? I mean, it is still a castle. Being drunk in the afternoon was not the way I planned to spend the day but I like it. It is hilarious because they are supposed to be rich but why call yourself rich if you live in a miniature castle? Even if the gardener seems to be doing a wonderful job out here in the gardens. I walk around whilst Alex heads up the stairs to find the important list that we cannot go menu tasting without. He is acting like a bit of a bridezilla today. *SCREAM* What the hell? Thats Alex. *BANG* I run up the stairs as fast as I can to get to the bedroom. *BANG* What the heck is going on? Luckily this place is so small that I found it. I walk into the bedroom, and I cant believe my eyes. There are two broken vases laying on the floor. Along with two bodies. Vaughn is naked and presumably dead based on the amount of blood surrounding his head. Laying next to him is another naked man who is definitely dead because you can see the fear plastered on a frozen facial expression. Something I have seen many times before. While Alex is standing above them with the angriest look in his eyes that makes me feel even more like his sister than I usually do. We are twins but, in this moment, I feel as if we look the most alike that we ever have our entire lives. Yay! (Alice): Could this be any more of a cliché? (Alex): Not now, sister (Alice): Loving and amazing boyfriend proposes to sweet and unsuspecting boyfriend. Only to find that boyfriend screwing someone else (Alex): We need to clean all of this up. We need to get back, so nobody has us seen here and we need to make sure this goes away quietly (Alice): No stress about that, brother. I am already on it I call my contacts that clean up these kinds of messes and they arrive within ten minutes as we walk out to the limo. We get in and on the drive home I just have all of this excitement built inside me. I wish I could have seen everything happening in action, but I am so happy! Also that the bastard is dead but mostly because he finally had his release that he needed. (Alice): You had your first kill! We need to celebrate! (Alex): Can we not? Alright. Grumpy face brother of mine is in shock. But I dont care what he says. We are definitely going to celebrate!

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