Chapter Eight

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Had a moment to feel sad yesterday, but like clockwork my anger always returns. I had no interest in making the time go slower with this case. (Alice): Case number five. Samuel Miller. Anthonys father. He supported all of the bullshit that everyone did to me, helped destroy the relationship, talked horribly behind my back and entertained his wifes slut-shaming. The sad part is he used to be supportive. But back-stabbing runs in your family so why not do it to the girlfriend nobody wanted around, right? Lets get to it Anthony is a bit out of it but he looks quite traumatised. Poor asshole. He has already watched seven of his close people be tortured and killed. Now dearest father is on the chopping block and he can barely find the strength to scream at me anymore. Hilarious. He has been crying. Who knew this reptile had a heart? Speaking of reptiles! I open a door that allows my sweetest and oldest friend through. (Alice): Anthony, and Mr Miller, meet my oldest friend. Mrs Scales (Samuel): Your oldest friend is a crocodile? (Alice): You have a family of snakes so we are not so different Mr Judgemental. Now, you know the reasons for me bringing you here and the fact that the only way you will leave here is in a body bag or disposed of (Samuel): Only if you free my son (Alice): Honey, we are nowhere near having a negotiation here. The respect and kindness went out the door when you called me a bitch to your sons face I believe the phrase went something like at least a bitch barks hello in English. I take one of my tools that looks like a knife but it is much sharper. (Alice): See this? Cuts through bone like a slow-cooked piece of meat. Want to see how it works? Watch *SCREAMS* I cut his sorry ass limb from limb and feed it to Mrs Scales. (Anthony): Are you done now? You have taken the lives of my friends and my family. You literally screwed my mind up for good. Isnt that what you wanted? Isnt that enough? (Alice): Isnt that enough? Every single time you needed me, I was there in a fucking heartbeat. When anyone you loved died or was sick, I was there to comfort you. When your own family didnt want you, I stood by your side. When you had a fucking cold and acted like you had been shot in the chest, I took care of you without any hesitation! But where were you? When every time I needed you? Out of all the painful moments that happened these last few years! Dont talk to me about things being enough. You just dont get it and never will because even when I was on my deathbed you couldnt even make a way to see me when you were only fucking fifteen minutes away! You deserve to watch all the people you love die! Cause loving you felt like watching myself die a thousand times as punishment! Never loving enough! Never good enough! Never important enough! The servants are alerted to put Mrs Scales away, to clean up the room and to feed that fool. I lay in the bath with bubbles, candles, and my favourite music playing. Thinking the night away as per usual. I killed them because without caring enough to realise it, they killed me. The person who I was before meeting any of them. The things that happened during my long-term relationships. Things I have seen that I can never unsee. Pain that I have felt that I might never manage to have unfelt. All of that can eventually kill the person you once were. But the person here today, she had a rebirth and getting rid of these bastards is just growing pains, baby! So, there is no reason to feel sad about what is done and dusted. Tony will get whats coming to him but he should be patient cause he is case number one and nobody deserves the all-star treatment like the favourite person, Anthony Miller. In two weeks time, it will be my fathers birthday and all he asked for was a peaceful candlelit dinner with the four of us in the dining room. At least we know weeks beforehand about what the expectations are instead of two or three days. Yet there are not as many details to go over. Father has always wanted us to cherish the small moments in life because life is already so big by itself. We should be grateful for all the little moments because sometimes they have a lot of meaning to them. I dont believe in any of that crap but that is the reason why father does not want anything crazy or huge for his birthday. He cares more about other people than himself and that is something I will never waste my time doing ever again. Caring more about others and neglecting myself was the biggest mistake. Or perhaps trusting them was? All I care about is doing what I want and taking what I want, whether everyone is happy with it or not. Think of it as a calmed version of a vendetta. Alex and I used to have our own projects growing up but he was always too afraid to do the final job. That was never me. Mother used to teach me the tricks of using a guillotine or how precisely you slice a blade to get a clean cut. I always enjoyed it and the thrill. These people are simply getting a taste of their own medicine that they intentionally tried to poison me with for years. Any inch of remorse does not exist whatsoever thanks to how cruel they wanted to be. Life goes on, my darlings. I am proud to say that abandoning the idea of the L words has given me more pleasure and peace than any relationship ever could. If you find yourself in a toxic relationship with someone who makes you feel like you die more every single day well, I am not saying you should dispose of them. Maybe just leave the relationship before you end up doing something you regret. Me on the other hand, young and sweet Alice Abbott I have different plans for these people who wronged me. They thought my happiness, sanity and soul was for sale. It never was but they are going to pay the price for trying to ruin me and my family. 

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